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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Self-centered? God-centered? Written by Tiffany
What matters to us more? God or things? . When we are into making a decision, who did we think about the most? God or ourselves?
Before I became a Christian, I have to admit that I’m a very self-centered person; even my parents think that I am one too. I will be always trying to make myself happy and satisfied with everything that I decided and did. Whatever choices or decisions that I have made, it will always be for my own sake.
After I accepted Christ, things started to change gradually. Praise God! When being a Christian, I know that there is someone else whom I need to think of before making that decision. Moreover, there are also things that I know that I have relied upon God for leading the way and making the decisions.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; in all ways acknowledge Him, and he will make plans straight." -Proverbs 3:5-6
Gradually, I turn myself to God in more decision making as I believe God has great plans ahead for everyone.
And through my QT, I also know why sometimes we are still making decisions in our own ways (including myself), because we have not yet fully trust God. I have to admit that sometimes I still follow my own feelings, temptations and influences around, leading me into making wrong decision.
I believe that because we are still living in this world, that’s why there is always a possibility of getting influences by friends and the living world, which cause us to have wrong choices and decision.
So I believe that before in making any decisions, pray to God for guidance and rely upon Him in making the decisions for us.
"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation" -Matthew 26:41
To prevent from falling into making wrong decisions due to influence/temptations, everyone have to be even more God-centered, and pray to God every time when u need to make a choice or decision.
"No temptation has seized you except that is common to Man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it" - 1 Cor 10:13 -
I just want to thank God for everything that He has done for me. I want to thank God for being so faithful even at times I fell into temptations which cause me to make wrong decisions. And I want to thank God for forgiving me for all the wrong decisions that I've made due to my self-centeredness. And God is always there for me, constantly reminding me about the decision made and not to fall easily to temptation in the living world.
So Lord, I want to thank you for saving me back from the temptations in this living world and also your guidance in making choices in my life. Praise God. Thank You Lord.