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Wednesday, September 27, 2006
This is what our cell is up to the past week: revealing the needs behind the masks! :D 
next up: we will be having our mini potluck + fondue this saturday! it will be a time of sharing as well as encouragement especially for those having their majoy exams! we are definitely going to have a great time together! :D 
Monday, September 25, 2006

Wen Xun's Testimony
"You did not choose me, but I chose you" John 15:16 I want to give praise and glory to God almighty and to Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Alpha and Omega. Jesus Christ the Word who came into the world to save a sinner like me. The same Savior wants to save you too, and his love is forever. Here is my testimony sharing, being a staunch non-believer how I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
I was born in a non-Christian family. Being the only son of the family, I was very well taken care of by my parents, especially by my mother. Though I wasn't and am still not a spoilt brat, I tend to take things around me for granted. Unappreciative was the word to describe me and I didn't really know how to care for people.
The first time I attended Church was when I was still in my JC days. Back then, I must admit that I don't see the purpose of going Church other than accompanying my girlfriend then. It was a Bible-Presbyterian Church and so it only uses the King James Bible which is in old English, making it quite difficult for me to understand its content. The weekly Sunday service involves singing of hymns with piano or organ as the background followed by preaching from the pastor. It was peaceful but I felt bored. Basically, Bible-Presbyterians are very strict in their beliefs. They do not watch movie in cinemas, go karaoke or pubs. They also believed in keeping of the whole of the Lord's Day for public and private worship of God except for works of mercy and necessity. Conclusion was: So many things I can't do! All these caused me to think twice about becoming a Christian. At that time, I felt that Christianity was so restrictive and I would have to surrender all my freedom if I were to become one. In the end, I stopped going Church and we broke off. As a result of all these bad experiences, I became a staunch non-Christian.
But God is gracious and merciful. He did not give up on me. After a few years of wilderness, He came knocking on my door again in March this year. It all started when my colleague back in Queensway Sec School invited me to the seekers group organized by her church. It is actually similar to Alpha course where non-believers can go and ask all sorts of questions to clear their doubts about Christianity. I agreed to go because host stays just less than a 5mins walk from my place and I thought I was a staunch non-Christian! The weekly topic such as: "How did the Bible came about?", "Who wrote the Bible?", "Why should I trust the Bible?" and etc. help me in my quest of seeking God. So my each Friday was spent seeking Him and as I seek, I was drawn closer to God. I also begin attending WAC through Huiwen's invitation and Chee Hoong's mentoring, my faith grew. For the first time in my whole life I was introduced to the God, as a loving father to whom I could go close and speak to Him personally and have a fellowship with Him. For the first time the emptiness in my spirit was filled with God's love. I understand the Love of God and the purpose and plan of God which manifested through Jesus Christ by sending Him into the world to die on the cross to take away the sins of the world and the Judgment of the world as we see in the word's of Jesus Christ in John 3:16-17 says "For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved"
On 12th May 2006, I made the decision to believe and gave my life to the Lord Jesus Christ. Matthew 7:14 says, "small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life" Understanding the fullness of Christ's atoning death on the cross took many years for me and all these is made possible through God's grace. Since then, I felt the joy and peace in my life. I don't have to worry about my life because all is in God's hand. I have also learnt to appreciate the people around me more. My purpose in life now is to serve Him; to make His Gospel and His Word of truth known to the dying world.
By this, I can say that the Word of God according to Matthew 7:7-8 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." has been fulfilled in my life.Let all the glory and honor be unto God Almighty who is rich in his Mercy and Grace. Amen
Thursday, September 21, 2006!
HE was DESPISED and rejected of men!
HE was SOLD OUT Himself

