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Saturday, July 30, 2005
Sports and Games day!
So exciting! Finally our long awaited games day is today! =p Keep wondering how its going to be like...hopefully my tuition kid xudong can make it.. anyway im quite excited about the fact that our long (i must say very long) awaited games day is finally here...mwhaha i think im going mad!
Next weekend is going to be so crazy and busy!
Thursday, July 28, 2005
When People Worship God by Tommy Walker
Ever wonder if worship really makes a difference after Sunday morning? Then let the Word of God speak, reminding us that the answer is a resounding 'Yes!'
Since worship is what human beings are ultimately created for, nothing can bring life-changing power to God's people like true worship. Here are some thoughts from God's Word that I hope will remind and encourage worshipers and worship leaders alike that what we're doing in worship week after week is truly making a difference. In fact, for believers who are worshiping God in spirit and in truth, it's making all the difference. It's changing our lives forever, and in the end, God is being glorified!
Lost people find God
Psalm 40:3 "He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord." Found people see God and proud people become humble before God
Isaiah. 6:1-5 "In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple…. And they were calling to one another, 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of His glory.' At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke. Woe to me, I cried. I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty." Indecisive people discover their ultimate purpose in life is to glorify God
Isaiah. 43:6-7 "I will say to the north, 'Give them up!' and to the south, 'Do not hold them back.' Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth—everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made." Faithless people fix their eyes on Jesus and find the author of their faith
Hebrews 12:2: "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfectr of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
Stressed out people are gently led to the prince of Peace
Isaiah 9:6 "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Helpless people find that God is their ever-present help
Psalm 46:1 "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." Lonely people find out that He's closer then a brother
Proverbs 18:24 "A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." Broken-hearted people are reminded that He promised to be close to them
Psalm 34:18 "The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Sad people find that in the presence of the Lord there is fullness of Joy
Psalm 16:11 "You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand." Empty people become filled with the Holy Spirit
Acts 2:38-39 Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off--for all whom the Lord our God will call." Materialistic people are reminded that the greatest treasure in life is a touch from heaven
2 Corinthians 4:7 "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us." Manipulative people surrender control to the trustworthy God who reign
Psalm 20:7 "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God." Judgmental people come in contact with God's unbiased, amazing grace
Galatians 3: 28 [worship is the great leveler] "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Grieving, home-sick people are reminded that heaven is their eternal home
John 14:2 "In my father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you."
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Makeover TV: Too Extreme?
Question: My friends and I are addicted to makeover shows. I don't think there's anything wrong with home makeover shows, but what about ones where people dramatically change their looks?
I recently read an article on the tv program Extreme Makeover at this website.. It answered quite a few of my own personal questions on how "right" or "wrong" it was to watch reality tv programs like extreme makeover... So if you are wondering if you should be watching such programs, click on the link above and check it out. =)
CLOCKES CLOCKES is a world whose inhabitants are clocks. There are all kinds of clocks: big clocks, small clocks, flat clocks, fanciful clocks, plain clocks, clocks with needles, clocks which show digits, and even clocks which can sing wonderful songs.
But the strangest thing about these people is, although they are clocks, they do not tick. They would sing at the top of their voices with their alarms, play wrestling with one another by rolling and bouncing off their opponents bodies, paint pictures with their needles (those who have them), and do a dozen other interesting things which we don't normally assume clocks would do. We all know that clocks tell time! But the citizens of CLOCKES, they simply don't.
One day, however, a small analog doctor clock named Ticky began to discover something wrong about life in CLOCKES. But he simply couldn't put a needle to it. As a doctor, he often had the chance to disassemble patients who came to him, replacing rusty parts or adding lubricant to the gears. But deep down in his heart, he knew that the real problem with clocks wasn't the physical ones. It had to do more with their lifestyles. Somehow, despite being able to sing beautifully or paint amazingly well, people of CLOCKES never seemed to be satisfied. Even for Ticky himself, although fixing the problems of fellow clocks always brought about great satisfaction, there was still an emptiness that always lingered.
