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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
if i say im feeling ok about tomorrow, im lying. truthfully speaking, i've been trying to avoid thinking about it because the moment i do, theres buterflies in my stomach. and i know its the insecurity that im feeling about my results.
however, God's promises have sustained me all this time through His word:
" Do not be anxious about anything, but in EVERYTHING, by PRAYER and petition, with THANKSGIVING, present your requests to God. and the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and yor minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7
its very easy to give thanks to God during good times but can we still do it during the bad times? sometimes, i cant just let go of being in control and wanting to know what is happening that is keeping me from trusting in God to lead me. im constantly reminding myself that:
".. the Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom." Isaiah 40:28
".. for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to HIS good purpose." Philippians 2:13
therefore, i thank God for my results, whatever it is. and that His peace and comfort would be with everyone. that when we trust in God, we will not be disappointed.
Monday, February 27, 2006
The Real Thing
The world's answer to a God-given need will always appear to be the same but the hungry Christian will know the difference. The world's version of peace is not the same as that of God's version of peace. So it is for joy, love, purpose and other needs in our lives. It is easy to recognise that we all have these needs in our lives, AND the world will always try to give a counterfeit version of it to satisfy the human soul.
Do you and I hunger and seek for the real thing? It is perhaps, one of the saddest thing to happen in a Christian's walk that he or she knows all about it, but in his or her heart of hearts, the desire for the real thing is not exactly there.
When you and I settle for the counterfeits that the world can give, we will be satisfied, and we may carry on giving praise and thanks to God...but they will not develop in us a deeper hunger for God and His presence. And deep inside, you and I know it.
When the real things of God are seeked and received, they will always lead to a hunger to want more of God...more of His fear, His presence...of Him. The hunger is real.
Let us not desire for time together which are full of laughter but void of God's presence. Let us not want relationships which are full of love but does not lead us to want God more. Let us not crave for more peace and blessings which will not bring us lower on our knees to Jesus.
Let us seek for the genuine version of peace, love, joy, purpose, pleasure and every other thing that God has made us desire in our souls. Let us not miss the point...for it is pointless to settle for less.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
From: ADRIAN (Tertiary Cell)
GOD'S PEACE Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful. - John 14:27
There are two kinds of peace a Christian can go after in this world: the peace that God gives, and the peace that the world gives. The daily question of our lives is, “Will we be at peace with God or the world?” This is why sin can feel good for short periods of time. It’s because of the peace it brings when it unites with the sinful areas of our heart. For a Christian, we have in each of us a new nature that opposes this “peace of the world” completely; the Holy Spirit in us constantly draws us closer to God and creates in us discomfort and uneasyness when we sin. For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please. - Galatians 5:17
For myself, I have a lot of struggles finding peace with God:
issues of trust, issues of insecurity and so on. These issues keep me from having God’s peace, and often I find myself looking for “peace” by taking comfort in the world’s offerings of comfort. But these don’t last, and it’s better to be patient and take time to wash my mind in useful verses and prayer than succumbing to an “escapist” way of dealing with things.
For all the “comfort” and “peace” following the world often brings us, it does not last nor does it sink in very deep. As we go about our daily lives, let us try to look for something that we can build our lives on: God’s peace.
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. - John 16:33
Friday, February 24, 2006

Christ being the centre and foundation of Youth Fusion. Both loving you and me leads us to Christ.

Red stands for Girl, Blue stands for Boy. Symbol of hands fused togetherto symbolize unity in the family of God.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Gim Seng's Heartfelt Sharing...
I have just started my spiritual journal after reading the Purpose Driven Life, Day 37. That chapter tells us that God has given each of us a life message to share.
“Those who believes in the Son of God have the testimony of God in them.”
There are many things that God has done to impact me through this short few months which I have received him into my life. And I felt it was good to pen them down, given my short-term memory and tendency to forget many things. This journal would also be a good reflection for me in later times when I read the past strong moments where God has been by my side, giving me support and telling me how to live a Godly live through His words.
