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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
hello!! these are some pictures that were taken during youth fusion's games day held on the 11 march 2006 at Christchurch sec sch. some of us played floorball, others played badminton. the guys engaged in a game of soccer- a must have at every games day, while the rest of the girls played the board game 'taboo'..
the floorball game is really fun and exciting. if u havent tried the game before, give it a shot cos it will guarantee an aching body after that! :p at first i thought i wouldnt be as crazy as the other girls who would scream each time they chase after the ball. but i found myself screaming away as i try desperately to keep the ball to myself. and its so 'fortunate' that our team kept winning that we didnt even get a moment's rest. we were really tired but it was really worth it. we had fun, we got to work out. we have our star players like candice and ryan who were really good at it, as well as the guys who never gave up like shuhei and steven(they were like running robots). it was an enjoyable time together as a youth.
of course the introduction of the board game 'taboo' really excited us as well. it gets really frustrating when u want to get the idea across but there are so many words that you cannot use. u find yourself going '' or shaking you legs or hands in exasperation. and the expression on everyone's faces is really interesting! :D
anyway, i really cant wait for the next games day. although my body is still aching(pple like us who used to depend on the school's pe periods are missing out on exercise la :p), im still looking forward to it! :D hope u are too! :D