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Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Now, back to the story of Audrey Aw...
"And God spoke to me through Steven."
I've experienced God's words before. But I had always dismissed them as coincidences and probably just my imagination.
This time I felt it very strongly. When Steven told me not to feel unworthy of God's love, somehow I knew it was God talking to me. And I had not mentioned to Steven how unworthy I felt before. That was God's reply, so direct and clear. That day, God took the sense of unworthiness in me away and filled my heart with gratitude. I am grateful that God never gave up on me. I was the one who chose to give up on Him. I keep praying that God, please strengthen my faith in you. This time I will trust you with all my heart and I will not turn away from you anymore.
I am grateful that I have a friend in you, Steven. Thank you for leading me back to God. I think this is the greatest gift from a friend. Am forever grateful. On the day when you meet God, He will say to you "Well done my faithful servant!" :)
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
~Eric Matthew's monologue~
What is your testimony? Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need, like some people, letters of recommendation to you or from you? You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody. You show that you are a letter from Christ, the results of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. 2 Corinthians 3:1-3 As I was cleaning my room during Chinese New Year (I was too lazy to do it before that), I came across all the testimonies that I have received from school and military. Reading through them, I was flattered by all the beautiful remarks and recommendations that had been written about me. Yet, it did not take me too long to wonder if I am truly the great person that is written in all these testimonies. Many a times we look to others to define ourselves. We seek the regard and acknowledgement of others for our efforts, our abilities, our competencies, even, our personalities; we establish our sense of self-worth on things others say about us. Moreover, we take pride in all these praises and approvals, attributing all that is good to ourselves. But these testimonies were written by men and they only observed me when I was before them – probably when I put on my best performance, etiquette and attitude. What would God have written about me if He is the one to pen it? The Lord does not look at thing man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7 The Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct. Jeremiah 17:10 I suppose many of my supposed ‘good deeds’ and ‘great works’ would be nullified if my testimony had been written by God. Because many things that I did were to gain favor or show off my talents before men whom I thought as worthy - men who would write great things about me that satisfies my own pride and presents a favorable impression of me to others. If my mercy, love and righteousness comes from my corrupt mind and deceitful heart, then I’ll always have mercy but never merciful, always love but never loving, always upright but never righteous. I thank God for showing this major flaw that is hidden in me for too long. Brothers and sisters, I hope that every good thing that we do comes from the heart. Let us not perform and gain favor, let us not act and desire praises, but let all the good deeds that are done be true and honest. For all good that is done doesn’t earn us anything, but it gains glory for Him who teaches us to be such. Let us lead our lives in a way that when we see Jesus, the testimony that He writes about our lives will be one that is pleasing to Him.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
By Marie Helllo Lovely ones... been reading this book ''Streetwise Spirituality'' by Jim Thomas and there's this small portion that i wanna share with you guys..
Chapter 5. How can i learn to trust God more?
Part2. Leaving the Driving to Him.
At times when God seems unpredictable, and i can't figure out precisely what He is up to, Which way He is leading me, or why. I pray and then pray some more, hoping to gain some clarity. But sometimes, even when my world seems to be falling apart, heaven appears to be running silent. Isn't God listening? Doesn't God Care?Has that ever happened to you? If so, don't worry, you re not alone. There are many of us. We may have varying levels of anxiety and different things we like to control, but the problem is still the same.
We basically have difficulty trusting God because it means we have to let go of the steering wheel and leave the driving to Him.How should we handle our hesitancy and inability to trust God? That question remiinds me of a day in the life of Jesus disciples that is recorded for us in the fourth chapter of Mark's Gospel.The Fact is, all of us have to face some pretty scary stuff in life. Trusting God is not an option for us, it's a necessity! But as we look a little closer at the story of Jesus and the disciples out on the stormy sea, perhaps we'll see that trusting God is also a wonderful privilege that can set us free from living a life with anxiety.
yup yup.. indeed!! I ll go continue reading my book.. and i share with you guys more next time.. You guys have a great week and lets all CONTINUE TO TRUST IN HIM!! =) Smiles...
Saturday, February 24, 2007

Ever caught this movie? For those who didn't, it's basically about Adam Sandler, playing the not angry guy, learning to be angry through a series of seemingly unfortunate and random events, with Jack Nicholson as the hilarious anger management therapist, Dr. Buddy Rydell. This anger solves anger philosophy ends up with a small twist.
[from trailer] Dr. Rydell: Temper's the one thing you can't get rid of, by losing it.
Countless videos, self-help books and therapy sessions have been made to address this issue on anger management, and it is little wonder why.
Buddah said: "Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."
Confucius in his Analects said: "When anger rises, think of the consequences."
Malcolm X argues that "usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change."
Harriet Lerner in "The Dance of Anger, 1985" said "Anger is a signal, and one worth listening to."
