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Thursday, April 27, 2006
"Before you share about God's story, people want to know that God's story has changed you. The story you tell must be backed up by your lifestyle."
a simple statement which i read from the cell materials two days back, and it has got me thinking and reflecting about how i've been leading my life. has it been one which sends a positive message to the viewing audience who watch from their unbelieving seats or has it turned them off?
as much as i'm glad to say that i've not backstabbed my colleagues, and have treated them with love and brought much joy to the department, there's the gentle reminder that i'm also guilty of gossiping with them about a certain colleague who is almost disliked by everyone this certain colleague is a christian as well.
as much as i'm delighted to say that i've treated my students with love and patience, teaching, counselling and being a real friend to them, there's the gentle reminder that i'm also guilty of joining forces with them against a particular student whom everyone dread meeting this particular student is a christian as well.
why did i give in to gossiping and outcasting people who crossed my path? i don't have a strong hatred towards them although i wouldn't deny that i get irritated with them at times but the real reason would be that they are always the hot topic to talk about and in order to remain in the conversation with the close friends around me, what else but join them?
i'm guilty of not striving to please the audience of One and to shine for Him in such areas, but i'm thankful for His gentle nudgings from time to time, His grace and mercy as well.
Is the story you're telling backed up by your lifestyle today?
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
last week, my SERVE friend and i talked about listening to God regarding our future plans, especially now that we are at the crossroad of our life. and what he said really struck me. he said you must 'BELIEVE BEFORE UNDERSTANDING' when it comes to listening to God.
that is when i realised it is so true that we often seek the 'how' and we always miss the faith. although it is really tough, i believe if we draw near to God in faith and patience, He will draw near to us. because He promised that:
'Draw near to God and He will draw near to you...' James 4:8
Monday, April 24, 2006
.: A glimpse of God's powers :. I took this photograph this evening from the window of my house. It's amazing to see God's handiwork captured on a picture. Though we may are not able to see God physically, we can see His awesome creation. We know that God exists! I love admiring His creation in the vast blue sky. The sunset, the sunrise, the rainbow, the clouds, the star, the moon and the harsh lightning. It's like God just dips His finger in the sky and stirs the clouds. This reminds me of God's presence and that I am His wonderful creation. ... I also want to thank God for His gift to me today! I passed my driving test! Thank God for everything. I've learnt to seek the Giver and not the gift. I've also been reminded to view things with an eternal perspective. I can't possibly bring my license to heaven if I were to go there today. I ask and request from God, but ultimately it's His decision to give.
If He doesn't give, I'll still love Him all the same! I love my Heavenly Father! *Hugs*
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Yupz, we trust the Engineer, our God who brings us through the darkest times in our lives =)
Monday, April 17, 2006
.: Keep us in prayer! :. Adrian's exam dates: 20/4 - Engineering Design 27/4 - Biomechatronics 28/4 - Advanced Bioengineering and Nanotechnology 2/5 - Mechanics of Deformable Solids 3/5 - Fluids Engineering 4/5 - Surgical Assist Technology Caroline's exam dates: 19/4 - Math24/4 - Computing27/4 - Physics2/5 - Chemistry5/5 - AccountingJoanie's exam dates: 18/4 - General Elective 18/4 - Marketing Channel 21/4 - Product and Pricing 24/4 - Integrated Marketing 28/4 - Accounting II Justine 21/4 - Enlistment to Army Shuhei's exam dates: 19/4 - Marketing 20/4 - Financial Management 24/4 - Statistics 28/4 - Accounting 5/5 - Genetics Zhen Hui's exam dates: 19/4 - Maths '4' 25/4 - Physics '1' 3/5 - Math '3' Si'er's exam dates: 25/4 - Chinese Etymology 22/5 - English in New Cultural Context Sabrina's exam dates: 21/4 - Biology 25/4 - Geometry
 Hee~ remember this picture anyone? One of the cell leaders posted this many many weeks back! The first 3 people who msn me the name of the one who posted it will get free candy this saturday!
Anyway, the reason why I decided to add this picture in my post today is because I found a new insight into Psalm 119:105 last night when my friend was explaining it to me over dinner!
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
Have you ever wondered why God's Word is described as a 'lamp unto [our] feet" and not as a street lamp along the road, or a light we see from the distance that we are to walk towards? Afterall, whatever kind of light it is, it will still help us to see the way that is ahead right? Well, the significance of God's Word being a 'lamp unto [our] feet' lies in this truth: Every step that we take, we are to take in accordance to the guidance and the commands of God. We are to keep walking in the light, and not in darkness!
What a cool verse right!
Friday, April 14, 2006
Hi guys, just wanted to share something I learnt from the Maundy Thursday service that I attended on Thursday (duh, Maundy Thursday is on a Thursday..haha).
But first, why is Maundy Thursday called Maundy Thursday? The word "Maundy" is derived from the Latin mandatum meaning "command" - the same Latin root as mandatory and mandate. This is a reference to Christ's commandment to love one another, made at the Last Supper when Jesus washed His disciples' feet.
