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Monday, April 10, 2006

The Lord has been speaking to our dear brother,SHENG HAO, and he wants to share...

This was a message which I have shared with my cell group recently. My cell leader and I have slightly edited the message to make it more appropriate.

While some may continue to come to church regularly, he/she may not and cannot be advancing if he/she missed out on doing this few simple yet important things. These important things are Quiet Time (spending quality time with GOD), Prayer (For GOD is just a prayer away), Reading the Bible (For without knowledge, we will not grow in strength), Obeying GOD words (For if we don’t obey, we are fools who cannot advance).

For he/she who ignore discipline, despise himself/herself (Proverbs 15:32). When we lack the discipline to regularly come to church, do our quiet time and pray to God, we are not letting ourselves enjoy the best things in life and thus we shortchange ourselves. You may ask, “What are the best things in life?” The answer is simple: The best things in life are the abundant lives that GOD can give us!

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17) GOD wants to use us as his tools, never doubt that. Before he can use us, we cannot be rusty and blunt, we have to sharpen ourselves. Discipline as I mention above is important for us to sharpen ourselves but the key point for this verse (Proverbs 27:17) is that we sharpen each other. Let us, Youth Fusion grow together, support and sharpen each other so that we can be useful tools that GOD can use!

My brothers/sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him/her back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from error of his/her way will save him/her from death and cover over a multitude of sins. (James 5:19-20) When you see a fellow brother or sister beginning or want to slide back, I urge you to DRAG him/her to come back. Yes, I use a very strong word, DRAG, for that is how determined we should be if we want our fellow brother or sister to be saved. This determination should not be just focused at our fellow brothers and sisters; it should also be on our friends, relatives and all who are not saved yet. The youth musical is one great opportunity at St. Andrew cathedral to spread the message of GOD.

Lastly, Yes, I, Wen Sheng Hao, the dude who has some of worse or perhaps the worst attendance in WAC gave the above message. For even the worst (me) wants to change and is setting a standard for himself, no one should fall below the worst and instead should set higher standards.

©2007 Westside Anglican Church Youth Fusion