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Sunday, September 03, 2006

Eddy John's Testimony
Before I Received Christ
During my teenage years, I was a very arrogant person. I had achieved a lot in my studies and ECAs and I believed that I had it made.
However, there was one thing that was lacking from my life: love. This was something I could not get from my family or my friends, and I began to think that the only way to receive it would be to get a girlfriend.
How wrong I was! Every girl I liked did not reciprocate my feelings, and vice versa. I was trapped in a vicious cycle; the more I wanted a girlfriend, the more I couldn't find one and the more frustrated and unloved I felt. I finally snapped and gave up all hope of finding love in my lifetime.
How I Received Christ
In the final year of my NS service (2004), I became violently sick. I had problems eating, sleeping, thinking and felt like a wreck. I consulted many doctors but no one knew what was wrong with me.
Then I picked up this book in the library that dealt with depression and the symptoms it described fit me to a T. I read further and discovered a series of breathing exercises that were supposed to help in curing depression. One method was to think of two words as you inhaled and exhaled.
Using one of the book's examples, I tried "Love, God". It worked! Instantly, I was flooded with a deep sense of peace and comfort. I could feel an external presence near me and it was soothing to my frayed nerves. Right there and then, I knew that it was God, and I gave thanks to Him for healing me.
However, I did not seek out God right after that incident, and I continued to struggle with depression for the next two years. It was only during the first half of 2006, when many Christians around me suddenly began to ask me to attend church service, that I answered the call and went to WAC.
After I Received Christ
My life has changed a lot in the 3 months since I have received Christ. All of my old thoughts and beliefs have been changed. There is now love, hope, joy and peace in my life; I no longer feel unloved, frustrated, disillusioned. I see possibilities now where I used to see only dead ends.
Concluding Statements God is moving strongly in my life; He has brought about great changes, not just in me, but in my family as well. I am thankful for His great love for us and I am keen to further His work. I believe that there are great things He wants me to accomplish for Him, and I pray that I will be worthy of His call.