Holy OsmosisWe all want someone to say, " I love you completely just the way you are. You don't have to perform for me, strive for me, or turn yourself inside out trying to please me. You don't ever have to be insercure about my love for you. It is eternal and will always be there for you. I will love you completely, and my love will make you feeel beautiful. My love will give you the confidence you need to do anything you need to do. My love will help you move into your destiny and fulfill your purpose."
Who is the only one in the world who can ever say those things to us and back them up?
Not our spouse
Not our parents
Neither is it our boyfriend nor girlfriend
Not so for our best buddy.
It is from God. And when we praise the God of love, His love pours into us like a holy osmosis and we end up having an abundance of His love flowing through you to others.Recall osmosis you learnt in secondary school and this love concentration gradient from God is something which we would never want to miss out on.