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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
CLOCKES CLOCKES is a world whose inhabitants are clocks. There are all kinds of clocks: big clocks, small clocks, flat clocks, fanciful clocks, plain clocks, clocks with needles, clocks which show digits, and even clocks which can sing wonderful songs.
But the strangest thing about these people is, although they are clocks, they do not tick. They would sing at the top of their voices with their alarms, play wrestling with one another by rolling and bouncing off their opponents bodies, paint pictures with their needles (those who have them), and do a dozen other interesting things which we don't normally assume clocks would do. We all know that clocks tell time! But the citizens of CLOCKES, they simply don't.
One day, however, a small analog doctor clock named Ticky began to discover something wrong about life in CLOCKES. But he simply couldn't put a needle to it. As a doctor, he often had the chance to disassemble patients who came to him, replacing rusty parts or adding lubricant to the gears. But deep down in his heart, he knew that the real problem with clocks wasn't the physical ones. It had to do more with their lifestyles. Somehow, despite being able to sing beautifully or paint amazingly well, people of CLOCKES never seemed to be satisfied. Even for Ticky himself, although fixing the problems of fellow clocks always brought about great satisfaction, there was still an emptiness that always lingered.
(Well, Ticky wasn't the first one to discover that emptiness. There were grandfather clocks before his time who had spent much time trying to discover the very "problem" Ticky couldn't point his needle to. But as much as they tried, these grandfather clocks, being clocks who inherited the "problem" themselves, couldn't put together a clear answer to what it is.) So this day, Ticky went out for a stroll. In the streets, the clocks were about their usual business of wrestling, painting, dancing, rock climbing and singing. But today, Ticky shook his head at them, knowing somehow, that there was something wrong about them too. Ticky wondered aloud to himself, "I wonder who can reveal to me the "problem" with clocks!" So as Ticky strolled on, he unknowingly reached the suburbs.
Suddenly, a huge sign stopped Ticky in his steps. Bold letters in red across the signboard read: "Beware! Trickster ahead! Turn back!" Ticky frowned.
Trickster was an outcast in the town where Ticky lived. (But Trickster was not his real name. His real name was Abby. "Trickster" was the nickname given to him by the citizens of the town) He was an old, red clock with huge ringers on his head. And at the hour when the sun hanged overhead each day, Trickster would go around the town spreading news about a person named Alpha, whom he claimed was the maker of all the clocks. How that infuriated the clocks! But what puzzled Ticky most, however, was the ticking of the needle on Trickster's body... Since Ticky has been taught since young not to get near Trickster, he began to turn and walk away. But a voice called out to him, "Hello!" Ticky knew it had to be Trickster, so he quickened his steps to walk away. Yet Trickster gave chase and finally stopped him in his path.
"Hello" Trickster grinned at him. Ticky could tell from the scratches on the glass piece of Trickster's body that he had to be very old. Behind the glass piece, Trickster's second needle ticked furiously.
"Hello." "Have you heard about Alpha?" Not again. But Ticky was curious about the ticking needle in Trickster's body.
"Yes I did." Ticky was trying to be polite. Ticky knew nothing about Alpha. "Er... I'm just curious...why do your needles tick when ours don't?"
"Aha... maybe you'll like to join me for a cup of coffee?"
Trickster's house was not big, but it didn't feel cramped because the room was simple. Ticky sat himself by the table as Trickster brought two cups of coffee. Soon, Ticky was hearing a story that blew his mind. According to Trickster, Alpha was the maker of all the clocks in CLOCKES. Not only that, Alpha made all clocks with the purpose of telling time. Without telling time, clocks would never find their meaning in life. Yet the greatest problem with clocks was, that without Alpha, the energy of clocks would ultimately run out. But when each clock knew Alpha, they would not only find great fulfillment, but they would tick for their maker.
Now as a doctor clock, Ticky knew about the batteries in the bodies of clocks, and he knew that when the batteries ran out, so would the life energy of the clocks. Yet how in the world could anybody provide clocks with a never-ending source of power? But the idea of Alpha knowing everything about clocks intrigued Ticky. Of course the maker of clocks, more than any clock doctor in the world, could identify and right the problems in a clock. Moreover, he would know why he made clocks- to tell time.
"So Ticky, would you want to know more about Alpha?" Abby grinned. Ticky nodded eagerly.
Just as the clocks in CLOCKE were made by Alpha, we were made by God our creator. Some men spend their lives seeking the purpose of their living. Others live their lives without purpose. It is possible to live our lives doing things different from what we were made to do. Clocks are made to tick. But the clocks in CLOCKE use their needles to draw. God made us hands to comfort and bless. But we can choose to use them to hit and sin instead. We can attempt to find out about our purpose in life by observing other people, dissecting their lives, and deducing answers like Ticky did. Perhaps we can even solve some questions, heal some physical defects. But no one except our creator can tell us why He created us.
Yet the most amazing thing about God is, unlike the story of CLOCKE, that He made us for the purpose of loving Him, and loving others. (of course the details of His plan for individuals are different) And He loved us so much that He sent His only son-Jesus to die on the cross for us! In the story, although Trickster told people about the truth regarding Alpha, he was despised and cast out of the clocks' community. Similarly, (and much worse) Jesus came to the world to tell of God's love, but the very people who were the creation of God chose to ignore the truth and crucify Jesus. Despite all this, Jesus promises eternal life to those who believe in him.