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Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Being A Willing Vessel for Jesus... By Candice
Looking from my past to the present, I’ve realized that I’ve changed during the past few years. All along I just wanted to be a Christian who comes to church and goes off right after service. I never wanted to commit myself into any ministries, cos I was afraid that it would be too “ma fan” and of cos I had a deep FEAR in me!
Until one day, I was asked to serve as a projectionist. I was still a very young Christian when I took over the projectionist ministry and it was really a challenge for me! I still remember my TERRIFIED face when I panicked, and when I had to do last minute slide presentations, I would be STRESSED!! At a lost and totally stressed up!
I went through times of difficulty and stressed over many things. The difficulties which I faced ranged from the basic knowledge of preparing a slide presentation to the complication process of setting up the entire system! I really felt very inadequate and loss in the beginning cos I was really a computer “bai chi”…though I think I still am now! Haha.
One of the worse times for me was when I was packing up the system after service. I would feel lonely and left out back then, especially when I saw the worship team together. But no matter what I was feeling I still carried on.
Some time ago I really felt like giving up, so I prayed that God would help me find someone who is better in IT skills to take over my role. I thought Gladys would be the one!! When I was just about to break this news to her, she decided to leave the projectionist ministry… I had no choice but carry on.
Since then God provided Pek Har, Leticia and Rhys came in, together with Celine and Violet. When they are around me, my heart would feel warm and fuzzy. They would help out with the packing up every Sunday and although these are little acts of kindness, I was very encouraged!
I don’t remember if I’ve ever asked them to help me out to pack weekly, but they just do help out every Sunday! God knows the desires of my heart and He answered my prayers! Like how I’ve always emphasis “U are not alone!”… NOW WE ARE A GANG!!
God carried me through all the tough times, and reminded me time and time again that I’m never alone. You’ll never know when God wants to use you… most of the time... It’s when you least expect it!
Carolyn's sharing iSOW" was really a wonderful experience for me. The place was saturated with the Holy Spirit, and one could strongly sense the presence of GOD in the room. The speakers were really good.For the first time, I spoke in tongues. And for the first time, I felt that I could just stand there from 9am -5pm just worshipping and praising the Lord.
I was quite embarrassed as all the other youths could speak in tongues. It made me realise ho on fire for GOD they were, and it just put me to shame. You could see and hear just how much they loved Him.I got so filled with the Holy Spirit, I tell you it's amazing. I felt so close, so near to our Father, something that I've not felt before. There's a love that's overflowing, an overflowing of the Spirit.GOD doesn't give just enough to satisfy us, to make us feel good. He gives an oveflowing, abundant of the Spirit, that we just can't contain it, and we just want to share it with the people around us.Indeed, the Lord is good, and He does miracles.
Auntie Cathie told us a testimonial which she witnessed in a church (in her home church in Melbourne, I think). There was this little girl, Jessica, who was totally deaf. But yet when they were singing a song "I believe you can do miracles. The sick are healed and the lame can walk. Broken hearts are mended. You do it over and over again"While they were singing this song, Jessica was led out, and she was white as a sheet. When she came back, she had a bucket with her, and she was nauseating into it. There she laid on the aisle. Her parents were called to pray for her. When Auntie Cathie called Jessica (she was shouting as Jessica couldn't hear. She had hearing implants), Jessica replied, "You don't have to shout."Jessica was healed. She could hear again. She said that while she was singing the song, the sound became louder and louder and she couldn't stand it, and she pulled out her hearing implants. When she pulled it out, she heard a loud crack and something flew out. Auntie Cathie said it was the deaf demon. Indeed, the Lord is wonderful. Miracles are not just something that you read in the Bible, but think it's impossible that it can happen today. It CAN.