"A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control." ~Proverbs 29:11~
Is anger a necessary evil? If so, what can we do about it? Find out more when you join us at German Centre@3:30pm later today and next Saturday in a series of lectures by Miss Pang, a leading expert on this critical issue.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Your Time Matters To God Ephesians 5:15-18 "Be very careful, then, how you live not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit."
Hey everyone, can I ask that you lend me a portion of your time as we look closely into this verse together? I assure you that it will not be a waste of your time, but instead, a blessed time as you allow the following 4 pointers to be invested into your spiritual "bank".
A. Examining Your Life "Be careful how you walk..." (v15) As we have entered into a new year, it will be good to take some time to reflect upon and do some introspection on the days that have passed... to see how your life was.
Was it revolved by things of the world and bound by circumstances... or was it rightly surrendered at His Throne? This verse speaks forth of the future, on how we should be careful to examine the things we do, we think and how we walk with God in our hearts.
B. Redeeming Your Time "Making the most of your time..." (v16) Making the most of our time and making the most of every opportunity. There isn't such a privilege of buying back time. All the things we have done or not done in the past... we shouldn't let that be constant obstacles and stumbling blocks in our lives, but instead, set our vision ahead and make the most of the time that's yet to come. And well, that very much translates to planning.
C. Determining Your Purpose "Understand what the will of the Lord is..." (v17) Actually when the will of the Lord was mentioned, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 immediately came to mind.. "to be joyful always, to pray continually... to give thanks in all circumstances... for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." Too often people get engrossed with finding the specific will of God for themselves... like what profession to be in, to marry or not to marry... that people tend to overlook the general will... something that all brothers and sisters in Christ are called to - to become more and more like Christ... and live just as how He's lived... to spread the salvation message.
That... ought to be the central purpose. To live as He's lived.
D. Establishing Your Priority "Be filled with the Spirit..." (v18) Being filled with the Spirit is to lead a life knowing that He's always there guiding and showing the way. But one thing He has left with us... it's our freedom of choice. We have the freedom to listen... freedom to obey... freedom to take action. The Holy Spirit's still there no doubt... but everytime we go contuary to what is to be done... we quench the Spirit. And that's where decisive action takes place I guess... that we don't wait for the sky to drop (like shouting Tian Ah...) but instead go forth after gettting reassurance and comfort from the Lord that He's always there. Taking initiative is something that I myself have to learn to grow in as well... not to let circumstances, whether good or bad, take you by the nose... but know that you have the power from On High to turn situations around. Woot!
Eskimo Wolf Hunters
Found an interesting article thought I would share with you guys... ------------------------------ According to tradition, this is how an Eskimo hunter kills a wolf.
First, the Eskimo coats his knife blade with animal blood and allows it to freeze. He then adds layer after layer of blood until the blade is completely concealed by the frozen blood.
Next, the hunter fixes his knife in the ground with the blade up. When a wolf follows his sensitive nose to the source of the scent and discovers the bait, he licks it, tasting the fresh frozen blood. He begins to lick faster, more and more vigorously, lapping the blade until the keen edge is bare. Feverishly now, harder and harder, the wolf licks the blade in the cold Arctic night. His craving for blood becomes so great that the wolf does not notice the razor-sharp sting of the naked blade on his own tongue. Nor does he recognize the instant when his insatiable thirst is being satisfied by his own warm blood. His carnivorous appetite continues to crave more until in the morning light, the wolf is found dead on the snow!
Many begin using drugs, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, or engaging in unsafe sexual behavior for the same reasons that the wolf begins licking the knife blade.
It seems safe and delicious at first, but it doesn't satisfy. More and more is desired, leading to a crisis or death.
Don't be fooled by the temptations of sin. Like the wolf, we can get away with it for a while. Eventually, however, its true character is revealed. Sin leads to death and destruction.
Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
By Timothy Goh
Hi all! Just a little news from down under! Uni life is starting today for both me and Calvin! A little rough start to our new life in campus but we’re alright. Anyway, just a little short passage that I wanted to share with everyone. I’m new at this kinda thing so please excuse my short little testimony.Matthew 6:5-6 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth; they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” While reading the book, Sermon on the Mount, by Sinclair B. Ferguson, this phrase was one that really struck me deep in my heart. If one was to know me well enough, they would call me a very boastful proud person who likes showing off. This is one of the things in life that I find very hard to change. This Sunday morning; the pastor in my church in Australia (Faith community church) was telling the congregation to join some ministries. As some people might know, I really enjoy playing the guitar and wanted to join the music ministry. However, as he was preaching to us, my mind kept thinking back about this phrase. I was questioning to myself, by signing up for this, am I doing this just for my own pleasure? Or am I doing it to serve the Lord. This was one question that really bugged me throughout the entire sermon. However, after listening more carefully, the pastor from FCC (Faith Community church) told us, that the Lord has commanded us to serve unto him as he has given spiritual gifts and talents for that very purpose. After listening to this, I knew very well that the Lord was sending me a message. He was telling me to serve him, but still be humble in what I do. And there you go! Both Calvin and I miss you guys! But we’ll see you again in June! We’ll try to send some pictures next time!
