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Monday, January 23, 2006
“Ask, and it will be given to you; Seek, and you will find; Knock, and it will be opened to you.” - Matthew 7:7
Hi all! I'm Rhys Tan, from Tertiary Cell. The Lord taught me something recently in my second driving test. I learnt that I ought to commit all things to God, INCLUDING things which I may think are WITHIN MY CONTROL. In my first driving test, I only prayed for things which were not within my control: a good weather, clear road conditions, etc. I thought I would be able to calm my own heart for that test. However, it turned out that in that test, I failed because I could not have a calm heart.
Last Wednesday, I took my driving test for the second time. As I’m waiting for the test to start, I kept praying to God. I repeatedly prayed for 4 times, that He may grant me a lenient tester, a good test route, clear traffic conditions and a good weather. On top of these, I ALSO asked God to grant me a calm heart.
And indeed, God gave me EVERY specific thing I asked for…and by His grace, I passed the test!
I’m indeed very grateful to the Lord, even as I recall it all now. I do believe, the lenient tester, clear traffic conditions, a good weather, a calm heart and a focused mind, did not come by chance.
Glory be to God indeed! He taught me a lesson to trust Him even more!
“Coincidences do happen, but only when we pray.” ~ Rhys Tan