There's another testimonial, this time from me. My very close friend used to suffer from kidney failure back in secondary school. I prayed and prayed, and the Lord is indeed faithful. He healed her. Finally, one day, when we were at her house studying for our 'O' levels, she told me that her kidney did not hurt anymore. Hallelujah. This can only be a miracle from GOD, as kidney failure is an incurable disease.GOD is most wonderful, isn't He? =)
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
3C's of Evangelism
I get to learn many lessons each time I go out to share the gospel with my unsaved friends. In fact, I'm always amazed by the fact that God teaches me how to reach out ONLY if I'm willing to first step out.
As I learn, I've also shared with the Tertiary Cell 3 key principles that serves to guide my evangelistic efforts all this while:
1. Commitment - If there's no Commitment, there will be no Completion
If I do not make it my personal responsibility, my own agenda, to tell my friends about Jesus, I will be so busy with many other things (including Christian things), that I may have to literally see my friends fall into hell, and not do anything about it. If you and I are not committed to reaching the lost, that's best for the devil, because he is committed to making us not commit to reaching out. And as long as we lay idle about evangelism or taking a less than 100% attitude to it, hell will always be prospering faster than heaven.
2. Conviction - If there's no Conviction, there will be no Connection
Have you ever wondered, why is it that our non-Christian friends may not take our message of the gospel seriously? I've wondered why. And I've come to realise that unless I myself am utterly convicted that a person's soul needs Jesus desperately, if not he or she will go to eternal damnation in hell, I will not speak with urgency. No urgency, no conviction, hence, no connection!
3. Counting on the Holy Spirit - If there's no Counting on the Holy Spirit, there will be no Conversion.
No matter how much is said, how much methodology is practiced, at the end of the day, God is only going to use those who depend wholly on Him to do His work. I've realised it many times myself, that there's a very real difference in the attitude of a person who evangelises on his or her own strength, and one who does it by full surrender to the Holy Spirit. The latter hardly gets tired or disillusioned, is always relentless, and is also full of power when sharing. Needless to say, that person definitely has to walk closely with God.
You know, I know this sounds so typical of a sentence that is set to inspire or encourage, but it is TRUE: I find myself becoming truly in perspective of my identity as a child of God in this dying world, only when I reach out.
In fact, I've come to realise that: there's no way that I can possibly be a genuine God-loving and God-fearing Christian, if I just evangelise only during an outreach.
How have you been responding to God's calling for you to tell your friends about His passion for the lost?
Monday, March 27, 2006
Batam Community Involvement Project - Teaching English
The classroom (during break). Total 4o plus pupils.
  Their age ranges from early 20s to early 30s. They're fun-loving, eager to learn and energetic!
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Kiyomi's Sharing...
Recently the wisdom of a child at my workplace touched me. I work at a children’s home where they come from dysfunctional or abused families. There was this child who had the opportunity to talk to his father in prison through the webcam that the home and the prison had started trying out for the first time.
During that time, the child had a casual conversation with his father, asking him about what he usually does in the prison. His father told him that he reads the bible, exercise, work, etc…The boy suddenly interrupted his father and told him that he was forgetting something. The father thought for a while but finally he asked his son what it was. The boy then replied, ‘daddy, you forget to pray and you have to remember to pray for His forgiveness everyday.’ When I heard this, I was very touched indeed.
What a statement coming from a twelve-year-old child. He had not forgotten the importance of prayer. Not only did he tell his father to pray, he also reminded him to pray for God’s forgiveness. Maybe it was what this child had to go through at a tender age that led him to realize more so than us the importance of prayer and the need to ask for God’s forgiveness daily. Even I have to admit that at times I do take His forgiveness for granted, thinking that ‘oh well, anyway God will forgive, so don’t need to confess my sins and ask for His forgiveness. I might as well spend more time praying for His blessings’. Yet this boy simply reminded me that we cannot stop at adoration, thanksgiving and supplication in our prayers. We still need to confess our sins and ask for His forgiveness daily.