(Well, Ticky wasn't the first one to discover that emptiness. There were grandfather clocks before his time who had spent much time trying to discover the very "problem" Ticky couldn't point his needle to. But as much as they tried, these grandfather clocks, being clocks who inherited the "problem" themselves, couldn't put together a clear answer to what it is.) So this day, Ticky went out for a stroll. In the streets, the clocks were about their usual business of wrestling, painting, dancing, rock climbing and singing. But today, Ticky shook his head at them, knowing somehow, that there was something wrong about them too. Ticky wondered aloud to himself, "I wonder who can reveal to me the "problem" with clocks!" So as Ticky strolled on, he unknowingly reached the suburbs.
Suddenly, a huge sign stopped Ticky in his steps. Bold letters in red across the signboard read: "Beware! Trickster ahead! Turn back!" Ticky frowned.
Trickster was an outcast in the town where Ticky lived. (But Trickster was not his real name. His real name was Abby. "Trickster" was the nickname given to him by the citizens of the town) He was an old, red clock with huge ringers on his head. And at the hour when the sun hanged overhead each day, Trickster would go around the town spreading news about a person named Alpha, whom he claimed was the maker of all the clocks. How that infuriated the clocks! But what puzzled Ticky most, however, was the ticking of the needle on Trickster's body... Since Ticky has been taught since young not to get near Trickster, he began to turn and walk away. But a voice called out to him, "Hello!" Ticky knew it had to be Trickster, so he quickened his steps to walk away. Yet Trickster gave chase and finally stopped him in his path.
"Hello" Trickster grinned at him. Ticky could tell from the scratches on the glass piece of Trickster's body that he had to be very old. Behind the glass piece, Trickster's second needle ticked furiously.
"Hello." "Have you heard about Alpha?" Not again. But Ticky was curious about the ticking needle in Trickster's body.
"Yes I did." Ticky was trying to be polite. Ticky knew nothing about Alpha. "Er... I'm just curious...why do your needles tick when ours don't?"
"Aha... maybe you'll like to join me for a cup of coffee?"
Trickster's house was not big, but it didn't feel cramped because the room was simple. Ticky sat himself by the table as Trickster brought two cups of coffee. Soon, Ticky was hearing a story that blew his mind. According to Trickster, Alpha was the maker of all the clocks in CLOCKES. Not only that, Alpha made all clocks with the purpose of telling time. Without telling time, clocks would never find their meaning in life. Yet the greatest problem with clocks was, that without Alpha, the energy of clocks would ultimately run out. But when each clock knew Alpha, they would not only find great fulfillment, but they would tick for their maker.
Now as a doctor clock, Ticky knew about the batteries in the bodies of clocks, and he knew that when the batteries ran out, so would the life energy of the clocks. Yet how in the world could anybody provide clocks with a never-ending source of power? But the idea of Alpha knowing everything about clocks intrigued Ticky. Of course the maker of clocks, more than any clock doctor in the world, could identify and right the problems in a clock. Moreover, he would know why he made clocks- to tell time.
"So Ticky, would you want to know more about Alpha?" Abby grinned. Ticky nodded eagerly.
Just as the clocks in CLOCKE were made by Alpha, we were made by God our creator. Some men spend their lives seeking the purpose of their living. Others live their lives without purpose. It is possible to live our lives doing things different from what we were made to do. Clocks are made to tick. But the clocks in CLOCKE use their needles to draw. God made us hands to comfort and bless. But we can choose to use them to hit and sin instead. We can attempt to find out about our purpose in life by observing other people, dissecting their lives, and deducing answers like Ticky did. Perhaps we can even solve some questions, heal some physical defects. But no one except our creator can tell us why He created us.
