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Monday, October 30, 2006
.: A request from Andy :.
Dear brothers and sisters, my grandma was admitted into NUH on the 24th, underwent an operation on the 25th, was transfered to the ICU ward on 26th and is currently still in hospital.
Thanks to the grace of God, her condition is improving. Please uplift her in your prayers - pray for God to show her mercy and grant her salvation, pray for God to break any ungodly ties that are clinging on, and pray for God to shower love, protection and grace upon her so that she may be brave. We have been blessed by our Father in Heaven to be a blessing towards our neighbours, especially the unsaved ones.
So please brothers and sisters, pray for her humbly with your heart, in faith. I thank you and God in advance for the great miracles that are to follow.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
SHARING BY VIOLET ON DLT LESSON & EXAM (Diocesan Lay Training Programme) DLT would be the last thing that I would take, I thought to myself before the lessons. But at first what drawn me to take the exam was the taking back of results, I always like to see results, how well or how badly I have done. And I have taken a lot of academic exams, and I thought well, taking a Bible exam would gauge how well I knew the Bible, I suppose. But after the exam it was never just the results that matter, is the committing it to memory. I used to say, just attend the lesson is good enough, but I guess you would never pay attention if at the end of the day; you are not taking the exam, so consider the exam a bonus and also a good experience.
When I saw Uncle Melvin and my dad studying for the bible exam for I thought it has been a long time since I studied for an exam, since RP doesn't have exams only test (funny isn't it?). So I thought maybe I should take the next one which was revelation and I thought since revelation is about the future, so by taking this exam I would be clearer on the future and am more prepared.
So I thought I would just go and take a look first before I decide on taking the exam, which was how I got myself to go for the lessons. I thought I would just take it for fun and just try it out, never would I thought how much I could learn from all the verses inside, scary sometimes how it could just impact you, indirectly telling you that the time is near and the end is going to be something when all the events that are going to take place is going to be so great and exciting.
Sometimes I really felt like giving up, having lessons from 8.30-4pm everyday, with tests, but one phrase that God has always put in my heart was never give up, prove to yourself that you can do this, that always works for me (I guess God knew that). This was what pulled me through the exams, not forgetting the help and encouragement that Hui Ling, Kai Lun, my dad and Uncle Melvin gave; it really helped me pull through in the exam. Although 72 might not be a good result, but for me, I was expecting 50-60, but amazing and Praise God! I want to thank God for giving me all the help that He could give me and giving me all the encouragements and even the results to encouragement me to go for the second DLT and exam touching on the first five books of the Bible. I want to encourage all of you to go for it too; taking the exam is just making sure that you put His word into memory, so that it would be easier to put them into action.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Hi everyone! This is Pekhar here.
I want to thank everyone who came for the Surf Hunt event last Saturday. Hope you guys had a good time and also, have got to know some of our invited friends better! A million thanks to my brothers and sisters who dedicately commit themselves throughout this event. Their hard work and effort are greatly appreciated!
Indeed, God is ever so real. He heard our prayers. He saw our works. He felt our difficulties. He met our needs. And, he is still in our midst. We couldn’t have made it so far without the grace of our merciful Lord. Because of Him, we overcome it all.
He is always so amazing and good all the time!
Youth Fusion's Sentosa Surf-Hunt event was a success at Sentosa yesterday, with around 60 youths!
Shout-out to all the new friends who came:
"Thank you for coming! You guys made this event possible and so enjoyable! We hope to see you during our next event..."
Here are some photos at Sentosa, Sapphire Pavillion...
 Fabian is Caroline's classmate from her JC days. He's currently serving the nation. Do say "Hi" to him the next time you see him around. We hope to see you soon, really!
This is Cheng Yun, Jin Hang and Zhong Fa. Cheng Yun is Jin Hang's friend, both are serving the nation right now except for Zhong Fa. Lucky fellow, ORD-ed last week!
 Hi Jolie and Ying Ying, both are Si'er 's friends! Ying ying, who was here to support us for our 1st event (Mooncake festival) is back to join us again for the Sentosa Surf-Hunt, great to see you again girl!
Now, can you guess Jolie's occupation? Yes yes, you're there, almost there! She's a teacher too!
Andy, Hao Ran, Edward, Jeremy & Wee Chong.
Hi Ryan and Matthew, great to see you guys here! Ryan is our dear Raymond's son.. And Matthew is Ryan's friend!
Cindy Tall and Jenna!