This is one of my entries:
It was a bad day for me being at the center of a verbal exchange with 5 of my colleagues. 5 against 1 and I was pinned to the corner just for sticking to my own preferences and twisting some rules by a bit (no elaboration on argument). I was at the losing end and I guessed, 5 sharp tongues poking at me… I was so angry! The angry flames and bad feelings kept haunting that whole evening after.
When I took out the book Si’er gave me, “He chose the nails” by Max Lucado. I was at the chapter, which was telling me to leave all my bad moments to God. He will be the One who will take care of me and look out for me. God wants us to live a happy life; to forgive and forget bad moments and to forgive adversaries who contributed any bad jibes in our daily lives. These are not wanted in our lives and we have to handle them with love and humility.
“Forgives whatever grievances you may have against one another, forgive as the Lord forgave you” Col 3:13
I was glad for the timeliness of these words. It would not help if I couldn’t get over the argument and bear grudges with my colleagues. The best way is to leave them at the cross of Christ, and move forward with reconciliation. My anger flames died almost instantly, and I am so thankful that God had touched me at the right time. The anger would have probably stayed much longer if I was still an unbeliever…how glad I am!
I will quote a last sentence, which had touched me, “ If I leave those moments at the cross, I wont have any moments left but good ones.”
Let's Take Time
Let's take time to wait upon the Lord Let's take time to listen to His voice Unless the Lord builds the house We labour in vain So let's take time to wait upon the Lord.
When i first heard this song and it kept ringing in my head, I constantly wondered a few questions...
1. What does it mean by "taking time to wait upon the Lord" 2. How does "taking time" got ANYTHING to do with "building a house"? Why shouldnt it be "taking time to listen" and "keeping still"?
And then I thought about it with regards to my everyday life, and i realised that I rush from place to place, from project to project and when do i really take time to listen to Him? Only when i want something? Or only when i want to hear something? And the point is, God is willing to speak to us any moment, any time, but how many of us are truly TAKING TIME (conscious effort) to wait upon Him.
And then for the second question... I thought about it for a really long time :p cuz i just couldnt seem to find the link at all and why did the lyricist write in such a manner... and then, after a while, I realised that "building a house" maybe "building a life", or "building a ministry" and for my case, it really applied to my secondary school cell ministry. That if I do not take time to listen to God's calling for the secondary school cell, and choose to do it my way, indeed i will be labouring in vain.
Therefore, I hope perhaps this song can encourage us that in whatever we do, whatever we try to build, do take time to listen to Him and lay it down at His feet, and He will guide us through in all things.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Theme: Hand signals to represent You, Me and Him.

Words and stalk are in purpose which stands for the royal priesthood. Red stands for the blood of Christ. Green and shape symbolizes youth, vitality and fusion with Christ.
 The logo basicallay is of the shape "Y" and "F", where Y stands for Youth and F stands for fusion. The letters joined together represents a unity in thebody of believers. The slant represents onward moving if the youth in reaching out. The logo also has a cross shape symbolising Jesus as the head of the body. The cross is also planted on the ground, representing the Word of God firmly sown to our lives. Brown, the colour of the cross, red the blood of Jesus coming down.
 The logo is made out of Youth Fusion and its tagline. It is encompassed by 2 smooth strokes to symbolize a smooth motion, a structure that holds Youth Fusion togeterh. It is also easy on the eyes as it is in a shape of a spinning globe. We want "you", "me" and "Him" all over the world!

5 edges= 5 purposes White portion: Y=Youth Gray portion: F= Fusion Dancing Star design: represents a youthful generation shining like stars in the universe!
 The carved font emphasizes that the lives of YF youths are entwined in the embrace of Christ which is the cross. If it's possible, I"ll change the colour of the cross to red. Red and orange respectively signify blood and vitality.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Cindy Leticia shares "5 reasons why you should believe in the existence of God"
Just want to share something which I think is really helpful; especially for a new Christian. For me, it has really benefit me because there was a period of time when I did not really believe in Jesus Christ; and after reading this article, I can say it has been really helpful.