Yet the most amazing thing about God is, unlike the story of CLOCKE, that He made us for the purpose of loving Him, and loving others. (of course the details of His plan for individuals are different) And He loved us so much that He sent His only son-Jesus to die on the cross for us! In the story, although Trickster told people about the truth regarding Alpha, he was despised and cast out of the clocks' community. Similarly, (and much worse) Jesus came to the world to tell of God's love, but the very people who were the creation of God chose to ignore the truth and crucify Jesus. Despite all this, Jesus promises eternal life to those who believe in him.
Monday, July 25, 2005
First Day Of School.
Today is the first day of school for me. I'm now a sophomore in NIE!
Ever heard this poem?
Back to school with joy Put away your toys The old friends are gold. The new friends are silver.
Haha...Is it meaningful?
I know it doesn't rhyme...but it is one poem that is stuck in my head.
I read this poem from a picture printed on a school bag. I was still in my primary school then.
Good memories last long huh...hehe!
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Once upon a time, there were three saplings growing at the top of a mountain. They were all young and full of energy and were birthing their dreams and desires of what they wanted to be when they grow up.
The first sapling looked at the foot of the mountain and saw people storing for themselves treasures of all kinds and said, "I want to grow into a beautiful tree with unique grains and patterns so that i can be used to store all kinds of treasures of the earth - Jewels, gold and silver."
The second sapling saw the huge river meandering through the mountains and said to itself, "When i grow up, i want to be strong and sturdy so that i might be fit to sail the seas of the earth and brave the fiercest storms."
The third sapling looked at the people rushing about at the foot of the mountain and said, "I want to grow into the tallest and strongest tree to reach up to heaven, so that all those rushing about would stop and see me point the way to God."
Many years passed and the wind, rain and sun came and went and these three saplings grew into what they wanted to be. The first became this beautiful tree that had strong trunk and unique grains. The second grew into this thick and sturdy tree that could withstand the winds. And the third tree grew to this enormous height, indeed reaching to the heavens.
Then one day the woodcutters came along and chopped down the trees so that they may be used for various purposes.
The first tree who was brought to the carpenter thought to itself, "Yippee! now i shall be made into this huge treasure chest, which can be used to contain all the treasures of this earth." The second who was bought by the shipyard thought, "Hurray, now surely they can test my sturdy wood on the roughest seas and i can sail like a fish" And the third was brought to the lumberyard. It didn't know what it was useful for but since it was cut down, it was unhappy, it could no longer be the tall tree it desired to be.
However things didn't turn out the way the trees wanted. Instead of being made into this beautiful treasure chest, the first tree was sawn and made into a trough, which the farmers kept hay to feed the horses. The trough was misused, it was smelly and always full of hay. So much for the treasures of this world.
The second tree didn't become this huge magnificient ocean liner, instead it was used to make a small fishing boat that was only fit to traverse the waters of a lake. It was always filled with fish and thus smelly.
The third tree was sawn and cut into two large planks of wood and left in the lumberyard and remained there almost forgotten.
All three trees were disillusioned and downcasted. The dreams of their youth disappeared before their very eyes.
Then one night, a star shone brightly in the sky and the barn where the first tree resided had visitors. Instead of hay that fed the horses, the trough was used to carry a newborn baby and it was there that the baby was nursed and received many visitors and there was a celebration in the sky.
Many years later, the small fishing vessel was used to fetch a tired traveler and his friends to the middle of the lake. It was here that the traveler fell asleep and a huge storm started brewing. Thunder and lightning struck, the wind and rain buffeted the small boat and it was almost in the danger of capsizing. The traveler's friends frantically woke him up and with a command from the traveler's mouth the storm totally died away.
Now it was on this friday morning that the two forgotten planks were removed from the stack and nailed together to form a cross. Then soldiers nailed this man, his hands and legs to this cross and the tree thought to itself, "What did this man do that they should do this to him?" It was this very same man who three days later, resurrected and appeared before many as witness of his triumph over death.