 Why is Andy always wearing the same shirt? *scratch head
 Preparing to play the "Blanket Game"

Shu Hei must be really scary. Look at Celine and you'll know why - Her jaw is dropping and she looks so terrified. Hee Hee.
Here's what Calvin (part of organizing team) feels:
Hi folks!! This is Calvin here! I want to thank all of you for coming for my group's event (Surf Hunt). Most importantly, I want to thank my whole group (Pekhar, Ryan, Adrian, Jun Hoong, Weiqiang & Caroline) for their active participation in our group discussions, recce of Sentosa & preparations for the whole event. Thanks a lot! Frankly speaking, I did not expect such a massive turnout for the event. So when Pekhar told me that there were about 60 people, you can imagine how my jaw dropped. Haha!! The weather was wonderful too (Praise God)! There were many positive feedbacks from the newcomers too. Haha!! Time to end off here! Hope that all of you had enjoyed yourself very much in the process of solving & finding the riddles. All the best folks!
Here's what Elaine (Mei Yan's friend) has to say:
The event was plan beautifully, Depsite finding the clues to solving the game was quite challenging, but is not the end result that we should always look at it. Rather is the process of working together with others to achieve it together. Is during this process of the game that make the whole day enjoyable.
Here’s what Wee Chong (Edward's friend) has to say:
What was supposed to be a boring Sat for me actually turned out to be an enjoyable trip at the Sentosa. The treasure hunt made me rediscovered Sentosa and got myself some new friends. Andy was very funny when he said Jeremy looked like Kang Kang. We won the 4th prize for the treasure hunt and got ourselves a bottle of mango juice and orange juice for dinner. Thanks for organizing the event, guys. Cheers!!
We would also like to thank Pekhar's group for organizing this event and making so much efforts to plan the games and making sure that everything runs smoothly. U guys have done a really good job..!!
Hey to all our friends whom we have met during the Mid-autumn celebration and SurfHunt outing yesterday, we sincerely hope that you all had enjoyed yourself as much as we had enjoyed having you in our midst! Yesterday marks the beginning of friendship for many of us and we really treasure and cherish the friendships that we have forged with every one of you.
We would like to invite you to our next event on the 2nd December (a Saturday) for a time of relaxation as you come and be soaked in our mini music concert. We have in store for all of you pieces of music that we would like to share with you, and of course there will be a time of FUN, FOOD and FRIENDSHIP to be built! We look forward to seeing you on the 2nd of December 2006!
Date: 2nd December 2006, Saturday Time: 330pm - 630pm Venue: Berlin Room, German Centre
SEE YOU!!! :-D
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Holy Osmosis
We all want someone to say, " I love you completely just the way you are. You don't have to perform for me, strive for me, or turn yourself inside out trying to please me. You don't ever have to be insercure about my love for you. It is eternal and will always be there for you. I will love you completely, and my love will make you feeel beautiful. My love will give you the confidence you need to do anything you need to do. My love will help you move into your destiny and fulfill your purpose."
Who is the only one in the world who can ever say those things to us and back them up?
Not our spouse Not our parents Neither is it our boyfriend nor girlfriend Not so for our best buddy.
It is from God. And when we praise the God of love, His love pours into us like a holy osmosis and we end up having an abundance of His love flowing through you to others. Recall osmosis you learnt in secondary school and this love concentration gradient from God is something which we would never want to miss out on.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Let's welcome Tiffany into the family! By Joanie
On the 12th October, Tiffany accepted Christ into her life! The whole of heaven is rejoicing when she decided that this week (starting 9th Oct) is the right time to receive Christ.
She has finally broken the bondages that were holding her back. God has certainly shown Himself true to her as she embarked on her journey to seek spiritual truths at Matchstix.
Tiffany was invited to YF by Andy, with an outgoing and cheerful personality coupled with a receptive heart and an open mind, she has found her place with us and has been joining us frequently for cell.
However, she needed time to overcome the fear of parental objection since she comes from a buddhist background.
Thank God for Tiffany's boldness to take this first step of faith. May she be a great testimony at home and a blessing to all her friends, now that God lives in her!
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Youth Fusion welcomes YOU!!! 
Meixiu on the left and Natalie on the right. Both of them are Gladys's cousins. Now, do you think they look alike? And I realised I used to live in the same block as Meixiu but we've never seen each other, how bizzare! And these 2 babes took this photo themselves, good skills uh? (At least better than mine..Aww!!)
Please forget about the person on the left, and look at the person standing on the right now. (Hee Hee) He's Siang Meng, a friend of Hui Ling who is currently studying in NUS. It's his first time to WAC for service today, and we really hope that you can join us more often! Anyway, we hope to see you guys next Saturday at Sentosa for a event which our youths organized.. It'll be a day of fun under the sun.. Lots of games like Treasure Hunt etc.. And most importantly, there will be FREE FOOD!!! (blink blink!!) Bring all your friends along to have fun! Date: 21st October, Saturday Time: 2.30pm Meeting place: Harbour Front Bus Interchange
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
SIA had a mini potluck on 30th september 2006 at eunice's house. the girls were fabulous in preparing the food as well as for the fondue. we had a short time of sharing and enjoyed the wonderful food prepared by each one of us. :D