A story told by...AUdRey Aw "To be honest, every time Friday came, I hoped I could just fall asleep and wake up to Monday again."
For the first 2 weeks at WAC, I felt totally miserable. To be honest, every time Friday came, I hoped I could just fall asleep and wake up to Monday again. But somehow, some unknown force made me turn up. I'm not a new church-goer. However each time after I've been to church for a while I stopped going because I felt so out of place and I just couldn’t bring myself to trust God or anyone.
I know God was there watching over me all my life. Every time I thought I was a goner, He picked me up from the deepest pits and laid me on soft green grass so everything was wonderful again.
Example... When I was in secondary school, my parents were on so bad terms they nearly got a divorce. Dad was seldom home. Mum was always threatening suicide. And because of the quarrels, my results suffered badly. I didn't care about my studies and I was associating with people who were wasting their lives away. I was the bottom of my cohort for prelims. When the O levels came, I thought that's the end of me.
But ... I prayed everyday that things would get better and He answered my prayers. Not only did my parents become better, my O levels result was 13 points (23 less than prelims). I know it is definitely by God's grace that I passed because I didn't study for the exams. Likewise for my A levels, I did badly. But amazingly, I got a place in university. Still, I couldn't trust God because all my life I've locked myself in my own prison of hurts, unforgiveness and bitterness. I was too disappointed in the people closest to me and whom I respected the most.
The first weekends at WAC, I felt miserable. It wasn't because I felt out of place. But I could hear God asking me why I turned away from him. I was so filled with remorse and shame. I asked God. Why did you lead me back to you again? Are you sure you want me here? I'm so unworthy of you. I didn't trust you wholeheartedly and I've done so many wrong things which I cannot forgive myself of. I'm too undeserving of your love. I am so unworthy.
And then... God answered me through Steven.
To be continued... ...To be continued...
Wanna know what exactly God revealed to Audrey through Steven? Catch the second part of "Audrey's story" next Wed...
Sunday, February 18, 2007
ERIC's sharing... Every year on Chinese New Year’s eve, my family and I would head down to my grandma’s place for reunion dinner without fail. We’ve been doing that since I could remember. During my early childhood days, I was afraid of dining at the same table with so many adults. Usually, they would pop a couple of questions and my response would either a) to smile and turn away or b) to dig into my food more and let the question pass by. I never really got comfortable chatting with them during those early years. Reunion dinners seem to be more like an ‘I’m a shy boy’ experience more than anything else. Years went by and I became a restless and indulgent adolescent. At times I found this ‘routine’ to be a chore and never really appreciated having reunion dinner together with my (extended) family. I would hurry through the meal and glue myself to the television and rejoice when my parents decide it’s time to return home. Things changed a little though when I became 16 (after the ‘O’ levels). I started working and it seem as though my uncles and aunts had a little interest in what I was doing. Being the over-zealous and boastful adolescent, I would be eager to share with them my work experience, the income I was getting and practically anything I could brag about. It felt as though I had ‘earned’ the right and ‘transited’ into the adults’ realm and found a niche within that circle. Reunion dinners took on a new meaning – a time to brag about something or anything. This would be the pattern for the following couple of years until the nation decides that it’s time I put on green and become a man. Given the limited time I had with them, the harsh and puff of trainings, I mellowed and started (only a little though) to really enjoy reunion dinner for what it is – reunion.
2006 came and I was into the final days of my service term. Cry as we might, beg as we could, but the nation recognized that it needed a standby force during the CNY period and my company was given (or shot with) the arrow to undertake this mighty task. We were to stay in for 7 days straight from a day before CNY eve all the way until the 5th day on the lunar calendar. Reunion dinner wasn’t exactly on my mind – I just didn’t want to be trapped in there! Well, we did have considerable fun though. There were a couple of prayer meetings and worship services conducted by my 2IC, Cpt Tan, but regrettably, I never attended any of those even though the invitation was for everyone (I was still a non-believer back then). But these mates seemed to be really enjoying themselves and it’s as though the presence of God more than made up for the physical separation from families.
Few months down the road and I’ve been discharged from service and it’s all about inoculating back into the civilian world. Things weren’t really great but I never knew what was to come will change my life entirely. My grandpa would fall terribly ill in June and then my grandma in October. When my grandpa first got admitted into the hospital, I knew not why, but the first thought that came to my mind was – am I going to have a reunion dinner that involves everyone? It was quite out of the way, but this thought was the first that flooded me. From then, just before I fall asleep on most days, I would wonder about how CNY in 2007 would be. I wasn’t around in 2006 and I dearly wished that in 2007, everything would still be the same old routine. We’ll be glued to the television at about 6 and our parents would need to scream, shout and literally drag us out of the house and head down to our granny’s place for reunion dinner. At the dinner, there will be some awkwardness initially, but some conversation would be struck gradually. My granny would be her usual busy self, cooking, washing, hurrying here and there to make sure everyone gets well fed. Everything would just be like last year, the year before, and the year before……
When my grandpa passed away in October, I knew the chance for me to have a reunion dinner with everyone was gone. About 2 months later, my granny would, too, pass away and it seems like the chance is not only gone, but reunion dinner would never be the same again… At times I’ve struggled and came close to tears as I tried to accept the fact that I’ve missed the last opportunity to have reunion dinner with my entire family in 2006.