1st: Background of Genesis
On first reading, the opening words of the Bible seem to assume the existence of God. Genesis, however, was written at a point of time in history. Moses wrote, "In the beginning God" after Israel's exodus from Egypt. He wrote after miraculous events that were said to have been witnessed by millions of Jews and Egyptians. From the Exodus to the coming of Messiah, the God of the Bible rests His case on events witnessed in real time and locations. Anyone who doubted the claims could visit real places and people to check out the evidence for themselves.
2nd: The Claims of Christ
Many who doubt the existence of God have reassured themselves with the thought, "If God wanted us to believe in Him, He would appear to us." According to the Bible, that is what God has done. Writing in the 7th century BC, the prophet Isaiah said that God would give His people a sign. A virgin would bear a son who would be called "God with us" (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23). Isaiah said this Son would be called, "Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6). The prophet also said that this child would die for His people's sins before seeing His life prolonged and honored by God (Isaiah 53). According to the New Testament, Jesus claimed to be that Messiah. Under the oversight of a Roman governor named Pontius Pilate, He was crucified on charges that He claimed to be the king of Israel and that He had represented Himself as being equal with God (John 5:18).
3rd: The Evidence of Miracles
The reports of the first followers of Jesus agree that He did more than just claim to be the long-awaited Messiah. These witnesses said He won their trust by healing paralytics, walking on water, and then voluntarily dying a painful, undeserved death before rising from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-8). Most compelling was their claim that many witnesses had seen and talked to Christ after finding His tomb empty and before watching Him ascend visibly into the clouds. These witnesses didn't have anything on earth to gain by their claims. They had no hopes of material wealth or power. Many became martyrs, claiming to the end that the long-awaited Messiah of Israel had lived among them, that He had become a sacrifice for sin, and that He had risen from the dead to assure them of His ability to bring them to God.
4th: The Details of Nature
Some who believe in God do not take His existence seriously. They reason that a God great enough to create the universe would be too big to be concerned about us. Jesus, however, confirmed what the design and detail of the natural world suggest. He showed that God is great enough to care about the smallest details of our lives. He spoke of one who not only knows every move we make but also the motives and thoughts of our heart. Jesus taught that God knows the number of hairs on our head, the concerns of our heart, and even the condition of a fallen sparrow (Psalm 139; Matthew 6).
5th: The Voice of Experience
The Bible says that God designs the circumstances of our lives in a way that will prompt us to look for Him (Acts 17:26). For those who do reach out for Him, the Scriptures also say that He is close enough to be found (Acts 17:27). According to the apostle Paul, God is a Spirit in whom "we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28). The Bible makes it just as clear, however, that we must reach out for God on His terms rather than our own. He promises to be found, not by just anyone but by those who admit their own need and are willing to trust Him rather than themselves. You're not alone if you are open to the existence of God but aren't sure you can accept Jesus' claim to be "God in the flesh." The teacher from Nazareth promised help to those who are concerned about doing the will of God. He said, "If anyone chooses to do God's will, he will find out whether My teaching comes from God or whether I speak on My own" (John 7:17 NIV). If you do see the evidence for the God who revealed Himself to us through His Son, then keep in mind that the Bible says Christ died to pay the price for our sins, and that all who believe in Him will receive the gifts of forgiveness and everlasting life. The salvation Christ offers is not a reward for effort but a gift to all who in light of the evidence put their trust in Him (John 5:24; Romans 4:5; Ephesians 2:8-10).

The 'Y' is divided into blocks representing the differen hierarchy or different aged cell groups, but the cells are close together to form the entire youth division. The green part is the evangelistic outreach sprouting and growing, also symbolising a growing plant. The slogan wordings are in no order to show diversity and creativity among the youths.
