1. The author now explains the meaning of his command to remember God in youth, because tougher days will come that will be hard to deal with and only a frame of eternity can help us through those temporal sufferings!
a. Inevitably our frailties will show, not so much in youth, but later in life.
b. These "breakdowns" will make it difficult to appreciate life unless we have a larger frame of reference in which to place suffering, hence the importance of remembering the good days of youth and our Creator.
2. It is important for those coping mechanisms to be already in place before the tough times come, this is the author's point.
a. The course of growing older includes greater pressures and less physical strength; therefore we need something in our inner man to carry us through.
b. Forewarning here is the point; take the time to be prepared spiritually when young!
ILLUS: Like the mighty Niagara river which plummets some 180 feet at the falls. Before the falls however there are mighty violent rapids, and further upstream it is quite peaceful, here boats are allowed on the river. As a boat glides down the river however, they will arrive at a point where they will read this sign:"Do you have an anchor?"Followed by this " Do you know how to use it?" The only save way to be on the river at this point is to have prepared in advance before traveling down it this far...The very point the writer in Ecclesiastes 12:1 is trying to make! -Source unknown
3. We have only one chance to be young, how critical for youth to recognize the importance of knowing God at this stage of their life, they will later look back and thank God for the knowledge of the Lord when young!
a. Remembering God while young will also help you fight against the temptations of youth and thus avoid consequences that can last a lifetime.
b. Many young people ruin their lives or complicate them later by ignoring God's laws when young!