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Friday, April 14, 2006
Hi guys, just wanted to share something I learnt from the Maundy Thursday service that I attended on Thursday (duh, Maundy Thursday is on a Thursday..haha).
But first, why is Maundy Thursday called Maundy Thursday? The word "Maundy" is derived from the Latin mandatum meaning "command" - the same Latin root as mandatory and mandate. This is a reference to Christ's commandment to love one another, made at the Last Supper when Jesus washed His disciples' feet.
I went for service that evening with the above meaning in mind. So it wasn't surprising that one of the verses which stood out significantly to me during the sermon was John 13:34, where Jesus told His disciples to love one another just as He had loved them.
How then, did Jesus love His disciples? John 13:1 tells us that He loved them 'to the very end'. Therefore, we, as believers and present-day disciples of Jesus Christ, are commanded too to love one another in this way, because that was how Jesus loved His disciples. Sounds difficult right? It is. I realised that night how 'shallow' the depth of my love for other brothers and sisters in Christ was and how that really wasn't enough. On my own, it will not be possible for me to love others as Jesus loved, but with God in my life, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I know I'll be able to do so one day as He moulds me and shapes me to be like Him and to have a heart like His. =)