I hope that this boy has not only encouraged me but will encourage you as well! =)
Last Week
A personal sharing of my own... Last week was the worst week I ever had in my last 3 years in NUS. And to me, it came as a shock because I never knew I could be bombarded with so much work... In a week, I had to stay back on Monday for a project draft due on Tuesday that none of my group members started on. And on Tuesday, our project draft went really badly because we didnt read the question and did it without reading. -gasp- And on wednesday, we had a full day in School and a Human Pharmacology Killer Test on thursday. And on thursday, I had an event at night as well to manage and organize because it was quite a large scale event. And on Friday, I had 2 lab reports due.
Now... that was really terrible for me. Because I only had close to 6 hours sleep a night which was barely enough if you knew me long enough. But despite all that, truly it was GRACE that brought me through. I came home at 4am on thursday after all the massive aftermath packing up of the event, and surprisingly I was able to wake at 9am (having slept only a few hours the night before for preparing for a test), to complete my 2 lab reports in record time of 3 hours so that I could rush to school by 2 to hand them up. And I never was able to do that on a regular day. I would have fainted from fatigue hehe
Therefore, I really really do thank God for His grace that brought me through the entire week. From the time I wake till the the time I rest, it was truly grace that sustained me through. For His continual blessings that allowed me to pass my test, be on time for my lessons and a smooth carry out of the event. Praise Him!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
I found this article on the net and thought i'd share this with you guys and gals. It is really encouraging to know that... (read below) =)
--- For Each Negative Thing We Say to Ourselves,God Has A Positive Answer For It.
You say: "It's impossible" God says: "All things are possible" (Luke 18:27) Jesus replied, "What is impossible with men is possible with God."
You say: "I'm too tired" God says: "I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28-30) Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
You say: "Nobody really loves me" God says: "I love you" (John 3:16 & John 13:34) For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
You say: "I can't go on" God says: "I will direct your steps" (Proverbs 3:5-6) Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
You say: "I can't do it" God says: "You can do all things" (Philippians 4:13) I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
You say: "I'm not able" God says: "I am able" (II Corinthians 9:8) And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all thingsat all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every goodwork.
You say: "It's not worth it" God says: "It will be worth it" (Romans 8:28) And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
You say: "I can't forgive myself" God says: "I FORGIVE YOU" (I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1) If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
You say: "I can't manage" God says: "I will supply all your needs" (Philippians 4:19) And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
You say: "I'm afraid" God says: "I have not given you a spirit of fear" (2Timothy 1:7) For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.
You say: "I'm always worried and frustrated" God says: "Cast all your cares on ME" (I Peter 5:7) Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
You say: "I don't have enough faith" God says: "I've given everyone a measure of faith" (Romans 12:3) For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you.
You say: "I'm not smart enough" God says: "I give you wisdom" (I Corinthians 1:30) It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for uswisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption.
You say: "I feel all alone" God says: "I will never leave you or forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5) Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you"
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Why I Am Still Here On Earth
On the 15th of next month, we are going to invite our friends to a musical where the good news of Jesus Christ will be shared to them.
We have had many outreach events in the past, but before we move into the next, let's pause and ask ourselves some questions:
. Do I sincerely believe...that hell and heaven are real places?
. Am I utterly convinced...that hell and NOT heaven is where my unsaved friend is heading, and he or she can leave this world ANYTIME?
. Is it frankly my responsibility...that my friend does not know Jesus Christ?
I'm convicted that you and I are still here on planet Earth, not primarily because we have to take our O/N/A levels or Diploma or Degree, nor is it because we have a job to work for...nor is it because of good music, movies or any forms of relationships in our lives now.
Let's get real with life. Let's be honest.
There are few things in life which has eternal value. There are many which does not.
We only have a LIMITED amount of time here on Earth, and I am convinced that no normal Christian who knows the truth of these matters, will want to commit to live for things which has no eternal value. Why would you? Why would I?
When Jesus left the world, He left with the last words of commanding you and me to live for the one big eternal purpose: to reach out to the lost. And I sincerely believe that is the one reason why you and I are still here breathing on Earth, even though we are saved by Jesus Christ.
I'm going to bring a friend to this upcoming musical, and I'm going to be UTTERLY convinced when I pray that God will speak to my friend about Himself.
