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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

(Diocesan Lay Training Programme)
DLT would be the last thing that I would take, I thought to myself before the lessons. But at first what drawn me to take the exam was the taking back of results, I always like to see results, how well or how badly I have done. And I have taken a lot of academic exams, and I thought well, taking a Bible exam would gauge how well I knew the Bible, I suppose. But after the exam it was never just the results that matter, is the committing it to memory. I used to say, just attend the lesson is good enough, but I guess you would never pay attention if at the end of the day; you are not taking the exam, so consider the exam a bonus and also a good experience.

When I saw Uncle Melvin and my dad studying for the bible exam for I thought it has been a long time since I studied for an exam, since RP doesn't have exams only test (funny isn't it?). So I thought maybe I should take the next one which was revelation and I thought since revelation is about the future, so by taking this exam I would be clearer on the future and am more prepared.

So I thought I would just go and take a look first before I decide on taking the exam, which was how I got myself to go for the lessons. I thought I would just take it for fun and just try it out, never would I thought how much I could learn from all the verses inside, scary sometimes how it could just impact you, indirectly telling you that the time is near and the end is going to be something when all the events that are going to take place is going to be so great and exciting.

Sometimes I really felt like giving up, having lessons from 8.30-4pm everyday, with tests, but one phrase that God has always put in my heart was never give up, prove to yourself that you can do this, that always works for me (I guess God knew that). This was what pulled me through the exams, not forgetting the help and encouragement that Hui Ling, Kai Lun, my dad and Uncle Melvin gave; it really helped me pull through in the exam. Although 72 might not be a good result, but for me, I was expecting 50-60, but amazing and Praise God!

I want to thank God for giving me all the help that He could give me and giving me all the encouragements and even the results to encouragement me to go for the second DLT and exam touching on the first five books of the Bible. I want to encourage all of you to go for it too; taking the exam is just making sure that you put His word into memory, so that it would be easier to put them into action.

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