Did you guys have fun at Games Day Outreach yesterday?
For me... I only have 3 words to describe it:
3 new friends came to join us (guys) yesterday; for soccer!!!!!
First, we have....... LEON!!!!!
I got to know that he's actually.....
- Alvin's twin brother!! Same age & everything... Cool isn't it?
Next, we have........ Yi HUNG!!!
Yi Hung is Timothy's friend and is currently serving our dear nation....
Ta-DAH, we have....... YONG JIE!!!
He's invited by Jia Xuan and is studying in NTU right now... Cool chap!!!
Hey... We really hope to see you guys more often in Youth Fusion...!!
Meeting place: German Center
Meeting date: Every Saturday
Time: 3.30pm
For the rest of us, even as we start the new week, let's continue to work and live to our Father's praise and glory. Take care......