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Monday, January 30, 2006
 "So are the paths of all who forget God; And the hope of the godless will perish, whose confidence is fragile, and whose trust is a spider's web." Job 8:13-14
One of the prettiest things I ever saw was a spider's web, carefully woven between branches and glistening because of the way the thin threads playfully caught and reflected the sun's rays. A spider sat in the middle of the web, unflinching, perhaps waiting for the catch of the day to arrive.
Beautiful as it was, the web was also a fragile piece of art. A strong gust of wind could have easily broken the threads and pulled the design apart. Someone could have used a small stick to destroy the web with one swift stroke of the hand. True enough, the next day, I saw that the web had been destroyed. What was left was a few threads dangling, the abandoned remnants of an intricate trap for unsuspecting and innocent prey.
I was surprised, in my study to find that the Bible makes mention of the spider's web in the Book of Job. Having our trust in anything else but God, is futile. Like a delicate web, our trust in any other thing or person can give way and fail us one day. Indeed, we build our trust and confidence on Christ the solid rock, the Rock which no wind, rain, and not even the waves can erode. In God we trust.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
The Story of Love. By Mabel Chia
Growing up from a child who reads a lot of fairy tales gives a lot of imagination of being a fair Princess whom will find a Prince charming… well eventually in some part of my life.
Through the many relationships I’ve went through, I’ve learnt many painful, but valuable lessons. But there is something which I did not learnt, which I am very grateful to God for teaching me recently… The lesson of Him loving me.
I had a tiff with a friend who was very close to me 2 Saturdays ago. I was very upset and I cried. I pray and asked God why this would happen to me. And I ask if the Lord if He could send me someone who loves me more than I, loving the person. At that moment, a question was posed to me. “I’ve loved you more than you loved me all this while; tell me Mabel, what are you still looking for?” I stopped crying and started reflecting and asking myself “Yeah, what am I looking for? God loves me more than I love him and accepted me for all my flaws, all my wrong doings.”
When I 1st came to church, I remember I saw Sier on MSN and he told me, “God loves all his children and he loves you Mabel.” I was like “yeah he loves me and all his children”. When Huiling was helping me to understand the Gospel and the Lord, she told me, “ The love of Jesus was so great that He died on the cross for us, for you and me” And I was like “yeah He loves me soooo much that He died on the cross for me.”
What I want to say is as a young Christian, people tell me that God loves me and I listen and agree. But what is convincing is when God speaks to you directly and tells you He Loves You.
I am convinced and believe in His Love. Do you? Or have you forgotten His love for you?
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Blessing in disguise? I was down with flu and had gastric discomfort a few days back. Thus, I spent most of the time at home resting and while doing so, I read the bible from where I last stopped. So, it was a rest for the body, mind and soul.
Read the book of Job and noted some of the salient points. Then it dawned upon me how whiny I was, given such a small ailment. To think Job was inflicted with painful sores, and was reduced to skin and bones! How painful that was! He had lost all his riches and children prior to his illness. To add on to his woes, he had three friends who unsympathetic and were not comforting at all. Despite all these, he remain true to God! Amazing...
I'm thankful that I had nice friends who ensured that I was all right and one insisted on carrying my bag when she saw that I was not feeling well, even though the weight of a small bag was still managable for me. Besides this, I had a good rest to recover from the flu bug and also time to read the bible slowly! Maybe this flu & gastric is just a blessing in disguise afterall.
Will u sit down to consider your blessings too? =)
Monday, January 23, 2006
“Ask, and it will be given to you; Seek, and you will find; Knock, and it will be opened to you.” - Matthew 7:7
Hi all! I'm Rhys Tan, from Tertiary Cell. The Lord taught me something recently in my second driving test. I learnt that I ought to commit all things to God, INCLUDING things which I may think are WITHIN MY CONTROL. In my first driving test, I only prayed for things which were not within my control: a good weather, clear road conditions, etc. I thought I would be able to calm my own heart for that test. However, it turned out that in that test, I failed because I could not have a calm heart.
Last Wednesday, I took my driving test for the second time. As I’m waiting for the test to start, I kept praying to God. I repeatedly prayed for 4 times, that He may grant me a lenient tester, a good test route, clear traffic conditions and a good weather. On top of these, I ALSO asked God to grant me a calm heart.
And indeed, God gave me EVERY specific thing I asked for…and by His grace, I passed the test!
I’m indeed very grateful to the Lord, even as I recall it all now. I do believe, the lenient tester, clear traffic conditions, a good weather, a calm heart and a focused mind, did not come by chance.
Glory be to God indeed! He taught me a lesson to trust Him even more!
