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Friday, April 14, 2006

Taking the FIRST step.

Have you invited a friend for this sat's outreach?
Have you even thought of person's name?
Did you bother to make that important phonecall?
Did God suddenly bring a person into your life this week?

These where the questions which rang through my head this week.
And as I was praying that God would open doors of opportunity for me this week..
He suddenly brought a new friend into my life.
And all I did was ask... " HEY! Are u free this saturday??" and she replied," YES I AM!"
Oh man. Wat a great miracle God has done in my life.
And all i realised i had to do was to just take a first step by asking ...and she replied YES!

If you haven invited a friend for this sat, Its not too late.
Just take the first step! =)

©2007 Westside Anglican Church Youth Fusion