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Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Carolyn's sharing iSOW" was really a wonderful experience for me. The place was saturated with the Holy Spirit, and one could strongly sense the presence of GOD in the room. The speakers were really good.For the first time, I spoke in tongues. And for the first time, I felt that I could just stand there from 9am -5pm just worshipping and praising the Lord.
I was quite embarrassed as all the other youths could speak in tongues. It made me realise ho on fire for GOD they were, and it just put me to shame. You could see and hear just how much they loved Him.I got so filled with the Holy Spirit, I tell you it's amazing. I felt so close, so near to our Father, something that I've not felt before. There's a love that's overflowing, an overflowing of the Spirit.GOD doesn't give just enough to satisfy us, to make us feel good. He gives an oveflowing, abundant of the Spirit, that we just can't contain it, and we just want to share it with the people around us.Indeed, the Lord is good, and He does miracles.
Auntie Cathie told us a testimonial which she witnessed in a church (in her home church in Melbourne, I think). There was this little girl, Jessica, who was totally deaf. But yet when they were singing a song "I believe you can do miracles. The sick are healed and the lame can walk. Broken hearts are mended. You do it over and over again"While they were singing this song, Jessica was led out, and she was white as a sheet. When she came back, she had a bucket with her, and she was nauseating into it. There she laid on the aisle. Her parents were called to pray for her. When Auntie Cathie called Jessica (she was shouting as Jessica couldn't hear. She had hearing implants), Jessica replied, "You don't have to shout."Jessica was healed. She could hear again. She said that while she was singing the song, the sound became louder and louder and she couldn't stand it, and she pulled out her hearing implants. When she pulled it out, she heard a loud crack and something flew out. Auntie Cathie said it was the deaf demon. Indeed, the Lord is wonderful. Miracles are not just something that you read in the Bible, but think it's impossible that it can happen today. It CAN.
There's another testimonial, this time from me. My very close friend used to suffer from kidney failure back in secondary school. I prayed and prayed, and the Lord is indeed faithful. He healed her. Finally, one day, when we were at her house studying for our 'O' levels, she told me that her kidney did not hurt anymore. Hallelujah. This can only be a miracle from GOD, as kidney failure is an incurable disease.GOD is most wonderful, isn't He? =)