“Coincidences do happen, but only when we pray.” ~ Rhys Tan
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Project 21 Exam!
the secondary school cell had their Project 21 Exam last saturday at the Munich Room. It was a One and a half hour paper, was a open Bible exam! However, the candidates were asked to answer 20 MCQ questions, 5 short structured questions, 3 Long Passage questions, and 1 essay. hehe and they were given 1 week to study all the notes given to them.
AND THEY ALL PASSED THE EXAM!!! the HIGHEST mark was 91, scored by our very own Bible Project21 Scholar, JONATHAN LEOW!!! haha and not only that, they each wrote a very sincere essay of either their personal testimonies, or what they learnt from Project21, or what they hope to achieve in their spiritual walk this year. Therefore, in the following days and weeks, I would love to share with you what they shared with me, with their permission of course.
If you are interested to test yourself with the Project21 exam, please feel free to contact me. I assure you it's really really fun and benefiting, right Secondary cell? haha ;)
 A Gigantic Thank You to YOU!
This is an entry in the works for a long time. I apologise for my tardiness but as the saying goes, 'Better Late Then Never' ;p
We would like to thank & appreciate the cell leaders and functional leaders who have served Youth Fusion, alongside us, in 2005. Every single one of the leaders have worked hard, sacrificed much time, energy & various resources; gave up many personal preferences, to obey the call of God and to do the work of God. Unfortunately, many of the leaders have remained nameless to the 'general public' but the youths, you know who they are. We are grateful to God for each & every one of them and they all play a pivotal role to the existence and growth of Youth Fusion. Of course, we wouldn't forget the camp committee members, the various functional group members - what would we do without you?
In addition, we must thank the VIP of Youth Fusion; the Most Important Person; YOU! Yes, you! Without you, there would be no Youth Fusion. Your presence in YF makes all the difference.
Every Saturday, to see your smile, to 'smell' the sweet aroma of worship that you present to God, to hear you talk about God and His Word, to be tickled by your laughter, to 'taste' the goodness of God in your lives as you testify - is pure exhilaration. To have the privilege of listening to you as you pour out your woes, of drying your tears and praying for you - indescribable joy. To meet the yet-to-be-saved friends that you bring - this is what we live for.
We are grateful to God for YOU!
Chee Hoong & Hui Ling
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
i've been attending the SERVE program for three weeks already. and there are so many things that i want to thank God for. i thank God that i've got great friends in my group. i immediately felt welcomed so that i did not feel as lonely as i thought i would (because im the only one from WAC who is joining this program). for giving me this opportunity to learn more about His word. for the Word that He has already given me, etc...
on the first day of SERVE, our mentor read out a verse from philippians 1:6:'.. being content of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus'. at that time, this verse struck me alot like God is trying to give me an encouragement. i figured out that despite all my insecurities about being part of the youth leaders, God would indeed finish His good work through me and since He has placed me there, i should not worry too much about what i can do. although i still feel uneasy, i trust that God has a plan, and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts, His understanding no one can fathom.
in addition, one of the reasons why i quit my job to focus on SERVE is beacuse this verse spoke very powerfully to me: 'o you of little faith? so do not worry, saying,' what shall we eat?' or ' what shall we wear?' for the pagans run after these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. but seek first his kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.' matthew 6:31-34
during this period of time, i hope that i can draw closer to God and i will learn more about His word. in addition, i hope that i can be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and to focus more on God, even in the little things in life.
Monday, January 16, 2006
TERTIARY CELL "POT BLESS" (Jan 10th,'06) and you are cordially invited...... TO CHECK OUT OUR PICS!!! hehe!!!
 On the evening of 10th of Jan, 2006, the bunch of Tertiary guys and gals from Youth Fusion, WAC, met up for a salivating time of POT BLESS! We had everything from Tom Yam Beehoon, to home-made Soon Kueh, and from Curry Drumstix to home-made Quiches! It was indeed a gruelling time of feasting...After that, we had our "Win, Lose or Draw - Revised Edition" competition...and everyone went rolling in laughter as one after another, we witnessed for ourselves our cellmates' drawing skills! Hilarious! That's it, that's us, the Tertiary Cell! ;) (...and if you are currently studying in any tertiary institutions, or serving ur N.S., join us! Check out the website's CONTACT page! )
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Rain Rain Go Away!