Unknowingly, the first tree had contained in itself the greatest treasure of the earth that one starry night. The second tree had carried the man who had power great enough not only to brave the fiercest storm but the authority to calm it too. And the third tree had held the man who would point the only way to God."
The end.
I don't know what kind of response you get from this story but it really touched me to know that when it comes to God, we don't have to be the most beautiful, strongest or tallest to be His instrument. =)
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Donkey Talk by Jarrett Stevens
As a kid growing up, I was convinced my dog had the power to talk. I figured it was only a matter of time until she and I broke through the human/canine language barrier that has held mankind back for so long. I completely expected to walk around the corner one day only to hear Ko Ko mumbling to herself about how tired she was of me pulling the old "Tennis Ball Fake-Out Throw." Crazy or not, I think deep down we'd love to hear our pets talk. Which, in my opinion, explains why there are so many movies with talking animals. For some reason, it's completely normal in the movies for a fish to talk, or a dog to solve mysteries, or a sponge to wear square pants. We love the idea. And I have to admit, of all the talking animals, one of the best in recent movie history would have to be "Donkey" from the Shrek movies. He's hands down the funniest talking donkey ever.
But he's not the first. In fact, a talking donkey shows up in the Old Testament, in Numbers 22. It's here that we meet a guy named Balaam. He was a prophet who spoke the words of God to whomever God told him to. On one occasion, a foreign king asked Balaam to put a curse on the nation of Israel so that they would get off this king's land. (Odd, but that's how they settled major political problems back then.) Balaam says no to the request. The king doesn't give up. He sends messengers to Balaam again, with a load of cash to "buy" the curse. God tells Balaam to go with the messengers to meet the king, but not to say or do anything unless God tells him to. And this is where the story gets really interesting.
Balaam sets out to meet with this foreign king, but instead of taking public transportation, he opts to take his trusted donkey. At several points throughout the journey, Balaam disobeys God's guidance.
So God sends an angel to block Balaam's path. Balaam doesn't notice, but his donkey does. Not just once, or twice, but three times, the donkey swerves off the road to avoid running into this very large angel with his very sharp sword. But Balaam still doesn't get it. In fact, he even gets angry with his donkey and starts beating the snot out of it for all the swerving and for making him spill his coffee (OK, I made up the coffee part). So in his final attempt to get Balaam's attention, God causes the donkey to speak.
This is the moment we've all been waiting for. Finally, the animal kingdom is about to talk. So what is the donkey's great message? Well, it went something like this: "Dude! What's with all the beat-downs? Seriously, dude! I'm out here trying to save your life, and the only thanks I get is a tail whooping!" (OK, so those aren't the exact words, but that's how I like to imagine it.) So Balaam starts arguing with the donkey, until he realizes something: I'm having an argument with my donkey … and it's actually winning! Then it all becomes clear. God allows Balaam to see the angel, and in that moment he realizes he's gotten off the path God had laid out for him. Balaam immediately asks for forgiveness from God (and his donkey) and listens to all God has to say to him. I guess it shouldn't surprise me that God would use a talking donkey to get someone's attention. I can only imagine the lengths God must go through to get my attention. Think about your own life. Have you ever thought God might be trying to get your attention through the words of a friend or missing a ride to school or the pain of a breakup or the stillness of a starry sky?
Try as hard as you can to look and listen for God in the unexpected things. And let him not only get your attention, but let him fully have it. Pay attention to what he wants to say to you … and the crazy things he chooses to say it through. Even if it happens to be a talking donkey.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Quote for the day:
"It's in the mountains we get inspiration but in the valleys where fruit is grown"
The mountain top experience is an exhilarating one which inspires us to sing a new song unto the Lord. It is where the cool air refreshes us, and where all we see is the beauty and glory of the work of God's hands.