Fortunately, Jesus found me and led me back to the Father. Even though my grandparents are no longer around, the reunion dinner pattern would never be the same anymore, but the love of the Father has come into my life. And that love surpasses all the disappointment, hurt or even regrets that I may harbor within me for failing to make it for the reunion dinner in 2006. I also want to thank God for my granny’s salvation – though she’s not feasting with us now on earth, she’s feasting with the Lord in heaven. I even thank God for the salvation of my family – for now I have something to look forward to: the day when all of us will be in heaven together with the Lord and feasting together with Him.
Let us not forget to witness to our relatives even during this festive season. Though it may seem inappropriate and perhaps even undesirable (since persecution is bound to follow), but let us not kid ourselves in this temporary joy of CNY. For we know this joy is short-lived and the only true joy that lasts forever is the one that can only be found when we are with God. Continue to pray for our loved ones, so that we may all worship the Lord together in heaven and participate in the reunion that has no separation for ever and ever.

We have been learning about the tremendous Power of Choice lately.
How have you been taking it all in?
I hope you have been blessed as we learn to make Godly-honouring choices EVERYDAY!
We did not have Youth Fusion meeting on the Saturday which just passed, but I've got something GOOD in store for you!
(Better than my favourite PINEAPPLE TARTS man! Hehe!)
I have "INVITED" A.W. Tozer, one of my favourite writers to share with us! CHECK THIS OUT!!!
It is a bit long...BUT!
Friday, February 16, 2007
Please take note that there will be NO youth meeting this week. Enjoy your reunion dinner with your family! :)
See ya on this sunday at 8.30am or next sat! ;)
Thursday, February 15, 2007
His Word, Our Light Psalm 119:105
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."
Have you ever jogged in a park during the night?
This verse came about in the midst of a night jogging session.
Was jogging along the park when the light emitting from the side lamps caught my attention. Each lamp is spaced out, equidistant from each other, ensuring that the entire jogger's path is being lit up at night.
Somehow, the darkness that lurks beyond the lighted path seem rather tempting... tempting enough for people with the "adventurous" and "rebellious" streak to veer off course.
The row of lamps and the lighted path remains there, lighted in the midst of the darkness that surrounds, beckoning to those who've ventured away.
Some perhaps will grow tired... or perhaps even scared... that they decide to turn around and return to the lighted path, no matter how dim the light has become due to the distance.
Some run on and on... until they realise that all that surrounds is complete darkness. There comes a point where directions and bearings are lost.
Thank God that there's no such a thing as venturing too far out... less He comes again.
The first shall be the last... the last shall be the first... Even if one chooses to believe just a second before He comes, His Word promises that salvation comes.
Cheapo? No... Such is the grace of God.
Whenever you go on a night jogging, may it not just be a time you exercise and sweat it out, but a blessed time in the presence of God as He reveals His truths to you even as you jog. :)
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Self-centered? God-centered? Written by Tiffany
What matters to us more? God or things? . When we are into making a decision, who did we think about the most? God or ourselves?
Before I became a Christian, I have to admit that I’m a very self-centered person; even my parents think that I am one too. I will be always trying to make myself happy and satisfied with everything that I decided and did. Whatever choices or decisions that I have made, it will always be for my own sake.
After I accepted Christ, things started to change gradually. Praise God! When being a Christian, I know that there is someone else whom I need to think of before making that decision. Moreover, there are also things that I know that I have relied upon God for leading the way and making the decisions.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; in all ways acknowledge Him, and he will make plans straight." -Proverbs 3:5-6
Gradually, I turn myself to God in more decision making as I believe God has great plans ahead for everyone.
And through my QT, I also know why sometimes we are still making decisions in our own ways (including myself), because we have not yet fully trust God. I have to admit that sometimes I still follow my own feelings, temptations and influences around, leading me into making wrong decision.
I believe that because we are still living in this world, that’s why there is always a possibility of getting influences by friends and the living world, which cause us to have wrong choices and decision.
So I believe that before in making any decisions, pray to God for guidance and rely upon Him in making the decisions for us.
"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation" -Matthew 26:41
To prevent from falling into making wrong decisions due to influence/temptations, everyone have to be even more God-centered, and pray to God every time when u need to make a choice or decision.