How many of us have sung that popular nursery rhyme this week? "Rain rain go away come again another day, Little children want to play!" It has been raining for almost the whole week. and when i'm im cabs, on the mrt or with my friends, all they complain about is the RAIN! They say that just because of the rain, they could not go out with their family and friends or they could not go to the beach etc etc. How many of us have felt the exact same way and have even silently mumbled our grouses to God? This long and dreary week has indeed taken a toil on most of us, making some of us even refuse to get out of bed for work or school... but this season of rain has brought a familiar passage to my mind. Remember NOAH? (Gen 6:9-8:22) can you imagine sitting in a big boat stuck with hundreds of animals, your children constantly asking you WHEN the rain will stop, your wife nagging about the wet clothings with no where to hang dry? But God never forgot him and even left a mark of promise, the beautiful rainbow for Noah. This is to remind us that He will never again flood the whole earth and destroy all mankind with a flood. So the next time we hit a rainy season, why not just take the time, relax and remember the story of Noah, maybe, we can also peek out after the rain to spot a beautiful rainbow!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
The River Jordan
Joshua 3:13-16a
"And as soon as the priests who carry the ark of the Lord-the Lord of all the earth-set foot in the Jordan, its waters flowing downstream will be cut off and stand in a heap." So when the people broke camp to cross the Jordan, the priests carrying the ark of the covenant went ahead of them. Now the Jordan is at flood stage all during harvest. Yet as soon as the priests who carried the ark reached the Jordan and their feet touched the water's edge, the water from upstream stopped flowing."
Crossing the River Jordan was an act of faith and total surrender for the nation of Israel. The river Jordan was not a river where you could wade slowly into the water and test its depth. One just simply stepped in, because there was no gradient to slide slowly in.
One can imagine the uncertainty that was in the hearts of the priests who had to be the first to step into the water. How cold, and how deep would the waters be? Yet as they did what God had instructed, and as their feet touched the water's edge, the Lord of all rolled back the waters and that allowed Israel to cross over to the side of the Promised Land.
The significance of crossing the River Jordan, was that the river stood between Israel and the Promised Land that God had prepared for them to enter. If Israel had decided not to cross, they would never have entered into the land that flowed with milk and honey.
So it is with some of us. God has something in store for us, but to get there, there are steps of faith and obstacles that have been put in our way and that we need to cross. The first step of faith is often the hardest, but we need to take that step before we see how God is able to remove and help us overcome the obstacles that are in the way.
For me, taking up the responsibility of chairperson-ship (if there's such a word) is like taking a step into the river Jordan with its cold and flowing waters, but yet, I'm trusting God to use my abilities and to grow me as I serve Him in the youth ministry in the current year.
What is YOUR River Jordan today and are you going to take the step of faith to cross it?
Monday, January 09, 2006
Sharing by Cindy Leticia
As I was reading through the daily devotion, something which was written there spoke to me. It said the followers of Jesus Christ are to be rich in good works, ready to give and willing to share. (1 Timothy 6:18 )
Indeed, human beings are not perfect. We are not perfect. Sometimes I tend to be very rude to some people which I dislike. This, I'm not afraid to admit. However, I can also be very nice to people which I like.
But is this the way which Jesus wants us to live? To be selective about how we treat people?
Jesus called us to make disciples of all nations, and to love one another like the way He loved us. Which means, although each one of us have our own flaws and although each and every one of us are different in our own way or we might not be able to live to the expectations of others, we should and must continue to love each other whole-heartedly..
When people are in need, we should try our best to give and help in whatever ways we could. This is demonstrated in the aftermath of the tsunami crisis, people flocked in to give financial support so that medical supplies can be flown there immediately to treat the injured people..
Are we rich in good works? Are we ready to give? Are we willing to share?
Be ever ready to glorify His name. So that people may know we are His disciples!
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Yoz… how have your first few days of school been? FUN? Miss all your friends in school?
How about those who just went to a new secondary school? Being in a new environment.. how was it? :)
Some might be in a new class.. making new friends…
Enjoy your time in school!!!
Even as we are going to school and getting on school life again.. let’s continue to even trust in the Lord in whatever decision that we are to make…
(Proverbs 3:5-6) Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Heya everyone! Sorry sorry I didn't post for the last 2 weeks! Was going through an old stack of cards the other day when one of the cards a close friend wrote to me caught my eye. Here's what the card said:
"Being a Christian is like being a pumpkin. God picks you from the patch, brings you in, and washes off all the dirt you may have gotten from other pumpkins. Then He cuts the top and scoops out all the yucky stuff. He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc. Last, He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside of you to shine for all the world to see."
Amen! Let's give the Lord our thanks and praise today for making and choosing us to be His light in the world.
Monday, January 02, 2006
HI PEOPLE!!! -contributed by Rhys
A new fresh year has just started!!! So, what's your New Year resolution?
New Nike Shoes? Music instruments? Or a new mp3 player?
For me, I guess it would be a pretty long list? Hahaz... 2005 has not been a good year as we know... Riots, politics instability, earthquakes, murders all over the world have been reported in News everyday.
Thus, never take for granted that we are living in such a safe and stable country! Continue to pray for the stability and safety in our country!
Thank God for good health, blessings and everything in our life... May He bring us through all the trials and difficult times in 2006...
"As I'm with Moses, so I will be with you. I will never leave nor forsake you."
Joshua 1:5