look how sumptuous it was jasmine prepared quiche with ham, marie prepared the chocolate for the fondue, eunice prepared the many fruits(mango, bannana, strawberry, pear), huiwen made sandwhiches (which the youths ate up..hahha), clara bought chicken pie from polar, and chinese finger food(i forgot the name:p), and i prepared the cocktail. and guess what? carolyn fried nuggets!! wow! 
at the end of the feast, we made a chocolate coated apple just for sabrina!! (best way to gain weight!)
Crossing the red sea
Yesterday, during DLT class, Deaconess June Tan showed us the picture of a chariot wheel found in the red sea, where the exodus took place
i felt really intrigued, and decided to do some research on the net, and it painted such a fabulous picture, that i simply have to share with you guys
 This is an aerial picture of the beach where the crossing of the red sea occurs
 Pharaoh's army entered from the same wadi, which is the only entrance onto the beach.
To the right of the picture, which is to the north, is the egyptian fortress, thus, escape towards that direction is impossible
To the top left of the picture, which is to the south, mountains block escape in the direction
And with Pharaoh's army coming in from the wadi, they have to retreat towards the south area If they move towards the north area, they will be completely surrounded by the Egyptians
 chariot wheels and bones,both human and horses, were found at the sea bed of the crossing site by divers They were covered in coral, which made it difficult to see them clearly, but it appears that the coral was the agent the Lord used to preserve them.
and here's the part which i found most amazing There was research done on the sea bed area around the crossing site
 This is a 3D model of the findings This information is really exciting, because it shows a consistent pathway across the gulf from egypt to the other shore that, with the water removed, could have easily been traveled.
God's way are so amazing and he really showed how superior he is Even His choice when he chose Moses, to lead Him people out of Egypt When God gave Moses these instructions, it is evident that Moses knew where these places were - he was familiar with the land, afterall he was the prince of Egypt
Can u imagine God choosing someone who is clueless abt the place He could have walked right into enemy territory
Our God is no trial-and-error God His plans are so precise and wise
now now think
is there anything too hard for God in your life? He's there for you, and his ways are greater than ours Why then should we live our lives as though he doesnt exist, or feeling that we do not need him, that our ways are sufficient for us?
this same God, he planned the greatest escape, documented and verified, easily greater than any of Houdini's greatest escapes He made the impossible possible, And He can do that for you and me too!
Hallelujah! God is simply too amazing!!!
on a side note, i might consider going diving in the red sea someday in my life if ever given a chance! ;-)
now now now who says DLT is boring? ;-)
---- ref: Do check it out if you have time, it's more detailed and there are articles on noah's ark and more.. :)
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Thank God! By Celine
Here's to testify of how great our God is! 3 Sundays ago, as I was making my way to church, something happened to me that resulted in me feeling shocked initially, but soon, I was so overwhelmed by what God has done that I just can't thank God enough.
Before I reveal to you the details of my story, I got a question to ask. Do you have this habit of sitting at a particular spot in the bus? Haha... I have this habit! Now you must be wondering why I asked this question right?
This is what happened...
On that Sunday, I boarded bus 79 from Jurong East Bus Interchange. Usually, I will always walk toward the rear of the bus and sit down at the right side of the bus (Given if it is a single-deck bus). Something unusual that day was, I boarded the bus, still sitting on the right side of the bus, but it was at the front part of the bus! I didn't find it anything weird or amazed at that time yet, until I saw something just uncovered before my very eyes.
The bus that I was in had already reversed out of its berth and just when it was making its way out of the interchange, right where I was seated, I saw another bus reversing at a super fast speed, as though he was speeding on a highway! Note that the driver was reversing, not driving yet!!
Before long, I saw the other bus reversing without checking out if there are any buses behind. In spilt seconds time, the reversing bus crashed into the bus that I was in. It was the first time I saw 2 large panels of glasses (on the right side of the rear of the bus) shattering into pieces right before me. At the moment when I witnessed this accident, I was dumbfounded to know how I have been protected and covered in God's love and protection! As I looked back and reflected on all that had happened within that few minutes, I know that it is never by chance that I sat at the front of the bus that morning. It was none but God who is always there with me and for me, shielding me with Himself. It was His love, grace and protection over me that left me totally unharmed!
And I am so thankful that God allowed this incident to happen because it not only testifies and shows that He is a mighty God, but also a God who is always with us even when no one is there for us.
Have you been so caught up with things of this world that you forgot to take time to just look around you and appreciate the things created by our Creator? It's never too late to draw back to Him. He just needs you to take that one little step and God will take the rest of the 99 steps to draw near to you. In the midst of your busyness, take time to retreat into solitude and silence in God to hear from Him. Be still and know that He is God!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Mooncake Festival Outreach by Matchstix:
1. Games! 2. A skit of Chang'Er in modern times 3. Discussion on what we think on L.O.V.E 4. Perform a short skit of 1 min on what we think L.O.V.E. is 5. Delicious MOONCAKE!! 6. Qian Bian Questions
We welcomed a total of 14 new friends for this event...!! Praise GOD!! Let's see who they are!!

