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Thursday, February 08, 2007
Have you been missing out something? By Qiu Feng As I was seeking God this week, I felt a burden and empty heart within me but do not know why I was feeling that way. It was only until Tuesday evening when Celine called me up to ask me to join the prayer meeting on Wednesday. Over our phone conversation, I got to share with Celine about the troubles I have and the emptiness that I was feeling deep within.
Through that one-hour long of sharing, I really believe that it was definitely not by chance that Celine called me up to speak to me. Rather, it was by God's appointed timing that He used Celine to speak to me.
Through Celine's sharing, I realised that though I may be weak, but there is no need for me to put up a mask and a brave front of everyone. My heart was stirred and was reminded that all of us are weak in many areas, and how often have we tried so hard to cover up our weaknesses so as to be accepted by men. Then it hit me that I needed to place my confidence in God and not in men, so that there will be personal breakthrough for me in this area, which I have been struggling for years.
I was being reminded, and at the same time, very encouraged to know that we, as God's chosen children are called to build one another up, encourage and edify. It is definitely not by our own strength but by every grace that God lavishes on us. His love for us shines so brightly that is enough to lift us up from the bottomless pit of darkness. I believe that you will also believe (as I have chosen to believe) that Jesus is truly the Light of this fallen world that we are living in, and He is the Truth, the Way and the Life.
After our conversation over the phone, I decided to take time away from what I was doing to just spend time seeking God. So as I went down for a walk and to enjoy the breeze, as well as being in His presence, God revealed more things that I was unsure and doubtful of, and all my doubts became clearer to me after much scrutiny by God.
Through the conversation that I had with Celine earlier on, I realised that all these years, I have actually allowed myself to stumble and fall in my walk with God by simply disobeying God and letting the enemy tempt me. And then through the time spent alone with God, I received revelation from God. All these while, I may be desiring to want to draw closer to God by coming back to church, however, I have missed the whole point of it. I was so overwhelmed with the doing and have actually forgotten that I need to first love God with all of my heart, soul, mind and strength. I failed to take God seriously. I did not love Him as I love myself while all along, I thought that I love God.
God revealed to me that I need to get back to the first love that I once had for Him, and to place Him in the center of everything. Without the Lord in the center of my heart and my life, and without loving Him with the first love I once had for Him, this is why I have been feeling empty and even doubtful of my relationship with God.
Imagine 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle which is close to completion but was short of just one piece of it, it wouldn't be complete because that one important piece, as small as it is, is missing. I have allowed the worldly things to take control of me so much that I was blinded and lost my focus on God. But I truly thank God for speaking to me through the following verses. I pray that God will come and encourage and touch you as you read His words.
Matt 16:26 "What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits His soul?"
1 John 2:15 "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him."
Matt 16:24 "If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow after Me."
Heb 13:8 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."
"The riches of this world are vain, they vanish in a day; but sweet the treasures of God's Love--They never pass away" By Bosch
Bro and Sis-in- Christ, I encourage each one of us to find back our first love with God today. God is ever waiting for us to return back to Him, and to go back to His embrace. He is the same God who never change even when the day we see Him face to face because He says so! :)