"No temptation has seized you except that is common to Man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it" - 1 Cor 10:13 -
I just want to thank God for everything that He has done for me. I want to thank God for being so faithful even at times I fell into temptations which cause me to make wrong decisions. And I want to thank God for forgiving me for all the wrong decisions that I've made due to my self-centeredness. And God is always there for me, constantly reminding me about the decision made and not to fall easily to temptation in the living world.
So Lord, I want to thank you for saving me back from the temptations in this living world and also your guidance in making choices in my life. Praise God. Thank You Lord.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Do we REALLY love God? written by Priscilla God loves us. This is real love. 1 John 4:9-10 This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
“O, the Bible! To be sure, it says a great many things; but, then, nobody ever thinks of doing them.”
All men fall short to the glory of God. Yet, while dealing in anger for our sins, we are forgiven by the grace of God. Learning to trust in God is a process, and along the journey we begin to understand more and more about His character. As we walk out this adventure with God, our lives are filled with opportunities to take steps of faith, often requiring us to face the uncertain and the unknown.
Let us show our love to God by OBEYING Him!!! John 14:21 Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me.
THIS IS A PROMISE FROM GOD Romans 8:39 Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Monday, February 12, 2007

Have you read the super-long entry by Calvin?
I was totally stunned.
Inside my heart, I just knew that was what exactly God wants to tell us.
ALL of US in Youth Fusion.
For those of us in Matchstix, 2006 was truly amazing.
We saw so much happened.
But as I pray, I hear some...growling.
And I find myself asking ONE QUESTION:
I waited for the answer to come.
I thought it would be a statement...but it was not.
It wasn't a statement.
It was a question.
that sounds so true.
What do I want God to do?
friends saved?
families saved?
great numbers added to MATCHSTIX and the SEC SCH PEEPS?
What do I want?
My dear brother and sister...the wind of the Spirit is blowing once more.
I believe it is by NO MISTAKE or CHANCE that God brought us to think about these:
1. "I have a plan for you."
2. "You gotta respond."
3. "But first, know Me intimately."
4. "Hunger for your God. Do not be a fool and live for yourself, anymore."
5. "I gave you the POWER OF CHOICE. Now, you choose."
I can feel it. There is a soft and gentle voice speaking in your heart and in mine.
You can hear it.
What do you want in 2007?
Let's make no mistake about it.
God DESIRES revival more than us. MUCH MUCH MORE.
But He is waiting.
For us. For me.
For you.
What do you really, really...WANT?
Sunday, February 11, 2007
By Calvin As I was reading through “Driven By Eternity” written by John Bervere, something that he asked struck me deep in my heart. Have we really sought God earnestly? Have we really planted ourselves and Are we entangled by the worldly things?
As I was reading through the book during my own quiet time, I came upon Chapter 11, “God’s Custom House”. In this chapter, he was telling us about the house that the Lord our God wants to build his house using us. But are we ready to assist him in building his most MAGNIFICIENT and WONDERFUL house?
MY DEAREST BROTHERS AND SISTERS, GOD WANTS TO USE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US. May it be that we are from different upbringings, different personalities or even different life experiences, God wants to use us. He wants to use us to MULTIPLY his kingdom, but than the CHOICE now falls on whether we CHOOSE to fulfill his desire or to fulfill our very own desire.
"Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. "(Psalms 127:1) Indeed, it is only when we truly follow in the Holy Spirit than are our works fruitful. For if we were to do the works by our own strength, our works will be in vain. We may have done a lot of works that are deemed to be good, but are those works for our own selfish gains or are those works truly for God? Brothers and Sisters, if those works are only for very own desires, than we must really REPENT and ask God for FORGIVENESS and ask him to change our heart desires. But moreover to this, we have to spend time to really earnestly seek God in our prayer because GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS and it is only when we pray that God will listen. I always remember what Si’Er said: Works make up 10% and the rest of the 90% is nothing else but prayer.
One very good example will be our very own cell group, “MATCHSTIX”, we prayed and ask the Lord that more people will come to know him through us and did you know what. Just in the year 2006 alone, we GREW by 100%(excluding the recently added members of S.I.A). PRAISE THE LORD!!! HALLELUJAH!!!! Our God truly answers prayers.
BROTHERS AND SISTERS, isn’t our Lord wonderful? Isn’t he marvelous? He has truly blessed “MATCHSTIX” and I truly believe that “MATCHSTIX” will continue to MULTIPLY even in the years to come. But always remember that the DEVIL will always try means and ways to try to prevent us from truly seeking God. May it be the Lust for money, Setbacks in life or even our Work, we must always remember that we a re only staying in this world for a short period of time, we will be staying with our heavenly father for ETERNITY. So we should not be storing our rewards on this world but in Heaven.