Guan Min & Peifeng, Invited by Rhys...

The whole group..

Hao Ran & Joyce, invited by Uncle Jordus & Celine!

Sherline, Daniel & Jasmine, Peixuan's friends!! =)

Can you spot Ying Ying? She's the really sweet lady beside Jinhang; Si'er's friend..! Can you guess what's her occupation?
Yes, she's a teacher too!! So many teachers right?!?

This is Khai Khim, Eddy's friend.. He joined us for the "Where are you going" Outreach before.. Say a BIG HI to him when you see him around next time!! =]
Extra Highlights:
1. Calvin's friend, Jun Yuan came to join us for the event as well... But no picture of him! 2. Si'er 2 other friends, Jun Ren & Feng Ling were there as well, but no pictures!!
Here's something to share from Steven [Planning team for Mooncake event]:
The mid autumn festival has indeed been a wonderful afternoon together with our brothers and sisters and also the new comers. Most of us are new in the role that we took. Although we are still not perfect, it’s still good enough. It is Him who made this successful. Therefore, we need to give all the praises unto Him. God has impacted me somehow by the word ‘Love’. This event allowed me to know that true love is something very hard to describe. There are many kinds of true love, which includes BGR, family, friends etc. However, these are some kind of love that cannot be compared to the love… the true love that God has for us. It also allowed me to realize we got to let our unsaved friends know about Him in order for them to enjoy the same kind of true love we are given by God. I really hope that this event touches everyone else heart too.
And also from Rhys [Planning team for Mooncake event]:
After weeks and months of planning, finally, our mooncake festival celebration was successfully held yesterday afternoon @ Berlin Room!! Hope everyone’s there yesterday enjoyed yourself…!!
These few months for me were kind of difficult, having to cope with my studies, tests, projects, family, and other commitments in church… I even thought of backing out from my saxophone playing on the past Thursday, 2 days before the actual event… But thanks God for the encouragements from all my beloved cell members, I perservere with FAITH (though didn’t played well)…!!
This event indeed impacted me quite a lot… Making me realize how precious & understanding my cell mates are… That a group of initially not-so-close friendship can be strengthen so much…
I really wanted to thank everyone that attended yesterday, my dearest Matchsticks & every Ecell members, and lastly, a BIG thank you to Lord Jesus… For He had make so many impossible things possible…
Thank You, Father…
For today's service,