Most of us would rather be on the mountain top, than in the deep dark valleys. But yet, the valley experience is as important and necessary as the mountain top experience, since that is where our character is molded and shaped by God, so that we come out stronger and more polished than when we stepped into the valley. What comes out of that experience is the sweet and luscious fruit that is pleasing to the Lord.
Where are you in your walk with God today? Remember that whether you're in the valley, or on the mountain top, you can still glorify God, either with your song of praise and exaltation, or with the fruit that results from the process of molding and refining.
Monday, July 18, 2005

If the world And everything in it Was given to me It would still not be enough To give to You.
Your mercy And Your patience A thousand songs insufficient to sing of
Your love and Your faithfulness They are the pillars of my faith.
There is a Hand holding me. Your Hand. I prostrate before Your feet.
My God. Before Your feet.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
=.= Graduation / Commencement =.=
the speaker for my graduation yesterday said this: "in the united states, graduation is known as commencement, you're ending a phase of your life - graduate but at the same time you're entering the next phase of your life - commence"
these two weeks have been a real exciting journey for most of us who are in the new cell
and it's....... the..... WORKING YOUTH CELL!! congratulations to vincent, gim seng, jack, cindy, tracy, candice and me! after years of lectures, tutorials, projects and late nights, we've officially graduated from our respective schools and preparing to enter into the next phase of life. although taunting and challenging, and not knowing what lies ahead all of us are aware that the cell is there to encourage and support one another Thank God for how He has brought each and every one of us thus far and we believe that the same God who brought us till this far is the same God who will continue to guide us in the paths ahead! Amen?
On top of the graduation, we're really thankful for job opportunities as well
some of us are already working, some of us yet to be, some still job-hunting a prayer request now... let's pray for da-jie (candice) yah? [she's going to chop my head!] she's sending her resume for a job in designing kids apparel, so keep her in prayer!
Not Excited About God by Bill Kimball as told to Chris Lutes amended by Tina Tan
I was at the back of the youth group room with a bunch of other youths. The worship band stood in the front of the room, singing their hearts out. I stretched my neck to see the older ones who'd gathered in the first couple of rows. They really seemed to be into it. Some of them had their eyes closed and arms raised in the air. I couldn't help but wonder, Why don't I feel excited about God? What do they have that I don't?
I knew Christ had died for my sins, and I knew I was a Christian. But why didn't I feel it more? Even though our youth leaders told us not to live by our feelings, I still believed I was missing something. But what?
I went through my first two years in youth group like that. I sat at the back, and kind of went through the motions. I did sing, but it didn't seem to mean a lot to me. I also listened to what our youth pastor said in his talks. But it seemed like that's about all I did. But I knew if I kept going to youth group, I'd keep growing in my faith, whether or not my feelings came along.
So I kept going to worship, and I prayed silently as I sang the songs. I also decided to really get serious about reading my Bible and praying before I went to bed each night.
Then as i got older, my life started to change. I can't point to any one day when the change took place. But through stuff like camps and mission experiences, I could begin to see God at work in my life and other students' lives. I wasn't sitting at the back of the room anymore, either, and I felt free to shut my eyes and raise my hands during worship. My singing was becoming a way to connect with God and praise him for his faithfulness. Worship was finally coming alive for me.
I could also sense that I had a different attitude toward the people at school. When I was in sec one, I saw a lot of the problems at my school. I'd bump into a guy who'd talk about the great bag of ecstasy he just bought. I'd hear the guys telling dirty jokes in class and think, Losers. I'm surrounded by losers.
But as I got older, I started seeing people at my school differently. No longer were they losers, but they were opportunities to show God's love. Instead of looking down on those who took drugs, I would silently pray for them when I passed them in the hall. When someone would tell a bad joke, I'd try my best to turn the conversation in another direction. I wanted to do what I could to help make things better at my school, to help transform it for Christ.
Now that I'm in the final months of my schooling years. I wish I'd changed earlier. And I have come to realize how important it is to get into God's Word daily, pray regularly, and use my gifts and abilities to serve others. The result of all this: I am so excited about living for God!