 The world is ruled by Him and the youth standing beside the world represents the youths. We are able to hold the world in the palm of our hands because He helps us. The sun represents God's love shining down on us. The word 'fusion' is spelt the other way round, because we want to be youths who 'turn the world the other way around' and live for God. The curly hair of the youth represents the complicated life other people live and we want to impact our world. The white t-shirt is to represent Christian youths being pure and holy as living sacrifices for God.

Since we are youth fusion, we should be "BROADCASTING" God and His love everywhere we go, hence the reason for the "SPEAKER". The brand is "Youth Fusion" and its tagline is 'Its you, its me, its Him". The colour purple is used for the significance of royalty. Black is to show the simple notion.

Christ is in the middle of YF and Christ is taking care of YF
Saturday, February 18, 2006
This week in school wasn't the easiest of weeks for me, but I'm glad to say today that I've been victorious in the little battles I had to fight in choosing "God's stuff" over "my own stuff", and I want to thank God for giving me the strength to make the right decisions, and for how everything worked out just fine and perfectly in the end~
Firstly, I was deciding whether or not to go for Friday's cell, and I had to make the decision to GO FOR CELL on two seperate occasions. Cos my friend's church was having their anniversary dinner and I would have liked to go, but I knew that on the schedule I was supposed to have cell. And on Friday, which was cell day, I had a hard time doing my project and I was considering staying back to do it and just say I was busy in school. And on the 2 occasions, I decided that going for cell would mean a few things: that God was Number 1 in my life, that I trusted God with all the other things in my life, that I was keeping my commitment to the rest of my cell, and also that giving that time to God would be my sacrifice of worship unto Him. So in the end I stayed back later in lab, but I left in time to make it for cell. And guess what? while I was still in school, I talked to another professor who gave me some advice on my project. If I had chosen to go for the dinner I would have left earlier and missed out on the good stuff.
And because Friday was such a hard day, I wanted to go back on Saturday morning and spend the day doing my project again. Then I remembered that there was leader's retreat the next morning and I felt like *sianz*! In the end, I decided, for the same reasons mentioned above, to go for leader's retreat instead and go back to lab after dinner at night. And guess what? I was really really blessed that morning by the teaching and the worship, and everything seemed to affirm me on the decision I had made!
AND... earlier on Friday, I had discipleship group meeting, and I was really really close to tears when I was telling my Bible Study Group friends how upset I was with my project. And my BS leader gave us an 'assignment'--that before going to bed that night, we would thank God for 5 things that happened in the day. As I thought through how my whole day went, I realised it wasn't that bad after all, because I had things to thank God for! And to think I considered skipping BS that day...(what's up with me right? keep wanting to skip things..terrible!)
For me, it was the first time I struggled so hard in making my decisions to choose 'Kingdom business' over my other commitments, but I think I've come out stronger in the end, and more appreciative of the goodness of God.
Friday, February 17, 2006
School Bells
 Isn't it always a joy whenever we hear the school bell ring? It either meant that is was the end of a lesson or it was recess time! *YEAH!* Even though in my contract teaching days, on one hand it meant that my lesson had to end even though i may not have covered whatever i was intending to teach, i sure enjoyed the sound as it meant that i could be leaving a bunch of monstrous students who simply refuse to listen during class.
Whatever the case, this post was inspired when i was reading something about the Westminster Chime which a bell tune. Out of my curiosity i went online to find out how did the tune go. To my amazement, it was the SAJC school bell's tune! When i was searching more about it's background and history, one thing that struck me was that according to the tradition, the tune has the following words:
O Lord our God Be thou our guide That by thy help No foot may slide. Hence, I was reminded of a portion of scripture in Ephesians 5:1-21.
I believe that as we approach the days ahead of us, we are vulnerable to the evil one who is out to kill, steal and destroy us in order to see us lose our salvation and our eternity in heaven. Therefore it is necessary that we depend on God even more. From the book that i read, the author mentioned that this tune is being sounded on many American campuses and each time these bells ring, it is like the bell ringing out a prayer. I hope that the prayer that is being sounded daily all over America and even in SAJC be the prayer that is in our hearts daily.