My friend's eternity may be changed because of this.
How about yours?
Sharing by Jasmine This is the air I breathe This is the air I breathe Your holy presence living in me This is my daily bread This is my daily bread Your very word spoken to me And I, I’m desperate for You And I, I’m lost without You
Halfway through my QT, this song popped into my head. We used to sing it quite often during our worship sessions in VJ (we met once a week during our common breaks); I think all of us felt, at that point, the need to consider the role that God played in our lives. Were we desperate enough for God, and for Him to work in us? Or had we allowed too many things - our schoolwork, our relationships and our other commitments - to get between God and ourselves?
In this song, God is described to be the air that we breathe - and we know, of course, that breath is what gives us life. (Say you held your head under water for five minutes, I bet you'd start gasping for air way before the time is up. =]) This is exactly how God is - He is our reason for living, and without Him, we are nothing (in fact, we wouldn't even have existed in the first place!). So, just as we would desperately gasp for air, were we unable to breathe, we should be desperate for God's presence in our lives.
Can we honestly say, however, that we hunger and thirst for God more than anything else? Given our busy schedules, has our thought life become consumed by something else other than God? Deuteronomy 30:20 tells us to " the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days..."
And indeed, we need to start making room for God in our lives. We need to learn to depend on Him - through prayer, through reading His word - and to be desperate for Him. It is only through this desperation that we can experience the power of God working in us, and, through our desire for his righteousness, become more and more like Him.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Hey Guys and gals! I was reflecting on some issues in my life when this song came to my mind... WHO AM I. Remember it??? For those who dont.. it means a few things...
1) You miss a youth meeting in Feb. 2) You were late for the meeting even if you came... 3) You were sleeping during worship. =p
Basically, Janice led it as a opening song during one of our meetings in Feb. And while I was singing that song I suddenly felt that I was put in place. That God's grace and love is indeed far greater than all my problems, issues and even tiredness...
Yup I really think that this song is very meaningful and the melody also not bad la.. so... if u wanna hear it (if you havent') ask Janice to sing it out for you! =)
Artist: Casting crowns Song: Who am I
Who am I?That the Lord of all the earth, Would care to know my name,Would care to feel my hurt, Who am I?That the Bright and Morning Star, Would choose to light the way,For my ever wandering heart, Not because of who I am,But because of what You've done, Not because of what I've done,But because of who You are,
I am a flower quickly fading,Here today and gone tomorrow, A wave tossed in the ocean, A vapor in the wind, Still You hear me when I'm calling,Lord, You catch me when I'm falling, And You've told me who I am.. I am Yours.
Who am I?That the eyes that see my sin, Would look on me with love, and watch me rise again, Who am I? That the voice that calmed the sea, Would call out through the rain,And calm the storm in me, Not because of who I am, But because of what You've done, Not because of what I've done,But because of who You are,
Whom shall I fear?Whom shall I fear?'Cause I am Yours,I am Yours.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Yoz... if you have not been flipping through the pages on this website... just some info for you guys...
The photo page is uploaded with new pix of - logo competition [can see your drawings up there :)] - games day photo
we have also added in a column for prayer request - if you have any prayer request and would want us to pray for you just drop an email to - check out the prayer request column to pray for one another too.. :)
that's all folks... :)
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
- Set yourself realistic goals
- Relaxation
- Sleep
- Exercise
- The Food you eat
- Cut down on fats, salt and sugars
- Avoid ready-prepared meals where possible
- Avoid those foods which contain too many artificial preservatives. Read labels.
