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Tuesday, March 28, 2006
3C's of Evangelism
I get to learn many lessons each time I go out to share the gospel with my unsaved friends. In fact, I'm always amazed by the fact that God teaches me how to reach out ONLY if I'm willing to first step out.
As I learn, I've also shared with the Tertiary Cell 3 key principles that serves to guide my evangelistic efforts all this while:
1. Commitment - If there's no Commitment, there will be no Completion
If I do not make it my personal responsibility, my own agenda, to tell my friends about Jesus, I will be so busy with many other things (including Christian things), that I may have to literally see my friends fall into hell, and not do anything about it. If you and I are not committed to reaching the lost, that's best for the devil, because he is committed to making us not commit to reaching out. And as long as we lay idle about evangelism or taking a less than 100% attitude to it, hell will always be prospering faster than heaven.
2. Conviction - If there's no Conviction, there will be no Connection
Have you ever wondered, why is it that our non-Christian friends may not take our message of the gospel seriously? I've wondered why. And I've come to realise that unless I myself am utterly convicted that a person's soul needs Jesus desperately, if not he or she will go to eternal damnation in hell, I will not speak with urgency. No urgency, no conviction, hence, no connection!
3. Counting on the Holy Spirit - If there's no Counting on the Holy Spirit, there will be no Conversion.
No matter how much is said, how much methodology is practiced, at the end of the day, God is only going to use those who depend wholly on Him to do His work. I've realised it many times myself, that there's a very real difference in the attitude of a person who evangelises on his or her own strength, and one who does it by full surrender to the Holy Spirit. The latter hardly gets tired or disillusioned, is always relentless, and is also full of power when sharing. Needless to say, that person definitely has to walk closely with God.
You know, I know this sounds so typical of a sentence that is set to inspire or encourage, but it is TRUE: I find myself becoming truly in perspective of my identity as a child of God in this dying world, only when I reach out.
In fact, I've come to realise that: there's no way that I can possibly be a genuine God-loving and God-fearing Christian, if I just evangelise only during an outreach.
How have you been responding to God's calling for you to tell your friends about His passion for the lost?