May God be our guide so that we will know and do His will and not fall into temptation or fall into the ways of the world.
To find out more, please refer to the following links:
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Sinners or Saints? by Carolyn My mother was reading to me this short extract from a book she borrowed which interested her very much, and me as well.
The book stated that in the Bible, Jesus died for us so that we may become free from sin. When we become baptized, we are no longer sinners. We leave behind our old life of sin and lead a new life in Jesus Christ.The book says that we are NOT sinners who are saved, but rather, SAINTS who sin occasionally. It's a different perspective of looking at things, but it does help.
If we think that we are sinners, we will live a life of a sinner. BUT if we think of ourselves as saints, we will live a life of a saint. It's all in the mind. What do you perceive yourself to be? What kind of life do you lead? A saint or a sinner?
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Read Malachi 1:6-14
In the Bible reference mentioned above (sorry, its too long to type, so you guys have to flip to your Bibles), the Lord talks about His people bringing the diseased, crippled and injured animals for sacrifice at the altar of God, when in fact only animals without defect were to be offered to the Lord (see Leviticus 2, 3).
Today, we no longer have the practice of bringing animal sacrifices to the Lord, but just as God required His people to give Him the best, we too today ought to give and offer to God what is best. For me, my application of this would be to give God the best time of my day where I'm most alert and awake to spend time with Him. I've been trying to start my day by reading the Word before going to school (cos its when I'm more awake and not tired yet).
Other things that we can apply this verse to are the things we do to serve the Lord: leading worship, preparing for cell, preparing slides, ushering, doing refreshments--things we do so often and have become so familiar with--we need to remind ourselves that it is all for God and not just simply go through the familiar motions of doing the things we are so used to doing. Sometimes we get so familiar with our ministry duties, we lose the reverence we once had when we first started serving.
Be sure to give the best that you can to God!
Monday, February 13, 2006
Majesty (Here I Am)
Here I am humbled by your Majesty Covered by your grace so free Here I am, knowing I'm a sinful man Covered by the blood of the Lamb
Now I've found the greatest love of all is mine Since you laid down your life The greatest sacrifice
Majesty, Majesty Your grace has found me just as I am Empty handed, but alive in your hands Majesty, Majesty Forever I am changed by your love In the presence of your Majesty
Here I am humbled by the love that you give Forgiven so that I can forgive Here I stand, knowing that I'm your desire Sanctified by glory and fire
Remember this song? The lyrics above belong to the song which we sang on Saturday.
During cell that day, Tertiary Cell talked about how hard it is to love others and forgive those whom we do not think deserve to be forgiven. We then talked about the lyrics of this song where it says "Here I am, humbled by the love that you give. Forgiven so that I can forgive."
And we realised it is so true that: when we fail to see ourselves as UTTERLY SINFUL WRETCHES who have been TOTALLY FORGIVEN of ALL OUR SINS by a God who can choose not to, we would think we are not that bad afterall.
And so we can choose not to forgive others, because we somehow feel that they cannot live up to certain standards. But we can.
I personally especially love the lines "Here I am, knowing I'm a sinful man, covered by the blood of the Lamb."
You know, when I feel I cannot forgive others, I'm actually no longer behaving like a child of God. That's the moment when I behave like a sinful man once again.
And so, I NEED to know that I am a sinful person really, and if not for the blood of Jesus, I would not be any different from the criminals of the land.
Yes, and that's when the best part comes in. I realised despite ALL my deep, dark and dirty secrets, God still loves me, and He wants to forgive me. Oh! If I can be forgiven and loved by the God of the universe, I am sure I can forgive and try to love others!
Friends, that feeling of forgiving others and loving those you find it hard to, is JUST SO FANTASTIC. I tried it first hand many times. You see, if you are holding on to some grievances or unhappiness, this is the opportunity that God has given you to KNOW IT FIRST HAND too.
