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Monday, January 15, 2007

His Truth
By Andy Sng

Fact says, "Jesus is dead." Truth says, "Jesus lives!"

It's been almost a month since my grandma has left this world for His Kingdom. Although her departure wasn't a sudden one, it impacted me like it was. Though I appeared strong, I was weak inside; I did believe she was heading for Heaven, but I couldn't settle for the fact that I could no longer see or speak to her.

But one fine day, this familiar verse came upon my mind: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 (NIV) Immediately, I realized the fact had blinded me from His Truth.

Since then, I truly believe that she is in Heaven, enjoying eternal life with our Lord Jesus Christ. The fact suggests a sad situation, whilst His Truth shows otherwise.

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:32 (NIV)

How often have we failed to see beyond the situations/circumstances (fact) we're facing? Are we still worried or afraid of what lies ahead or stands before us? Have we forgotten His promises?

God commanded Abraham to sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering.
Fact states that God wanted to end the life of Isaac. However, His Truth speaks of Him being just and righteous - He knows what He is doing. Indeed, God was testing Abraham; His Truth prevailed in the end - overwriting the contradicting fact earlier on.
It became "God was testing Abraham", rather than "God was going to kill Isaac".

I attended a healing conference a couple of months back, and I saw numerous wheel-chair bounded people being able to stand up and walk after receiving prayers. His Truth has set them free from the fact that they couldn't walk.

We're only human living on this world that our God has created.
Problems/situations/circumstances arise as and when they do, and we can choose to set ourselves free with His Truth. Facts may change or fade away and reside in the past, but His Truth remains from everlasting to everlasting. Most importantly, Truth only comes from God.

I thank God and you for this privilege of sharing the above with you.

©2007 Westside Anglican Church Youth Fusion