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Monday, February 27, 2006
The Real Thing
The world's answer to a God-given need will always appear to be the same but the hungry Christian will know the difference. The world's version of peace is not the same as that of God's version of peace. So it is for joy, love, purpose and other needs in our lives. It is easy to recognise that we all have these needs in our lives, AND the world will always try to give a counterfeit version of it to satisfy the human soul.
Do you and I hunger and seek for the real thing? It is perhaps, one of the saddest thing to happen in a Christian's walk that he or she knows all about it, but in his or her heart of hearts, the desire for the real thing is not exactly there.
When you and I settle for the counterfeits that the world can give, we will be satisfied, and we may carry on giving praise and thanks to God...but they will not develop in us a deeper hunger for God and His presence. And deep inside, you and I know it.
When the real things of God are seeked and received, they will always lead to a hunger to want more of God...more of His fear, His presence...of Him. The hunger is real.
Let us not desire for time together which are full of laughter but void of God's presence. Let us not want relationships which are full of love but does not lead us to want God more. Let us not crave for more peace and blessings which will not bring us lower on our knees to Jesus.
Let us seek for the genuine version of peace, love, joy, purpose, pleasure and every other thing that God has made us desire in our souls. Let us not miss the point...for it is pointless to settle for less.