HE too LOVED but was REJECTED!
They hid their faces from HIM

Wednesday, September 20, 2006
thought that it might be interesting to post some pictures that were taken ages ago (but developed recently only) with some of the youths. enjoy!
from left: celine, ivy, angel, myself (janice)
from bottom left: reginald, augustine, jonathan
from top left: myself(janice), rebecca, rachel, eunice
 eunice and rebecca
Monday, September 18, 2006
Andy's Testimony
Before I Became a Christian I remembered when I was in Secondary School, life was terrible - I felt very lost. My parents were constantly quarrelling; there wasn't any love within the house. School life wasn't any better as I came from a so called gangster school. I tried very hard to maintain my own principles of being a good individual, but more than often I gave in to my so called friends, and committed sins. I'm glad that those sins weren't very serious, but sins are sins after all.
After entering the Polytechnic, I started to feel relief as I've finally shaken off those untrue friends and company - I was ready to start afresh as. I was very happy with my life in school, but family issues were still present, and were in increasing numbers. I really wished I could get help from somewhere to improve the situation at home - but my search led to no avail.
My family worshipped many idols in the past, but none of them seemed to have worked any miracles in our household. On one occasion, I told a close friend of mine, that if God really existed, I'd like to see Him appear before me. If that ever happens, I'll be more than happy to bow down, believing and worshipping him. Then I'll seek Him to save my family, restoring peace within the family - all I ever wanted was a loving family. But that had never happened till then.
Why and How I Became a Christian Two months ago, my eldest brother Eddy went to church on one occasion - the reason was unknown to me. Subsequently, he went on to receive Christ into his life, and he started his evangelism at home. He claimed that his life became more meaningful and purposeful, but I somehow refused to believe in his words for I've lost faith in the whole God issue since I was in Secondary School. What really bothered me was the issue of tithing, my brother wasn't working - but he was ready to sacrifice his money every month to a God he claims is true. I was rather furious, and began to rebut against everything my brother spoke about Christianity during future sharing of the gospel.
But one night was all it took, for God to appear before me. It was a Wednesday, on the 12th of July; I had CCA so I returned home late. When I got home, my mom told me that people from my brother's church had made a visit to clear away the false idols and bless the house. My mind was like, "Are my parents converting for real?" I went straight into my room, with very unsettled mind.
My mom then asked me out to the living room once more, and she asked me to take a look at a night lamp we have at one corner of the wall. I was disinterested, but nevertheless I went out to take a look - I thought the bulb blew or something.
The next thing I knew, I was standing in front of the night lamp, looking at the t-shaped light source. I couldn't believe my eyes; I had an indescribable feeling inside as I recalled what I had shared with my friend about God's existence. I felt something strong entering my heart, and I was full of joy. My mind went like, "Wow! God really exists!"
So on the very same week's Saturday, 17th of July, I received Christ in Westside Anglican Church.
What I Have Experienced as a Christian My first weekend in church was fun, I got to meet loads of new people and they were all very kind. My faith in God began to grow as that was the environment I had dreamt to be in, people with good character everywhere. I could feel God's love through the words and actions of my brothers and sisters in church.
Gradually, I learnt more and more about God with the help of my cell group and pastors. I started to mould myself to become a better person; I started to entrust my life with God, so that I could enter His divine plans. It paid off as I began to see positive changes in my lifestyle and more importantly my character and attitude towards other people.
Finally, I've also started to experience the very one thing that I've wanted all my life - family warmth. Through Christ, my relationship with my eldest brother and mom became better and better as it was the first time we seriously came together for the same purpose - God. I believe God will continue to work in my household, walking in our daily lives.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Evangelism Lesson 2 : Behind the Mask John 4:4-29 
Hi all, just a short testimony on how this lesson has impacted my life... I have been thinking alot about evangelism these past few days and i keep asking myself, "How in the world am i supposed to reach out??!" However, when I read through the passage and saw how Jesus actually reached out to the Samaritan woman, I felt as if my eyes were opened and I saw a light shining through the dark notion of doing evangelism.
Jesus went beyond the mask of the lady. And targetted her needs and deepest sins. He built a bridge of truth and love. One that saw past her race, color, religion and past. He gave her the only truth which would fulfill all her needs. He was.. amazing. (that's why HE's our Saviour!)
From this lesson, it really spurred me in my own life. To reach out to people and meet their needs. Alot of times, ppl just need a listening ear. They dont need you to preach to them, to help them solve their problems. Most of the time, all they need is a listening ear and someone who would take notice of them (even if they claim that they dont want/need that). And once you manage to break through their mask, help them see their needs, they would then be more receptive to knowing Jesus in their life.
For my own life. I've made a personal pact with God and myself that I will make extra efforts to talk to the non-christian friends/colleages which I have and to be a true and genuine friend to them, even if it means sacrificing time which I have to spend with my close huddle of Christians colleagues in my office. Even if it means.. MOVING out of my comfort zone like Jesus did~
We are just the arrows which point people to Jesus. BUT we need them to at least look at us and talk to us. Before we can even point. Dont you think so? =)
Thursday, September 14, 2006
hey peepz... check out the new photos in the photo page.. :)
more photos are added! do check it out!
another thing is... i'll be doing a new website... so i need you guys to give in ur feedback..
please do the survey.. :)
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

