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Friday, July 08, 2005
The past 2 Saturdays have been power-packed!!! Let me recount...
The youth servant-leaders came packing into the chalet on Friday evening for a time of evaluation and waiting upon the Lord for the Youth Ministry. By the end of Saturday's morning, they have had a fruitful time of contemplation...fellowship!
On the first saturday afternoon spent at Loyang... An "egg-citing" egg-shooting competition took place at our very own chalet... and in that evening... a blasting time of barbeque!!! While roasting the wings and savouring the satays, the guys had a furiously fun time on the street soccer court, while the girls took turns imitating "Joe the factory worker"!
We ate and ate and played and played... but still... much food was left over! So we decided to leave the food for sunday morning...
In the morning, It seemed tough at first...when we first stared at the BBQ food on the breakfast table... But we prevailed, after we...
conquered the cuttlefish balls! battled the bee-hoon! wiped out the wings!!!
And upon accomplishing all that, we happily packed and zoomed off to church in our chartered bus!
Now, the second Saturday... Sentosa's "Amazin' Grace"!!!!!! (Alright guys, can't blame me for being this excited... my group came in 2nd after being the dark horse for almost half the game!!!)
The "Amazin' Grace"... 'nuff said, it was truly a terrific time of amazing race! We've got some new friends in our midst on that day and I gotta say we had some seriously fantastic fun with them too!
We were made to race to various check points in groups of 7-8, and man! It was no easy feat as the smouldering sun complimented the game masters' efforts in tormenting us all in our search for the various checkpoints!
My group was last right from the we held on firmly to our philosophy of "Slow and Steady Wins The Race", and watched as other groups raced off... (well, to be honest, we wanted to race too...but we were a little lazy lah...hehe!)
At each checkpoint, we were required to play micro-games to meet the station master's requirements before we can proceed to the next. Though my group took centuries to arrive at each station, we wasted no efforts in making sure we breeze through every single challenge posed to us at every station!
Novelty and precision were packed in the preparations of the games by the cool guys from Post-Sec Cell, and we battled with our brawns and brains through challenges like...
- shooting marshmellows from our nostrils! - biting off a hanging apple coated in honey! (this is tasty!) - thinking of ways to kill time while being held back by another team which "yielded" us!
Along the way, we had to overcome the teams ahead of us by...
- chasing after and boarding their train wagon! - running across fields and beach sands! - making sure we were not followed closely...!
And when we finally came near to the end-point, we were propelled into a frenzy as we thought we had a shot at the first place - WHY? because we saw the leading team still lingering by the suspension bridge leading to the end-point island!
So we bull-dozed our way through the "wide-enough-for one-only" suspension bridge and when we finally touched down,
We came to realisation that the leading team had fooled us into believing we still had a chance. They had arrived at the finishing point much earlier...! AARRGGHHH!!!!
Nonetheless...Haha! It was surely an afternoon packed with almost as much fun as one can imagine! Prizes were given out to the various groups and all of us went home that day exhausted but exhilarated!
Well done! Post-sec Cell, for this tremendous effort in coming up for us all...this tremendous "Amazin' Grace"! Thumbs up to Arlene and her team which included Edward, Janice, Huiwen, Tim, Becky, Jasmine, Carolyn, the ever-pretty Marie, Clara, Michelle and Phoebe!!!
Right... know what you have been missing out on...if you have not been with us for the past 2 weeks...hehe!