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Monday, March 13, 2006

Fighting The Battles, Winning The War
By: Shenghao (Tertiary Cell)

A friend of mine used to say that if Singapore ever goes to war, Singapore will win the battles but lose the war. He said that Singapore can win the battles with our advanced technology in our weaponry, but ultimately, we will lose the war due to our lacking in manpower to rebuild quickly.

As a Christian, I fight a constant war against sin and, I realize that
there are many battles to be fought everyday. Some of these battles could be finding time to do quiet time, going through an entire day not cursing or swearing, deciding whether to play games or do homework and deciding whether to go church or not. In some of these battles, I execute the right action and win the battles but
in others, I make a wrong decision and lose the fight.

Losing a battle can lead to negative endings and can make a person feel depressed, disappointed and demoralized. However, I always remind myself that: it is not the end yet, the war is not over and there are still many more battles to be fought and so, I DON'T GIVE UP! I PRAY for guidance and strength from God as they are the food supply and the firepower needed to fight the war. I stay FOCUSED on winning the ultimate goal and hence, I will strive to win one battle after another.

I will hence, remind myself to focus on winning the next battle ahead of me, because by doing so, winning battles after battles will eventually mean winning the war!

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