I went for service that evening with the above meaning in mind. So it wasn't surprising that one of the verses which stood out significantly to me during the sermon was John 13:34, where Jesus told His disciples to love one another just as He had loved them.
How then, did Jesus love His disciples? John 13:1 tells us that He loved them 'to the very end'. Therefore, we, as believers and present-day disciples of Jesus Christ, are commanded too to love one another in this way, because that was how Jesus loved His disciples. Sounds difficult right? It is. I realised that night how 'shallow' the depth of my love for other brothers and sisters in Christ was and how that really wasn't enough. On my own, it will not be possible for me to love others as Jesus loved, but with God in my life, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I know I'll be able to do so one day as He moulds me and shapes me to be like Him and to have a heart like His. =)
Taking the FIRST step.
Have you invited a friend for this sat's outreach? Have you even thought of person's name? Did you bother to make that important phonecall? Did God suddenly bring a person into your life this week?
These where the questions which rang through my head this week. And as I was praying that God would open doors of opportunity for me this week.. He suddenly brought a new friend into my life. And all I did was ask... " HEY! Are u free this saturday??" and she replied," YES I AM!" Oh man. Wat a great miracle God has done in my life. And all i realised i had to do was to just take a first step by asking ...and she replied YES!
If you haven invited a friend for this sat, Its not too late. Just take the first step! =)
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Steven would like to share with all of ya!
Hi to all my fellow beloved youths! This is my first time posting an entry on I would like to share something that happened today and I'm really grateful to God for showering his blessings on me. This is the first encounter that I felt so close to God, because I can feel that he is listening to my prayers and answering to my calls. I had IPPT test today(Army Physical Test) and unexpectedly the weather turned bad. Black clouds were formed and everyone was feeling demoralized as the test was conducted halfway, and we were left with the 2.4km running station. Immediately, I sat down and prayed to God to allow us to finish this test. Though it rained heavily, it stopped after a while and we managed to carry on with the test. However, as soon as the run ended, it started to rain again. I seriously felt that I'm blessed by him because everything cannot just happen so coincidentally. It's like its quite unlikely to rain heavily and stopped suddenly, then the rain carried on after the run. In addition, there was another incident which happened to me in the evening when I was almost got blind. I was involved with the battalion commanders' games day where we played handball. In the midst of the game, someone rammed into me directly from the front and accidentally hit my spectacles off. My spectacles flew off and cut my right eyelid. Everything just happened in split seconds and I could actually manage to close my eyes in time to prevent my right eye from getting hurt. I asked myself "is it because that I'm lucky, that's why I did not get hurt in my eye?" Definitely not! It's all because of God that I'm blessed and saved. Through this incident, God has just become a closer friend to me and I'm really thankful to him for everything he has done for me! Praise the Lord! Lastly, I have also been praying to God to anoint me regarding my learning of guitar. I really hope to be able to be blessed with the talents by God to be able to pick up how to play a guitar so I can play for church in near future. So other than praying hard to God to anoint me, I really hope my brothers and sisters in church can help me when I need help! Thanks!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
 Hey guys, when the rest of the world is capitalizing on the monetary values of hyping up Easter. Let's set ourselves apart and remember the great work on the cross that Jesus did for all of us and His resurrection. We've got 3 more days to our evangelistical outreach. Let's continue to ask our friends ya? PUSH - Pray Until Something Happens.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
2 Corinthians 4:8-10 (New International Version) 8We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.
How true it is. This particular portion of scripture has been rining through my head especially during this rough patch that I'm going through. Things such as practicum, personal struggles and emotions as well as cell group matters seemed to have weighed me down completely especially the last few weeks. Nevertheless, I thank God for this assurance He gave and how His grace led me through this time.
So, if you're facing a challenge in your life right now, take heart and don't despair for we have this assurance from God. =)
Monday, April 10, 2006
The Lord has been speaking to our dear brother,SHENG HAO, and he wants to share...
This was a message which I have shared with my cell group recently. My cell leader and I have slightly edited the message to make it more appropriate.
While some may continue to come to church regularly, he/she may not and cannot be advancing if he/she missed out on doing this few simple yet important things. These important things are Quiet Time (spending quality time with GOD), Prayer (For GOD is just a prayer away), Reading the Bible (For without knowledge, we will not grow in strength), Obeying GOD words (For if we don’t obey, we are fools who cannot advance).
For he/she who ignore discipline, despise himself/herself (Proverbs 15:32). When we lack the discipline to regularly come to church, do our quiet time and pray to God, we are not letting ourselves enjoy the best things in life and thus we shortchange ourselves. You may ask, “What are the best things in life?” The answer is simple: The best things in life are the abundant lives that GOD can give us!
As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17) GOD wants to use us as his tools, never doubt that. Before he can use us, we cannot be rusty and blunt, we have to sharpen ourselves. Discipline as I mention above is important for us to sharpen ourselves but the key point for this verse (Proverbs 27:17) is that we sharpen each other. Let us, Youth Fusion grow together, support and sharpen each other so that we can be useful tools that GOD can use!