This is a dedication to some of you who eat slowly. You may be in the minority but you're in the right ;p
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
hello!! these are some pictures that were taken during youth fusion's games day held on the 11 march 2006 at Christchurch sec sch. some of us played floorball, others played badminton. the guys engaged in a game of soccer- a must have at every games day, while the rest of the girls played the board game 'taboo'..
the floorball game is really fun and exciting. if u havent tried the game before, give it a shot cos it will guarantee an aching body after that! :p at first i thought i wouldnt be as crazy as the other girls who would scream each time they chase after the ball. but i found myself screaming away as i try desperately to keep the ball to myself. and its so 'fortunate' that our team kept winning that we didnt even get a moment's rest. we were really tired but it was really worth it. we had fun, we got to work out. we have our star players like candice and ryan who were really good at it, as well as the guys who never gave up like shuhei and steven(they were like running robots). it was an enjoyable time together as a youth.
of course the introduction of the board game 'taboo' really excited us as well. it gets really frustrating when u want to get the idea across but there are so many words that you cannot use. u find yourself going '' or shaking you legs or hands in exasperation. and the expression on everyone's faces is really interesting! :D
anyway, i really cant wait for the next games day. although my body is still aching(pple like us who used to depend on the school's pe periods are missing out on exercise la :p), im still looking forward to it! :D hope u are too! :D
Monday, March 13, 2006
Fighting The Battles, Winning The War By: Shenghao (Tertiary Cell)
A friend of mine used to say that if Singapore ever goes to war, Singapore will win the battles but lose the war. He said that Singapore can win the battles with our advanced technology in our weaponry, but ultimately, we will lose the war due to our lacking in manpower to rebuild quickly.
As a Christian, I fight a constant war against sin and, I realize that there are many battles to be fought everyday. Some of these battles could be finding time to do quiet time, going through an entire day not cursing or swearing, deciding whether to play games or do homework and deciding whether to go church or not. In some of these battles, I execute the right action and win the battles but in others, I make a wrong decision and lose the fight.
Losing a battle can lead to negative endings and can make a person feel depressed, disappointed and demoralized. However, I always remind myself that: it is not the end yet, the war is not over and there are still many more battles to be fought and so, I DON'T GIVE UP! I PRAY for guidance and strength from God as they are the food supply and the firepower needed to fight the war. I stay FOCUSED on winning the ultimate goal and hence, I will strive to win one battle after another.
I will hence, remind myself to focus on winning the next battle ahead of me, because by doing so, winning battles after battles will eventually mean winning the war!
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Kingdom of God Seekers
On last Sunday, we prayed together, to be a people who are Kingdom of God seekers. Indeed, as we prayed together, a question was raised among one of us:
Do we know...what really is the Kingdom of God? How is it like? To understand this, let us take a look at how Jesus taught us to pray.
"Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
There is a huge truth we can glean from here, about what the Kingdom of God is like:
After praying the line, "Your Kingdom come", Jesus immediately went on to pray "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." These two phrases are not two parts, but are actually one whole, where the second adds on to reinforce the desire expressed in the first.
Hence, we have a clue here: the Kingdom of God is any place where the WILL OF GOD IS DONE THE WAY IT IS DONE IN HEAVEN.
Has it ever occurred to you how the will of God is done in heaven? Take a while to think about it.
I suppose we all have the answer. There is no question about it. The will of God, in heaven, is simply OBEYED. No questions asked. Full submission. Undivided commitment to fulfillment by all angels in heaven.
You know, the chinese dramas we watch, where the imperial messenger reads from the decree of the emperor, and the person who listens to it has to bow down and accepts it REGARDLESS of what it is?
That is how the will of God is done in heaven. All angels and forces of nature simply do what the will of God is! And of course, they are so full of joy when they do it, because joy is always the eventual product of obedience to God!
Friends, the Kingdom of God is simply, where the will of God is done the way it is done in heaven.
Let us take a moment now to reflect: 1) Do I want the Kingdom of God to come to earth, as the way Jesus prayed? If yes, then it has to start somewhere. And perhaps the question to ask is therefore... 2) Do I want the Kingdom of God to come into the world where I live in? Where my family and friends are able to understand the ABUNDANT LIFE that comes as a result of obedience to God? Then someone has to show them. And perhaps the question to ask has to be nothing else but... 3) Do I want the Kingdom of God to come into my own personal world of thoughts and emotions? Am I willing to stop flirting with the world and FULLY obey God today?
