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Saturday, February 18, 2006
This week in school wasn't the easiest of weeks for me, but I'm glad to say today that I've been victorious in the little battles I had to fight in choosing "God's stuff" over "my own stuff", and I want to thank God for giving me the strength to make the right decisions, and for how everything worked out just fine and perfectly in the end~
Firstly, I was deciding whether or not to go for Friday's cell, and I had to make the decision to GO FOR CELL on two seperate occasions. Cos my friend's church was having their anniversary dinner and I would have liked to go, but I knew that on the schedule I was supposed to have cell. And on Friday, which was cell day, I had a hard time doing my project and I was considering staying back to do it and just say I was busy in school. And on the 2 occasions, I decided that going for cell would mean a few things: that God was Number 1 in my life, that I trusted God with all the other things in my life, that I was keeping my commitment to the rest of my cell, and also that giving that time to God would be my sacrifice of worship unto Him. So in the end I stayed back later in lab, but I left in time to make it for cell. And guess what? while I was still in school, I talked to another professor who gave me some advice on my project. If I had chosen to go for the dinner I would have left earlier and missed out on the good stuff.
And because Friday was such a hard day, I wanted to go back on Saturday morning and spend the day doing my project again. Then I remembered that there was leader's retreat the next morning and I felt like *sianz*! In the end, I decided, for the same reasons mentioned above, to go for leader's retreat instead and go back to lab after dinner at night. And guess what? I was really really blessed that morning by the teaching and the worship, and everything seemed to affirm me on the decision I had made!
AND... earlier on Friday, I had discipleship group meeting, and I was really really close to tears when I was telling my Bible Study Group friends how upset I was with my project. And my BS leader gave us an 'assignment'--that before going to bed that night, we would thank God for 5 things that happened in the day. As I thought through how my whole day went, I realised it wasn't that bad after all, because I had things to thank God for! And to think I considered skipping BS that day...(what's up with me right? keep wanting to skip things..terrible!)
For me, it was the first time I struggled so hard in making my decisions to choose 'Kingdom business' over my other commitments, but I think I've come out stronger in the end, and more appreciative of the goodness of God.