Eric came and joined us.. He's Eddy and Andy's brother! Do they look alike? Let's also welcome their parents into the big family as they was baptized today.. All of the angels in heaven is rejoicing for their salvation..!!
Hope to see all of those who came during the next event which is happening @ Sentosa.. It will be a DAY filled with FUN GAMES... And I'm very sure YOUTHS like US will enjoy it a lot... Invite all your friends for this event...
Date: 21st October 2006 Time: 2.30pm Meet at Harbour Front bus Interchange (behind hawker centre) P.S: FREE FOR ALL INVITED GUESTS!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Let's Welcome....
PEILING into the house of GOD! She's officially a sister-in-Christ since the 4/10/06 when she accepted our Lord Jesus Christ into her life! When you see her the next time... remember to give her a loud, hallelujah welcome into our family!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
The beauty of Hymns
As young people, I believe we often associate hymns with the older generation and "boring". Personally, i grew up in a traditional church setting, where 80% of the songs we sang were hymns, accompanied by just a church organ and a grand piano, which was considered the more "contemporary" musical instrument to be used in church.
As i grew up (not that i'm very old though), i begin to discover the beauty of hymns. The words carry so much depth and there are many valuable real life stories behind many of the hymns, and it's something that is much needed for our generation.
We are often brought up with "feel good" songs and with much hype. Nothing wrong with that, in fact, i do believe contemporary christian songs have their place in reaching into our inner most being as well, touching our lives and encouraging us to live The Life.
But it's good to look back, explore, how God has worked in the lives of those who lived hundreds of years ago just as we are often encouraged by the many testimonies of our own youths in YF posted in this website, these hymns are the testimonies of these people who live hundreds of years ago I am absolutely, without a doubt, reminded and amazed at how our God is the same yesterday, today and forever!
For a start, I'd like to introduce to you guys, this particular hymn called "It is well, with my soul" by Horatio Spafford, Philip Paul Bliss
In the 1870s Horatio Spafford was a successful Chicago lawyer and a close friend of evangelist Dwight L. Moody.
Spafford had invested heavily in real estate, but the Chicago fire of 1871 wiped out his holdings. His son had died shortly before the disaster.
Spafford and his family desperately needed a rest so in 1873 he planned a trip to Europe with his wife and four daughters. While in Great Britain he also hoped to help Moody and Sankey with their evangelistic tour. Last minute business caused Spafford to delay his departure, but he sent his wife and four daughters on the S.S. Ville Du Havre as scheduled, promising to follow in a few days.
On November 22 the ship was struck by the English ship Lochearn, and it sank in twelve minutes. Several days later the survivors landed at Cardiff, Wales, and Mrs. Spafford cabled her husband the brief message, "Saved alone."
When Horatio Spafford made the ocean crossing to meet his grieving wife, he sailed near the place where his four daughters had sunk to the ocean depths. There, in the midst of his sorrow, he wrote these unforgettable words that have brought solace to so many in grief:
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, "It is well, it is well with my soul."
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, That Christ has regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed his own blood for my soul.
This song has ministered greatly to me as i ponder how often i grumble abt things that went wrong and failed to see God's purpose in my life. In circumstances, can i still firmly say that "It is well, with my soul"? I pray that you too will be blessed by this hymn
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Contentment and simplicity- the key to happiness?
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more improtant than food, and the body more important than clothes? " Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Matthew 6:25-27
No wonder Solomon describes wealth, status and luxury as chasing after the wind. it's never ending and that emptiness can never be filled. How true.

To think about it, if we do not know God, we're simply creatures existing on this earth to eat, live, procreate and die, maybe contributing to the carbon and nitrogen cycles in a way or other. What's the purpose of life? Maybe we are no any different from this ham ham here which runs non-stop on its wheel and stuff nuts up its cheeks.
Perhaps that's how we look like when we get so overwhelmed by work and things of life from God's perspective.
Monday, October 02, 2006
 Pekhar's Testimony
I come from a Buddhist family. Since young, I was taught and only get to expose to Buddhism. My parents are strong believers. My grandmother is of them too. They do the routine offerings without fail. They do not like their children to get involved in other religions, especially Christianity. I always felt an emptiness within my heart, there is something I can't put my finger on. But, I do not know what it is. Back then; I do not know who Jesus is.
My first contact with Christianity was when Gladys invited me to the Sunday Service a few years ago. The first impression was quite uncomfortable. I did not understand why everyone was so friendly. I did not understand what the people are singing and the hand gestures. Most importantly, I did not understand the bible.
Then, I stopped going for Sunday services or cell sessions. It was until a Christmas event that took place at Singapore Indoor Stadium in 2004. Again, another friend invited me. A couple of us, Cindy, Rhys and I turned up for the event. At that point of time, I felt a burning sensation. It was confusing. I did not know how to react. Then, I realized I said the Sinner's prayer and I have accepted Christ into my heart.