Wen Xun's Testimony
"You did not choose me, but I chose you" John 15:16
I want to give praise and glory to God almighty and to Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Alpha and Omega. Jesus Christ the Word who came into the world to save a sinner like me. The same Savior wants to save you too, and his love is forever. Here is my testimony sharing, being a staunch non-believer how I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
I was born in a non-Christian family. Being the only son of the family, I was very well taken care of by my parents, especially by my mother. Though I wasn't and am still not a spoilt brat, I tend to take things around me for granted. Unappreciative was the word to describe me and I didn't really know how to care for people.
The first time I attended Church was when I was still in my JC days. Back then, I must admit that I don't see the purpose of going Church other than accompanying my girlfriend then. It was a Bible-Presbyterian Church and so it only uses the King James Bible which is in old English, making it quite difficult for me to understand its content. The weekly Sunday service involves singing of hymns with piano or organ as the background followed by preaching from the pastor. It was peaceful but I felt bored. Basically, Bible-Presbyterians are very strict in their beliefs. They do not watch movie in cinemas, go karaoke or pubs. They also believed in keeping of the whole of the Lord's Day for public and private worship of God except for works of mercy and necessity. Conclusion was: So many things I can't do! All these caused me to think twice about becoming a Christian. At that time, I felt that Christianity was so restrictive and I would have to surrender all my freedom if I were to become one. In the end, I stopped going Church and we broke off. As a result of all these bad experiences, I became a staunch non-Christian.
But God is gracious and merciful. He did not give up on me. After a few years of wilderness, He came knocking on my door again in March this year. It all started when my colleague back in Queensway Sec School invited me to the seekers group organized by her church. It is actually similar to Alpha course where non-believers can go and ask all sorts of questions to clear their doubts about Christianity. I agreed to go because host stays just less than a 5mins walk from my place and I thought I was a staunch non-Christian! The weekly topic such as: "How did the Bible came about?", "Who wrote the Bible?", "Why should I trust the Bible?" and etc. help me in my quest of seeking God. So my each Friday was spent seeking Him and as I seek, I was drawn closer to God. I also begin attending WAC through Huiwen's invitation and Chee Hoong's mentoring, my faith grew. For the first time in my whole life I was introduced to the God, as a loving father to whom I could go close and speak to Him personally and have a fellowship with Him. For the first time the emptiness in my spirit was filled with God's love. I understand the Love of God and the purpose and plan of God which manifested through Jesus Christ by sending Him into the world to die on the cross to take away the sins of the world and the Judgment of the world as we see in the word's of Jesus Christ in John 3:16-17 says "For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved"
On 12th May 2006, I made the decision to believe and gave my life to the Lord Jesus Christ. Matthew 7:14 says, "small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life" Understanding the fullness of Christ's atoning death on the cross took many years for me and all these is made possible through God's grace. Since then, I felt the joy and peace in my life. I don't have to worry about my life because all is in God's hand. I have also learnt to appreciate the people around me more. My purpose in life now is to serve Him; to make His Gospel and His Word of truth known to the dying world.
By this, I can say that the Word of God according to Matthew 7:7-8 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." has been fulfilled in my life.Let all the glory and honor be unto God Almighty who is rich in his Mercy and Grace. Amen