But the thing is, I now believe God was working in my life even during my younger days. He was using my youth leaders to teach me important spiritual truths. He was using my youth group to show me what it meant to worship, really worship. He was building up my faith, even at times when I didn't fully realize it (Philippians 1:6, 2:12-13). He was showing me that living for him really is exciting. He also showed me that faith often comes with good feelings. Not that my youth pastor was wrong. I can't base my faith on how I feel. But if I'm trying to get to know God better, and doing my best to live for him, those feelings will come.
That's why these days I'm standing near the front of the youth group room and singing with all my heart...
Copyright © 2004 by the author or Christianity Today International/Campus Life magazine.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
The AmazinGrace
reading sier's entry on the amazingrace really made me laugh i remembered every detail of what exactly happened.
watching him and his team race across the bridge thinking that they could outrun the (already)first team and the fact that i was aware about the prank made it even more hilarious
try imaging huiling and her team deliberately waiting for the second team to arrive at one end of the bridge just as they were getting bored to tears,the second team arrives and they immediately spring to life jianwei((my jc friend) peiling's brother) and huiling starting pretending to look confused and taking out the map and trying to match it with the surrondings sier and his team thinking that they had gotten the advantage quickly stood in their way this is when they started to wrestle their way through the narrow suspension bridge upon arrival, sier and his team realised that they were being fooled and the rest of us managed to get a good laugh out of it
this is just one of the incidents there were so much more like how the sec sch cell got lost trying to find 'lost civilisation'they were walking in the opposite direction when timothy(station master of calsburg tower) happened to see them from a distance on his way back to the end point in a delimia to direct their paths, he chose not to eventually how about becky(station master of animal encounters) who got dumped into the sea by the sec sch cell and how the sab's team tried to alliance with the tram driver to prevent sier's team from taking the tram and how they ended up being the second team to arrive when all of us were placing bets that they would be the last
despite how tiring it is, it was really enjoyable the program is just a faciliator, i personally feel that its the people that we are playing with that made it so fun fellowship, bonding, laughing, trying, and never giving up the race wouldnt be such a success without the people but how can we forget about the head of this event? who else but our Lord? there is no other who can give us the wisdom of ideas the blessing of the talents of the different people in the post sec cell the place and most importantly, the fine weather!!!!
it was amazing i saw dark clouds roaming at the other end of the island and i started to panic the race cannot afford to be interrupted! and i started prayingthats all i can do and thats all that is requiredto trust in Him God hears and knows His plans are far greater than ours the rain never came
all thanks and glory to our Lord God almighty
the whole event wouldnt be the same without You
. Prayer Requests .
Hi all! =) Gotta an sms prayer request by my little cell girl Violet to pray for her Chinese O's oral tomorrow which is 12th July tues! If u happen to see this blog b4 that pls do keep her in ur prayers!
You could also keep Si'er who blogged down in the last entry about his cough... poor guy. No one likes to be sick.. so let's pray for his full recovery fast!
PS: Anymore prayer requests? do let any cell leaders know and we'll blog it here!
Monday, July 11, 2005
=== The Reason For Cough Syrup ===
Cough and cough and cough.... Never stop one leh.
Very siong.
I guess it's only when you are sick Then you will appreciate days when you are not sick.
Right? ;)
Friday, July 08, 2005
The past 2 Saturdays have been power-packed!!! Let me recount...
The youth servant-leaders came packing into the chalet on Friday evening for a time of evaluation and waiting upon the Lord for the Youth Ministry. By the end of Saturday's morning, they have had a fruitful time of contemplation...fellowship!
On the first saturday afternoon spent at Loyang... An "egg-citing" egg-shooting competition took place at our very own chalet... and in that evening... a blasting time of barbeque!!! While roasting the wings and savouring the satays, the guys had a furiously fun time on the street soccer court, while the girls took turns imitating "Joe the factory worker"!