A heart that refuses to truly love or forgive, does not taste the freshness of the Almighty's daily dosage of grace. God is waiting for you to take the first step to open up your heart, before He unleash His love into your life once again.
Think about it: that person may not deserve your love or forgiveness, but you, yes, you, you deserve the awesome love of God. You do. "Now I've found the greatest love of all is mine". Yes, the greatest love of all, God's love is yours. And it is yours to not just keep it, but to give it away. And you only gain more by giving more.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Being a Light in the world
You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. ~ Matthew 5:14-16 ~
From reading this portion of scripture, i would like to share 3 things that i was reminded of :-
1. We are called to be a light in the midst of darkness meaning to shine the light of Christ into the lives of lost souls out there, to direct them to Jesus. He is the only way to their salvation.
2. Being a light requires some form of action in form of "good deeds" that has to be seen. It requires us to show acts of kindness, to be helpful, compassionate, loving, tolerant and considerate to everyone and everything, in whatever ways we can.
3. God is glorified when our efforts bear fruit.
For Reflection: Are we shining for Jesus today?
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Hey guys, wanna share a little testimony with all of you!
What happened last week was that I received an email from my Dean's (Principal) office, saying that I was not allowed to graduate. I got a HUGEEEEE shock because if I couldnt graduate, I couldnt work, then if I couldnt work, I couldnt do a lot of other things!!! -gasp- so anyway, I found out that I couldnt graduate because I proclaimed the wrong MAJOR CONCENTRATION and if the office didnt approve it asap then, I seriously have to do 4 more modules of Science in Microbiology which I absolutely destest!!!! and worst of all, I cant graduate and I have to eat alone in the canteen for One more Sem because all my friends would have graduated.
However in any case, I prayed to God and Huiling prayed during cell group as well that the office will be more lenient and more forgiving towards my mistake, and grant me the transfer of major. That's because, the NUS office is known for its strictness because, the last time my friend's dad passed away just before her exam period, she had to rush back to Indonesia and she appealed for a re-exam. But they refused and she had to REPEAT 4 MORE MONTHS of the same modules. Therefore, I was really worried about it.
However, in any case, I prayed to Him, the Almighty One, and asked Him to open a way for me and help me. And I received a reply 2 days later (which is SERIOUSLY quick for NUS) that they have done the transfer for me.
And I choose to believe that it's definitely the work of God! and not by chance nor coincidence! Praise Be to God that I can graduate this sem!!! yay! =)
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6
This is a popular memory verse by many and indeed, this is really an encouraging verse, spuring us on even as we run this race on earth. However, what struck me more lately when I read this portion of scripture again, was the few verses that appeared later:
7 Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. 8 This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. 9 Honour the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; 10 then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.
Isn't it amazing that when we fear God and follow what He desires, the benefits are tremendous and even to the extent of bringing nourishment to our bones?
Monday, February 06, 2006
:: Sharing by Pek Har ::
It has been emotionally and physically strenuous for the past two weeks, before the celebration of Chinese New Year. That is due to the preparation of my Final Year Project. Just in case you are wondering what project I am doing, my teammates and I need to create 3D model of Singapore Polytechnic campus.
When doing this FYP, I encountered several problems. The problems mainly consist of the difficulties of our project, software requirement, and even preparation of the Final Report and PowerPoint Presentation. One of the most unexpected problems would be team spirit. It was rather disheartening that one of our friends didn't contribute much to the project, even after umpteen attempts trying to get her back on track. Thank God she came for the FYP presentation which was the most crucial aspect. Because we were be judged individually by our lecturers.
And so, my classmates and I carried a joyful heart on the day of our presentation, since it was the last lap of our FYP. We met up early to touch up on the PowerPoint presentation. And, that was when unexpected and not-so-welcoming events started to take place. First, coffee was spilled over the laptop and it died on us. Latest copy of PowerPoint presentation was not saved! Good thing, we had a back-up copy in the thumb-drive so it wasn't that bad after all. Then, we spent half a day trying to get the media flash player working. Still, we couldn't get it done even at the eleventh-hour. All of us were already exhausted and discouraged. Even during the presentation, we almost messed up during the Questions & Answers session. Thank God we managed to pull it through. Anyway, I'm glad it is over.