When I read this question, I suddenly realized 1 thing, that is God has indeed blessed me with a lot of things. May it be in my Family, Studies, NS life, Taekwondo or even what I am doing. I suddenly realize that in my past 20 years of walk with Christ, I have taken him for granted. When I needed him, I will allow him to enter my life but when that need is over, I threw him out of my life. What a fool I have been! I only realized my greatest mistake only after experiencing the setbacks in my life. 1 good example would be after my ‘A’ Levels and my applications for all the 3 local Universities were rejected. But God AMAZINGLY made a way for me in my studies.
BROTHERS AND SISTERS, God has a plan for each and everyone of us. His plans are that of PROSPERITY and not DESTRUCTION. We must always look at God in whatever we do. First and foremost, our hearts MUST be RIGHT before him and than slowly by slowly, his PLANS for our lives will come to light. We should not just because of a little setback turn our backs on God and forgotten what he has done in all of our lives. For the bible states that when we are faithful to him, he will be faithful to us. Seek God EARNERSLY and God will bless us in whatever we do. I believe that all of us have in some ways or other been blessed by our God Almighty. Won’t we be fools to give up all of his blessings just for a little setbacks in life?
One very good example would be JOB who despite losing everything in his life; his family, livestocks, servants and even his own house, he CHOSE to follow the way of God. Because of his FEAR and his CHOICE to follow the Lord, all that he had were BLESSED and doubly MULTIPLIED. SO FRIENDS, CHOOSE WISELY!!!
According to John Bervere, he states that it takes a Healthy Body of believers to experience great MULTIPLICATION. Many of you will be thinking what does Healthy Body means. Well, it refers to a group of believers who are planted into a church which includes serving in the various ministries in the church, moreover to these, they are also reaching out to their friends and colleagues who are still non-believers.
BROTHERS AND SISTERS, those people that are close to us and yet still do not know Christ need to be save. They need to be saved from the depths of HELL and be brought to HEAVEN. They can be save only if we share Christ with them. And in order for us to share Christ with them, we have to be well versed in the words of the Lord.
Here is a question that all of us may want to ponder. What would you do if a conflict occurred between you and the leadership in the church? It could be a due to the different views in the way the offerings are taken or the money spent, don’t like the way that the pastor preaches, lack of attention given by fellow congregation members and so on. Would you:
CHOOSE to leave the church and find another church where there appears to have no conflict?
CHOOSE to forget about what happen and continue to stay in the church?
Here is the truth as stated by John Bervere: even if you may choose to leave the church to another church, you will never be able to find a church without conflict. Lets face it: Only Jesus is the perfect pastor or member of the church. Always remember that the church is the place that God places us in to learn about his words but that is also the place that the DEVIL wants to offend us and get us out of. So if we were to leave the church just because of a little conflict, than you have allowed the DEVIL to be successful in his attempt to lure you further and further away from God. This is because as time pass, and the conflict is in all the churches that you are in and you continue to run away, you will not be able to learn God’s words with a peaceful heart and your walk with him will greatly suffer. For it is God’s will that when we leave the church, we should be in great joy and not sorrow.
You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace: the mountains and hills will burst into song before you and all the trees will clap their hands.(Isaiah 55:12)
Let us continue to draw closer to God and continue to mature in our walk with him. For we should be the mature trees that the Lord delights in and not those uprooted for their lack of fruit. We should not resist the very thing God allows us to live through in order to strengthen us in our calling.
Last but not least is the question that is stated just above. There are many things that are indeed holding us back. These are our worldly desires.
Many times or rather, we have placed other things in first priority and not God. Many times, we are unable to really put away those desires of ours. We can never serve 2 master but only 1 at 1 time. This can be found in the verse Luke 16:13
No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one or love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.(Luke 16:13)
Moreover to this, most of the time, we are unable to give up the riches that are right before our eyes because the riches seems so real to us. Thus that is why Jesus says that it is so difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. This can be seen in the story of the Rich Young Man (Matthew 19:16-22).
As shared by Jin Hang on Saturday during cell group with regards that we should be God-centered and not self-centered. This is very true because when we become self-centered, we will definitely fall to the temptations of the world . But if we were to be God-centered, God will always pull us away from these temptations than to allow us to fall into it.
BROTHERS AND SISTERS, let us continue to grow in our faith in the Lord and continue to seek him in what ever things that we do. Even though we may continue to face temptations from the DEVIL through the Worldly things, Let us never forget the sufferings that Jesus had to undergo in order to cleanse our sins.
P.S I know that this message is a little too long but I hope that after reading this message, all of you will be able to find God speaking to all of you.
Thank You
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Have you been missing out something? By Qiu Feng As I was seeking God this week, I felt a burden and empty heart within me but do not know why I was feeling that way. It was only until Tuesday evening when Celine called me up to ask me to join the prayer meeting on Wednesday. Over our phone conversation, I got to share with Celine about the troubles I have and the emptiness that I was feeling deep within.
Through that one-hour long of sharing, I really believe that it was definitely not by chance that Celine called me up to speak to me. Rather, it was by God's appointed timing that He used Celine to speak to me.
