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Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Violet shares on her thoughts on the song "We Are The Reason"
I always thought that the song ‘we are the reason’ was only sung on Christmas. But as I look at the lyrics and reflect on my life. I realized, no, that song was sung because sometimes we have remind ourselves the reason that we are living. Yes, we were the reason that He came down; similarly, He is the reason that we live; He is the reason that we can be going to church, He is the reason that we can have amazing encounters with God.
This week has been a hectic week. I’ve been through a lot of things and events. Refreshing ones and tiring one. Refreshing encounter with God took me to a higher level of relationship with God. Tiring events let me down at times, but I would draw strength from God because He is the one who give me all the strength I need for the day. And through all the work that we are doing, be it ministry work or just work. Sometimes as human, we complain about things, we complain about how tough it is. But we fail to look at the deeper truth which is we have a reason why we are on this earth, and the question we should constantly ask ourselves is, are we living the purpose and reason why we are on this earth? Or are we just living on our own?
And every night as I finish my work, I sit in front on my computer, listening to the song ‘we are the reason’. Refreshes me, always. Why? Because it says that we ARE the reason that he suffered and died. God sent his beloved Son to die for us. We know this for a fact, but we have missed the meaning of it. We have missed the impact of this. GOD SENT HIS SON. Think about it. Would you send your son to die for sinful people and you also know that you would not be able to save all of them and some of them would be ungrateful to you, etc. GOD STILL SENDS HIS SON. So take comfort in Him today, because HE sent his son so that we can return to HIM. After knowing this, wouldn’t you want to return to HIM? Because HE so so so loved us!
Even as we enter the mid week and things seems monotonous and long, take comfort and rest in God’s presence, spend time with him more this week. You WILL feel the change. And when you feel the change, you would then hear God speaking then you will feel refreshed, energized and ready to shine for God in the world! So be blessed this week, take heat in His word and HIS will show you HIS plans!