We ate and ate and played and played... but still... much food was left over! So we decided to leave the food for sunday morning...
In the morning, It seemed tough at first...when we first stared at the BBQ food on the breakfast table... But we prevailed, after we...
conquered the cuttlefish balls! battled the bee-hoon! wiped out the wings!!!
And upon accomplishing all that, we happily packed and zoomed off to church in our chartered bus!
Now, the second Saturday... Sentosa's "Amazin' Grace"!!!!!! (Alright guys, can't blame me for being this excited... my group came in 2nd after being the dark horse for almost half the game!!!)
The "Amazin' Grace"... 'nuff said, it was truly a terrific time of amazing race! We've got some new friends in our midst on that day and I gotta say we had some seriously fantastic fun with them too!
We were made to race to various check points in groups of 7-8, and man! It was no easy feat as the smouldering sun complimented the game masters' efforts in tormenting us all in our search for the various checkpoints!
My group was last right from the we held on firmly to our philosophy of "Slow and Steady Wins The Race", and watched as other groups raced off... (well, to be honest, we wanted to race too...but we were a little lazy lah...hehe!)
At each checkpoint, we were required to play micro-games to meet the station master's requirements before we can proceed to the next. Though my group took centuries to arrive at each station, we wasted no efforts in making sure we breeze through every single challenge posed to us at every station!
Novelty and precision were packed in the preparations of the games by the cool guys from Post-Sec Cell, and we battled with our brawns and brains through challenges like...
- shooting marshmellows from our nostrils! - biting off a hanging apple coated in honey! (this is tasty!) - thinking of ways to kill time while being held back by another team which "yielded" us!
Along the way, we had to overcome the teams ahead of us by...
- chasing after and boarding their train wagon! - running across fields and beach sands! - making sure we were not followed closely...!
And when we finally came near to the end-point, we were propelled into a frenzy as we thought we had a shot at the first place - WHY? because we saw the leading team still lingering by the suspension bridge leading to the end-point island!
So we bull-dozed our way through the "wide-enough-for one-only" suspension bridge and when we finally touched down,
We came to realisation that the leading team had fooled us into believing we still had a chance. They had arrived at the finishing point much earlier...! AARRGGHHH!!!!
Nonetheless...Haha! It was surely an afternoon packed with almost as much fun as one can imagine! Prizes were given out to the various groups and all of us went home that day exhausted but exhilarated!
Well done! Post-sec Cell, for this tremendous effort in coming up for us all...this tremendous "Amazin' Grace"! Thumbs up to Arlene and her team which included Edward, Janice, Huiwen, Tim, Becky, Jasmine, Carolyn, the ever-pretty Marie, Clara, Michelle and Phoebe!!!
Right... know what you have been missing out on...if you have not been with us for the past 2 weeks...hehe!
Friday, July 01, 2005
Hey.. We will be having our amazing race game tomorrow. Its quite incredible becasue the game name itself can be read as ‘Amazin Grace’ that’s what we called our outreach tomorrow.
Let us all just pray that the Lord will grant us a fine weather tomorrow as well as the smooth running of the game. Pray especially for the post secondary cell (SIA) who will be running the whole event and of course our pre- believer friends who would be coming to join us. (that God , the head of this event .will work something in them as well as prepare the way ahead for us.)
Anyway, after meeting our group leaders tomorrow, we will head down to Palawan beach where we will be playing our mass ice breaker. This will also be the starting point of the game. The whole event would take about 4-5hours. Do remember to bring water, an extra set of clothes as well as at least $3 for the entrance fee. And mingle with the new friends,ya?
One very important point to note is it is going to be very tiring, with all the running. So, hang in there and NEVER give up yeah. Encourage the new friends especially and those on the verge of giving the game up for good.
Ok. Hope everyone will enjoy themselves tomorrow.
God bless and take care!