Through Celine's sharing, I realised that though I may be weak, but there is no need for me to put up a mask and a brave front of everyone. My heart was stirred and was reminded that all of us are weak in many areas, and how often have we tried so hard to cover up our weaknesses so as to be accepted by men. Then it hit me that I needed to place my confidence in God and not in men, so that there will be personal breakthrough for me in this area, which I have been struggling for years.
I was being reminded, and at the same time, very encouraged to know that we, as God's chosen children are called to build one another up, encourage and edify. It is definitely not by our own strength but by every grace that God lavishes on us. His love for us shines so brightly that is enough to lift us up from the bottomless pit of darkness. I believe that you will also believe (as I have chosen to believe) that Jesus is truly the Light of this fallen world that we are living in, and He is the Truth, the Way and the Life.
After our conversation over the phone, I decided to take time away from what I was doing to just spend time seeking God. So as I went down for a walk and to enjoy the breeze, as well as being in His presence, God revealed more things that I was unsure and doubtful of, and all my doubts became clearer to me after much scrutiny by God.
Through the conversation that I had with Celine earlier on, I realised that all these years, I have actually allowed myself to stumble and fall in my walk with God by simply disobeying God and letting the enemy tempt me. And then through the time spent alone with God, I received revelation from God. All these while, I may be desiring to want to draw closer to God by coming back to church, however, I have missed the whole point of it. I was so overwhelmed with the doing and have actually forgotten that I need to first love God with all of my heart, soul, mind and strength. I failed to take God seriously. I did not love Him as I love myself while all along, I thought that I love God.
God revealed to me that I need to get back to the first love that I once had for Him, and to place Him in the center of everything. Without the Lord in the center of my heart and my life, and without loving Him with the first love I once had for Him, this is why I have been feeling empty and even doubtful of my relationship with God.
Imagine 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle which is close to completion but was short of just one piece of it, it wouldn't be complete because that one important piece, as small as it is, is missing. I have allowed the worldly things to take control of me so much that I was blinded and lost my focus on God. But I truly thank God for speaking to me through the following verses. I pray that God will come and encourage and touch you as you read His words.
Matt 16:26 "What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits His soul?"
1 John 2:15 "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him."
Matt 16:24 "If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow after Me."
Heb 13:8 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."
"The riches of this world are vain, they vanish in a day; but sweet the treasures of God's Love--They never pass away" By Bosch
Bro and Sis-in- Christ, I encourage each one of us to find back our first love with God today. God is ever waiting for us to return back to Him, and to go back to His embrace. He is the same God who never change even when the day we see Him face to face because He says so! :)
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Surrendering my heart By Steven Jeremiah
This is something that I have been pondering about on the Words for many weeks. God's continuing message for me has revealed to me various things, which I have summed it up as 'surrendering my heart'.
It all started when I read a book about children's ministry. This book is called 'making the children's ministry the BEST HOUR of every kid's week'. Isn't that wonderful? In it, HEBREWS 11 was mentioned about what we can actually share with the kids. It also talks about how the faith of the author, Sue Miller, has brought her the vision that God revealed to her to serve in the children's ministry once again after she left the church to another state to be a teacher.
The children ministry started off with only 5 children and it ended up to more than 3000 children and it is the main ministry in the Willow Creek Community Church, which had saved many families through the kids. It was named as the PROMISED LAND. It triggered me at that moment and I saw how marvelous I can actually strive to achieve in this ministry to serve the kids, to impact their lives in God's presence and to tell them of the Promised Land God has for everyone of us.
Following up, I went for the guys' gathering at Pastor Raymond's house and HEBREWS 11 was emphasized once again. I was like thinking, it’s so coincidental. Next, my team had a lesson for the Boys’ Brigade and the bible study we did is on Moses (in book of Exodus). To come to realize, MOSES was mentioned in HEBREWS 11 too. What really amazed me was on the previous Saturday, Jin Hang shared about MOSES once again about HUNGER FOR GOD. Immediately, I went home and did a deeper bible study on the book of Exodus.
As I read it, everything was normal till I read on EXODUS 7, when God sent Moses to Pharaoh to ask him to release His people. But even though God revealed the miracles He can do, Pharaoh still REFUSED TO SURRENDER FULLY God wanted him to. At this point, a sense of sorrow etched in my heart. I have always thought that things were always in the right track, and that my life was fully surrendered to God, but instead of that, it’s not totally true.
There are still things that I have yet to give up. I read about Timothy’s and Eric's sharing, and I realized I do am too busy in my life, not able to spend quality time with God. I have been busy with too many things, that I almost lost my focus. It is actually a matter of CHOICES of what I desire to make to how to spend my time. Surprisingly, Sabrina shared about CHOICES last Saturday. I was like, my dear God, what do you actually want to speak to me about? And after all the doubts, God finally answered me with an end to His message for me through Pastor Timothy’s sermon about CHANGE ME LORD.
