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Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Surrendering my heart By Steven Jeremiah
This is something that I have been pondering about on the Words for many weeks. God's continuing message for me has revealed to me various things, which I have summed it up as 'surrendering my heart'.
It all started when I read a book about children's ministry. This book is called 'making the children's ministry the BEST HOUR of every kid's week'. Isn't that wonderful? In it, HEBREWS 11 was mentioned about what we can actually share with the kids. It also talks about how the faith of the author, Sue Miller, has brought her the vision that God revealed to her to serve in the children's ministry once again after she left the church to another state to be a teacher.
The children ministry started off with only 5 children and it ended up to more than 3000 children and it is the main ministry in the Willow Creek Community Church, which had saved many families through the kids. It was named as the PROMISED LAND. It triggered me at that moment and I saw how marvelous I can actually strive to achieve in this ministry to serve the kids, to impact their lives in God's presence and to tell them of the Promised Land God has for everyone of us.
Following up, I went for the guys' gathering at Pastor Raymond's house and HEBREWS 11 was emphasized once again. I was like thinking, it’s so coincidental. Next, my team had a lesson for the Boys’ Brigade and the bible study we did is on Moses (in book of Exodus). To come to realize, MOSES was mentioned in HEBREWS 11 too. What really amazed me was on the previous Saturday, Jin Hang shared about MOSES once again about HUNGER FOR GOD. Immediately, I went home and did a deeper bible study on the book of Exodus.
As I read it, everything was normal till I read on EXODUS 7, when God sent Moses to Pharaoh to ask him to release His people. But even though God revealed the miracles He can do, Pharaoh still REFUSED TO SURRENDER FULLY God wanted him to. At this point, a sense of sorrow etched in my heart. I have always thought that things were always in the right track, and that my life was fully surrendered to God, but instead of that, it’s not totally true.
There are still things that I have yet to give up. I read about Timothy’s and Eric's sharing, and I realized I do am too busy in my life, not able to spend quality time with God. I have been busy with too many things, that I almost lost my focus. It is actually a matter of CHOICES of what I desire to make to how to spend my time. Surprisingly, Sabrina shared about CHOICES last Saturday. I was like, my dear God, what do you actually want to speak to me about? And after all the doubts, God finally answered me with an end to His message for me through Pastor Timothy’s sermon about CHANGE ME LORD.
I strongly believed that God has a plan for me, which requires me to change myself and to do it in God’s wills, and not my own wills. It reaffirmed me in Proverbs 3:5-6, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.
Therefore, I would like to encourage everyone to ponder on this issue too as to have you surrendered fully to God? There is nothing worldly issue can compare with God's business! We seriously need to seek God with all your heart earnestly as in James 4:8 it says, come near to God and He will come near to you. So let's continue to come in prayers in our own cell groups and also not forgetting to encourage each other. In addition, in Hebrews 10:25, it mentioned, let's not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another – and the more as you see the Day approaching. Let's continue to shine for God together as one YOUTH FUSION, that on the day when we meet God, He will say to every single of us, "Well done my faithful servant!"
*Welcome Audrey into the Family*
Lastly, before I end this sharing, there is one thing I really want to thank God for. He has made me one who is no longer fearful to share Christ with my friends. It is also through this change He has given to me through His grace that saved one of my friends, AUDREY'S LIFE. For your information, she recited the sinners' prayer with Joanie last Saturday and she told me she is not fearful to declare to her friends that she is now a Christian. Therefore, let's welcome her into our big family of God. Do get to know her more if you have yet to! God bless and may this message from me trigger hearts of those who felt the same way as me.
Look at the words in RED The message God gave me is through Hebrews 11 --> Which was linked to Moses --> Through Jin Hang's sharing --> Hunger for God? --> Read on the book of Exodus --> Message about the surrendering of my life --> Choices I made --> Confirmed through Sabrina's sharing --> The thing that God wants me to do --> Mentioned in Pastor's --> CHANGE OF HEART