Besides busy juggling between projects and schoolwork, I was also horribly stressed out by the unhappiness coming my way, such as teamwork, co-ordination etc. I am not good in handling stress especially, so I usually end up grouchy.
BUT, I must and always keep Him in mind. God has taught me many things along the way. And there are a couple of verses that kept running through my mind.
"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him." James 1:12
"I can do everything through Him who gives me strength"-Philippians 4:13
Most importantly, I have learned something valuable during the phase of my FYP especially. That is, to have communion with God, to even remember him despite our busy schedule. To even thank God for the blessings and gifts He has showered us.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
This coming Saturday, we'll be having our very own Youth Fusion Logo Design Competition!
Submit your entry in 3 easy steps:
1. Design a logo, which includes the ministry name (Youth Fusion) and tagline. Keep your design simple, limiting it to 3 colours. You may submit an entry as an individual, or as a team.
2. Write a short paragraph (max 100 words), describing the logo and what it means
3. Hand your entries by 11th February 2006.
Each person can submit more than 1 entry.
A maximum of 5 entries will be short listed and results will be decided by popular vote during the youth meeting on 18th February 2006.
Results will be announced by 22nd February 2006. Go to to see the results!
Winning entry: $50 worth of prizes 2nd placing: $25 worth of prizes 3rd placing: $20 worth of prizes
Prizes are non-exchangeable for cash.
Stuff to bring: Markers, crayons, colour pencils
Paper will be provided.
Friday, February 03, 2006
Code Blue
Working in KKH has taught me alot of things. One of the things which i dread the most is hearing over the intercom that there is a CODE BLUE. This basically means that some patient in the hospital needs emergency resusitation. which also means that she or he is gonna die any moment.. or has there basically is a crisis. when this happens, all the medical stuff and social workes have to rush to the location of the reported CODE BLUE and do our work. I had 2 code blues in the past week of 3 working days......stress.
But besides all that above i knew that God was teaching me a few lessons. 1) Never NEVER take life for granted. 2) Never NEVER forget to share the gosple to the ppl around us. ( we will NEVER know when they are going to die.. NEVER know, NEVER expect.) 3) Never NEVER let your heart go into a CODE BLUE when it comes to our love for God.
What lessons have God taught you this week?
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Yoz… how was your collecting of ang baos been? Good? Hehe…
Just watch “I Not Stupid Too”… quite a nice movie… funny and touching… thinking back about the movie… there was one part whereby the son told his dad… “I just wanted to buy the 1hr of your time to come watch my play”
In the movie.. for those who have not watch.. the Dad was just too busy with his work…
Sometimes we might have been the Dad… we are just so busy with our work… school… homework… but what God wants is abit of our 24hours that we have each day…
1 month have passed for 2006… how have we been managing our time? Have we been giving God the quality time? Or did we sometimes tell God that… “Sorry God… I’m just so busy with my work… I’ll get back to you tomorrow ok?” did our tomorrow become a tomorrow that was never met?
If you have been telling God tomorrow.. let today be the tomorrow and really seek God TODAY! Start NOW! :)
Dear Father in heaven,
thank You for Your love. Your love explains why I'm here, and even so, why I am still here.
For I know, no matter how I try, I can never do a thing to rationalise Your love.
And if I ever tried to justify Your love in my life Through what I can do for You, I repent, Lord. Strip me of all self-sufficiency... that I may truly come to realise, You are who You are.
And I am...but who I am.
I realise There is really nothing I can give to the One who has it all.
And because it is so, so I give my all.
I turn to You, and with my soul, my heart, my mind and my strength, I acknowledge once again,
are God.