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Thursday, February 16, 2006
Sinners or Saints? by Carolyn My mother was reading to me this short extract from a book she borrowed which interested her very much, and me as well.
The book stated that in the Bible, Jesus died for us so that we may become free from sin. When we become baptized, we are no longer sinners. We leave behind our old life of sin and lead a new life in Jesus Christ.The book says that we are NOT sinners who are saved, but rather, SAINTS who sin occasionally. It's a different perspective of looking at things, but it does help.
If we think that we are sinners, we will live a life of a sinner. BUT if we think of ourselves as saints, we will live a life of a saint. It's all in the mind. What do you perceive yourself to be? What kind of life do you lead? A saint or a sinner?