Friends, in heaven, the norm is to obey God in full surrender. It is just so normal to see all angels obeying God in heaven. Similarly, the normal Christian is one who is obeying God. Let us not entertain any thoughts that the fully obedient Christian is an exception or should be the minority in church.
And though this is hard to accept, let us not be fooled by the evil one, but come to understand that: the ABNORMAL Christian is simply one who is not living in full submission to Christ everyday.
You and I are ABNORMAL Christians when we live in disobedience to God.
Let us be normal Christians everyday, seeking to fully obey God. Only then can we call ourselves true Kingdom of God seekers. And justify the desires we prayed on Sunday.
Seeing What We Don't Want To See
By CELINE - Tertiary Cell
“Why, God?” “Why are you doing this to me? What have I done to deserve such treatment?” “I’ve served you and followed you, and you bring all these things on me. Why, God, why?”
These cries sound remarkably common today, yet they are also age-old laments from the earliest days of humanity. In fact, although not explicitly stated, they are the wails of a confused man named Job. Regardless of when the book of Job was written, it’s a story all humanity can learn from. Job, like all of us, faced struggles coming to terms with the love of God and the sovereignty of His Majesty. However, he finally arrived at the place where he admits he has spoken of things he doesn’t understand (Job 42:3) and about things he can’t control. With what little he does understand, he knows he has launched an indictment against God’s character. In his humbled position, he accepts the reality that the divine nature, and the disposition of rewards and retribution are ultimately beyond human comprehension. There is an often-missed element to Job’s confession: God cares less about our understanding of divine things than about our relationship with the Divine One. It is Job who matters, not his intellectual satisfaction or his theological grasp. The great conclusion is that Job ends the story having a deeper relationship with God. Intimacy is what matters ultimately.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Hey Guys! Check out this cool Testimony by CIndy really touched my heart and I could feel that God was speaking to me by just reading the words of her testimony! I pray and hope that God will do so for you too! Love, Tina =)
Not by Might, Not by Power
Since 2 Sundays ago, I had been brainstorming for problem scenario for my problem-based learning assignment (pair-work). For those who are in poly and NIE, I believe you all are familiar with this disgusting term, P-B-L. Yak! I had a rough idea of how I wanted to craft my problem scenario, but somehow or rather, it just could not fulfill certain requirements of this assignment.
My partner and I need to meet up with our tutor to discuss about the problem scenario on the coming Friday, so by hook or by crook, we need to meet up on Thursday to finalize our problem scenario. Till Wednesday, I was still trying very hard to make changes to my initial idea, but still these did not solve the problem of meeting all the requirements. I was dazing at my bookshelf then, casually but sincerely said a super short prayer: “Haiz… God, please help me”.
I got a glimpse at a box (which has a candle inside) that was given by Huiling during last year’s youth leaders and working committee retreat. Before I could even recall that the box contains the candle, an idea just “DING” in my mind, all of a sudden. So sudden that my heart literally missed a beat (I’m not trying to be exaggerative here, but it is TRUE!). This idea that took me by surprise was flawless – all aspects of the requirements were met! It was like receiving a complete package set.
Without hesitation, I was very much convinced that this must have come from God. Guaranteed + Chop! Why would I think so? Because I know my mind can only work in a systematic, logical, stepwise manner. If this idea was to be from me, it would have to go through the following processing: there is a candle in the box… How can the candle be applied to my PBL? Can the candle be applied to my PBL in the first place? In what ways can the concept of candle help me resolve some of requirement issues? And a lot more questioning. All these processing would take a lot of “hmmm” here and there. But the fact that the idea came so instantaneously and perfectly proved that it must have come from God. Indeed, all good and perfect gifts came from above!
On the following day (Thursday), when I was doing my QT and giving thanks to God, guess what He said to me? It is Psalm 46:1-11. Do check up the verses and you will see the marvel of God.