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Monday, January 09, 2006

Sharing by Cindy Leticia

As I was
reading through the daily devotion, something which was written there spoke to me. It said the followers of Jesus Christ are to be rich in good works, ready to give and willing to share. (1 Timothy 6:18 )

Indeed, human beings are not perfect. We are not perfect. Sometimes I tend to be very rude to some people which I dislike. This, I'm not afraid to admit. However, I can also be very nice to people which I like.

But is this the way which Jesus wants us to live? To be selective about how we treat people?


Jesus called us to make disciples of all nations, and to love one another like the way He loved us. Which means, although each one of us have our own flaws and although each and every one of us are different in our own way or we might not be able to live to the expectations of others, we should and must continue to love each other whole-heartedly..

When people are in need, we should try our best to give and help in whatever ways we could. This is demonstrated in the aftermath of the tsunami crisis, people flocked in to give financial support so that medical supplies can be flown there immediately to treat the injured people..

Are we rich in good works?
Are we ready to give?
Are we willing to share?

Be ever ready to glorify His name. So that people may know we are His disciples!

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