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Monday, January 16, 2006
TERTIARY CELL "POT BLESS" (Jan 10th,'06) and you are cordially invited...... TO CHECK OUT OUR PICS!!! hehe!!!
 On the evening of 10th of Jan, 2006, the bunch of Tertiary guys and gals from Youth Fusion, WAC, met up for a salivating time of POT BLESS! We had everything from Tom Yam Beehoon, to home-made Soon Kueh, and from Curry Drumstix to home-made Quiches! It was indeed a gruelling time of feasting...After that, we had our "Win, Lose or Draw - Revised Edition" competition...and everyone went rolling in laughter as one after another, we witnessed for ourselves our cellmates' drawing skills! Hilarious! That's it, that's us, the Tertiary Cell! ;) (...and if you are currently studying in any tertiary institutions, or serving ur N.S., join us! Check out the website's CONTACT page! )