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Monday, April 03, 2006
Jun Hoong Shares His Heart...
Huiling was sharing on chapter 4: Serving others in love on saturday. One particular passage, Matt 25:14~~30, set me thinking...what did the other two servants with the 5 and 10 talents think of the one with only 1 talent? Did they despise him? Did they think lowly of him? What if the servant with the 1 talent managed to earn 1 one more, would it be of any significance? Would the servants still see him in the "cannot make it" category, since his profit would still be pale in comparison?
The first beatitude says: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."(Matt 5:3) In mark 10:23, Jesus lamented: "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!"
This brings to mind a passage i read in "Mere Christianity", from the writer of the Chronicles of Narnia, fyi.
"There is either a warning or an encouragement for every one of us. If you are a nice person - if virtue comes easily to you - beware! Much is expected from those to whom much is given...But if you are a poor creature - poisoned by a wretched upbringing in some house full of vulgar jealousies and senseless quarrels - saddled by no choice of your not despair. He knows all about it. You are one of the poor whom He has blessed. He knows what a wretched machine you are trying to drive. Keep on. Do what you can."
I believe God desires that we be perfect, to be Christ-like. Yet, He does not despise us when we fall short of that goal. Rather, He is delighted when we keep at it, albeit making an apparently insignificant progress at emulating Christ, because something within us is changing for the better, although we can't perceive it, our souls are in fact being moulded.
I have always thot of myself as belonging to the "cannot make it" category, falling far behind my peers in studies, careers, relationships, muscianship, fitness, health etc. My classmates from secondary have become auditors, doctors, playing full time in jazz bands, playing rugby at national level, doing overseas attachments during NS(the allowance is really good), while i haven't even started uni.
Mediocrity...i dread that word that best describes me. But guess what? My saving grace is that God still can use me, for He chose to use the lowly things of this world to shame the wise. The only good in me is Jesus, and i am glad in a way, cuz now i belong to a cause greater than i. Used to think the world revolved around me. What a relief it never did.
Hope this encourages you even in the slightest way. May the grace of God be with you =)