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Monday, January 30, 2006

"So are the paths of all who forget God; And the hope of the godless will perish, whose confidence is fragile, and whose trust is a spider's web." Job 8:13-14

One of the prettiest things I ever saw was a spider's web, carefully woven between branches and glistening because of the way the thin threads playfully caught and reflected the sun's rays. A spider sat in the middle of the web, unflinching, perhaps waiting for the catch of the day to arrive.

Beautiful as it was, the web was also a fragile piece of art. A strong gust of wind could have easily broken the threads and pulled the design apart. Someone could have used a small stick to destroy the web with one swift stroke of the hand. True enough, the next day, I saw that the web had been destroyed. What was left was a few threads dangling, the abandoned remnants of an intricate trap for unsuspecting and innocent prey.

I was surprised, in my study to find that the Bible makes mention of the spider's web in the Book of Job. Having our trust in anything else but God, is futile. Like a delicate web, our trust in any other thing or person can give way and fail us one day. Indeed, we build our trust and confidence on Christ the solid rock, the Rock which no wind, rain, and not even the waves can erode. In God we trust.

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