I strongly believed that God has a plan for me, which requires me to change myself and to do it in God’s wills, and not my own wills. It reaffirmed me in Proverbs 3:5-6, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.
Therefore, I would like to encourage everyone to ponder on this issue too as to have you surrendered fully to God? There is nothing worldly issue can compare with God's business! We seriously need to seek God with all your heart earnestly as in James 4:8 it says, come near to God and He will come near to you. So let's continue to come in prayers in our own cell groups and also not forgetting to encourage each other. In addition, in Hebrews 10:25, it mentioned, let's not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another – and the more as you see the Day approaching. Let's continue to shine for God together as one YOUTH FUSION, that on the day when we meet God, He will say to every single of us, "Well done my faithful servant!"
*Welcome Audrey into the Family*
Lastly, before I end this sharing, there is one thing I really want to thank God for. He has made me one who is no longer fearful to share Christ with my friends. It is also through this change He has given to me through His grace that saved one of my friends, AUDREY'S LIFE. For your information, she recited the sinners' prayer with Joanie last Saturday and she told me she is not fearful to declare to her friends that she is now a Christian. Therefore, let's welcome her into our big family of God. Do get to know her more if you have yet to! God bless and may this message from me trigger hearts of those who felt the same way as me.
Look at the words in RED The message God gave me is through Hebrews 11 --> Which was linked to Moses --> Through Jin Hang's sharing --> Hunger for God? --> Read on the book of Exodus --> Message about the surrendering of my life --> Choices I made --> Confirmed through Sabrina's sharing --> The thing that God wants me to do --> Mentioned in Pastor's --> CHANGE OF HEART
Sunday, February 04, 2007
By Caroline
For this week’s devotion i have 2 things that i want to share. Firstly, it’s the sentence, "The adversity in your life that causes these difficult times should be seen as a blessing because of what you can learn from it". Our spiritual walk likens a marathon. For those who had participated in a marathon would know how it feels. At many points in time, we feel like turning back, or even giving up. However, let us continue to press on towards the goal set before us, setting our eyes on God, the author and perfector of our faith. At times, we would face difficulties, hindrances or even fall, but let us learn from our mistakes or setbacks, pick ourselves up and run again. Take it as a molding process. Be not afraid to strive for spiritual perfection but understand that perfection is for Jesus and we can only come close. He will guide and lead us through this marathon. We are never alone running this race, God knows what you are going through. Secondly, it’s a devotional material from Joe Stowell, The Power of a life well-lived, really amazes me. Here it goes: When we maintain the witness of a life well-lived even in the face of hardship, we have the power to make a difference in our home, workplace, and significant relationships. Live in such a way that your boss will be prompted to say, “I don’t always get it about Christians but one thing is true- our business is a lot better place because they work here!” This sentence really let me see things in a different perspective. Hope these short sharing has touched you as it has touched me. “Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe.” Phil 2:14-15
Friday, February 02, 2007
The God Who Pursues By Mei Yan God may not always be nice to you in order to make you believe in Him and eventually be made into his likeness.
I've been pondering over why God had allowed certain things to happen to me.. And I always wonder why do God allow bad things to befall on good people until I realised that there is no such thing as "good" people because no matter how good we try to be, we still fall short of God's glory, the perfect example.
I believe that, even before I became a Christian, God has been reaching out to me, but I was ignorant of it, as I did not know Him yet. He allows the same thing to happen to me not once but a few times. I used to think a lot and have been questioning God this and that every night that gradually became a habit for me before I can get into my sleep.
Although at that time, I did not know God yet, but deep down in my heart, a truth was etched in my heart that a Creator who created all beings is real. I believe He must have His reasons for everything that He had created or even allowing things to happen to each individual.
I am guilty for the times when I found myself blaming God for the things that He had allowed to take place in my life, and even questioned of His nature of being a loving and just God when such unpleasant events took place in my life.
Till recently, as God slowly revealed and opened my eyes to see, I came to realize that He made and caused certain things to happen in my life so that I will seek for Him even more. By seeking Him, I came to know about Christianity and how He had made the greatest sacrifice for mankind, including me. If those events did not occur, I guess I wouldn't be bothered to even question or know about God. And I am very sure that I would definitely not be who I am now if I do not know Him, and I wouldn't be here today sharing my testimony, testifying of a God who is so real.
Exodus 10:1-2 Then the Lord said to Moses, "Go to Pharaoh, for I have hardened his heart and the hearts of his officials so that I may perform these miraculous signs of mine among them that you may tell your children and grandchildren how I dealt harshly with the Egyptians and how I performed my signs among them, and that you may know that I am the Lord."
Like what God has done in the past when He performed miracles through Moses to Pharaoh, God did the same to me by showing me who He is-the Lord of all creations- through the circumstances I have gone through.