My brothers/sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him/her back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from error of his/her way will save him/her from death and cover over a multitude of sins. (James 5:19-20) When you see a fellow brother or sister beginning or want to slide back, I urge you to DRAG him/her to come back. Yes, I use a very strong word, DRAG, for that is how determined we should be if we want our fellow brother or sister to be saved. This determination should not be just focused at our fellow brothers and sisters; it should also be on our friends, relatives and all who are not saved yet. The youth musical is one great opportunity at St. Andrew cathedral to spread the message of GOD.
Lastly, Yes, I, Wen Sheng Hao, the dude who has some of worse or perhaps the worst attendance in WAC gave the above message. For even the worst (me) wants to change and is setting a standard for himself, no one should fall below the worst and instead should set higher standards.
thank You Jesus...
thoughts after the batam trip...
there's this lady there.. i was helping her to mark her answers...
and after marking, i gave back to her and i said.. very good..
and guess what's her reply?
thank You Jesus...
which makes me think... it's some English questions that she got correct and she gave thanks to God...
for me, last time... when i got to solve my school work... what was my reaction? it's something that is meant to be like that...
how about you? for those who are schooling.. when you are stuck in a maths problem... and after you manage to solve it... what was your reaction?
even just an english problem that she did correct she gave thanks to God...
have we been missing the things that God has worked in our lives???
Thirty cents is all it takes to make one of them smile ever so radiantly... take a photo with them and print it for them... all they ask for is a memory, of the good times they had... they know where they're headed for... in a couple of months, this fellowship would be broken so that the gospel of Jesus may be shared with those who are perishing...
That none should perish... this would cost some of them, their families, their livelihood, their social acceptance, their bright futures, their lives even...
What am I doing?
Batam Community Involvement Project
So blessed by them! Can't wait to visit my newly made friends! We learned, sung, danced, laughed, joked and dine together. This is what money can't buy, at least for me. I really want to thank God for this opportunity to be part of this project. He has taught me to be more outward looking and not to be so self-absorbed. It's really not about me, it's about how I can serve them.
Lesson time, can u see celine?
Dancing our hearts away.
Our art & craft teacher with her finger puppet.
We also played "Human Knot".
For more photos, check out our "YF's photo album"
Thursday, April 06, 2006
feeling as if we can't carry on?
9But He said to me,"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 10That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
once again, i am reminded that there are so many times we feel incapable but God promised He will make us strong in our weakness.
i am encouraged and comforted... are you?
hey guys & gals!!!!
4 of us will be going to batam this sat!!!
huiling, sabrina, celine and me... :)
we'll be teaching them english, art n craft, children's songs and games!
remember to keep us in prayer!
Monday, April 03, 2006
Jun Hoong Shares His Heart...
Huiling was sharing on chapter 4: Serving others in love on saturday. One particular passage, Matt 25:14~~30, set me thinking...what did the other two servants with the 5 and 10 talents think of the one with only 1 talent? Did they despise him? Did they think lowly of him? What if the servant with the 1 talent managed to earn 1 one more, would it be of any significance? Would the servants still see him in the "cannot make it" category, since his profit would still be pale in comparison?
The first beatitude says: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."(Matt 5:3) In mark 10:23, Jesus lamented: "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!"
This brings to mind a passage i read in "Mere Christianity", from the writer of the Chronicles of Narnia, fyi.
"There is either a warning or an encouragement for every one of us. If you are a nice person - if virtue comes easily to you - beware! Much is expected from those to whom much is given...But if you are a poor creature - poisoned by a wretched upbringing in some house full of vulgar jealousies and senseless quarrels - saddled by no choice of your not despair. He knows all about it. You are one of the poor whom He has blessed. He knows what a wretched machine you are trying to drive. Keep on. Do what you can."
I believe God desires that we be perfect, to be Christ-like. Yet, He does not despise us when we fall short of that goal. Rather, He is delighted when we keep at it, albeit making an apparently insignificant progress at emulating Christ, because something within us is changing for the better, although we can't perceive it, our souls are in fact being moulded.
I have always thot of myself as belonging to the "cannot make it" category, falling far behind my peers in studies, careers, relationships, muscianship, fitness, health etc. My classmates from secondary have become auditors, doctors, playing full time in jazz bands, playing rugby at national level, doing overseas attachments during NS(the allowance is really good), while i haven't even started uni.
Mediocrity...i dread that word that best describes me. But guess what? My saving grace is that God still can use me, for He chose to use the lowly things of this world to shame the wise. The only good in me is Jesus, and i am glad in a way, cuz now i belong to a cause greater than i. Used to think the world revolved around me. What a relief it never did.
Hope this encourages you even in the slightest way. May the grace of God be with you =)
Saturday, April 01, 2006

Tomorrow, 2 Apr (Sun), Youth Fusion Prayer Meeting @ Berlin Room, 1.15pm.