its not too late to keep our dear pretty sister, Rebecca, in prayer as she takes her exam this week.
12th September Tuesday - Catering Science 13th September Wednesday - Food Service Management 14th September Thursday - Principles of Management
Monday, September 11, 2006
A very exciting piece of news for all to hear! Our dear friend, Meiyan, received Jesus Christ in her life last Sunday!
Yippee!! Hooray!!
We are very excited for her in her new journey with God and with Matchstix! We thank God for all that He has been doing in her life! Now that she is our sister-in-Christ, let's all welcome her into this big family!!! *clap clap clap*
So, like what Gladys did, bring your friends to join us for events and cell meetings! You'll never know how God works! *winks*
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Did you guys have fun at Games Day Outreach yesterday?
For me... I only have 3 words to describe it:
3 new friends came to join us (guys) yesterday; for soccer!!!!!
First, we have....... LEON!!!!!

I got to know that he's actually.....
- Alvin's twin brother!! Same age & everything... Cool isn't it?
Next, we have........ Yi HUNG!!! 
Yi Hung is Timothy's friend and is currently serving our dear nation.... Ta-DAH, we have....... YONG JIE!!! 
He's invited by Jia Xuan and is studying in NTU right now... Cool chap!!!
Hey... We really hope to see you guys more often in Youth Fusion...!!
Meeting place: German Center Meeting date: Every Saturday Time: 3.30pm
For the rest of us, even as we start the new week, let's continue to work and live to our Father's praise and glory. Take care......
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Michelle (Far right)

EXAMS EXAMS EXAMS! Please pray for Michelle as she prepares for her prelims! Here is her timetable!
Mon 11 Sept - GP Paper 1 & 2 Wed 13 Sept - Mathematics Paper 1 Thurs 14 Sept - Chemistry Paper 3 Friday 15 Sept - Mathematics Paper 2
Mon 18 Sept - Physics Paper 1 & 2 Tues 19 Sept - Chemistry Paper 1 & 2 Thurs 21 Sept - Physics Paper 3
Sunday, September 03, 2006

Eddy John's Testimony
Before I Received Christ
During my teenage years, I was a very arrogant person. I had achieved a lot in my studies and ECAs and I believed that I had it made.
However, there was one thing that was lacking from my life: love. This was something I could not get from my family or my friends, and I began to think that the only way to receive it would be to get a girlfriend.
How wrong I was! Every girl I liked did not reciprocate my feelings, and vice versa. I was trapped in a vicious cycle; the more I wanted a girlfriend, the more I couldn't find one and the more frustrated and unloved I felt. I finally snapped and gave up all hope of finding love in my lifetime.
How I Received Christ
In the final year of my NS service (2004), I became violently sick. I had problems eating, sleeping, thinking and felt like a wreck. I consulted many doctors but no one knew what was wrong with me.
Then I picked up this book in the library that dealt with depression and the symptoms it described fit me to a T. I read further and discovered a series of breathing exercises that were supposed to help in curing depression. One method was to think of two words as you inhaled and exhaled.
Using one of the book's examples, I tried "Love, God". It worked! Instantly, I was flooded with a deep sense of peace and comfort. I could feel an external presence near me and it was soothing to my frayed nerves. Right there and then, I knew that it was God, and I gave thanks to Him for healing me.
However, I did not seek out God right after that incident, and I continued to struggle with depression for the next two years. It was only during the first half of 2006, when many Christians around me suddenly began to ask me to attend church service, that I answered the call and went to WAC.
After I Received Christ
My life has changed a lot in the 3 months since I have received Christ. All of my old thoughts and beliefs have been changed. There is now love, hope, joy and peace in my life; I no longer feel unloved, frustrated, disillusioned. I see possibilities now where I used to see only dead ends.
Concluding Statements God is moving strongly in my life; He has brought about great changes, not just in me, but in my family as well. I am thankful for His great love for us and I am keen to further His work. I believe that there are great things He wants me to accomplish for Him, and I pray that I will be worthy of His call.