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Tuesday, January 30, 2007
By Timothy Woon
This week has been a busy week for me. As most of you should know, I am currently serving the nation which, in itself, takes up most of my time during the day. On top of that,I give tuition as well. My schedule this week reads like any other week. Tuition on Mondays and Thursdays, prayer meetings on Wednesdays, guard duty etc. The list of activities are endless. Oh wait, something is amiss. God.
These questions have been resonating within me with alarming regularity. Where is God amidst our work, studies, recreation etc? Have we set our priorities right? We often sing " Jesus be the centre " but is He the centre of our lives, or just the centre of our weekends spent in church? After much reflection, I realised how big a sanctified liar I am when i sing a number of praise and worship songs.
I say that God is my first priority but look at my schedule and that is very far from the truth. Indeed actions speak volumes louder than words. I have cluttered myself with too many activities that mean little and left out the one thing that matters most --- leading a God-centred life. I believe I am not alone in this struggle.
As I look to the new week ahead, I thank God for the busy week that has just passed because He has shown me this weakness amidst my business. By God's grace, I hope to let God take the panteon of my life, that amidst all the hype and buzz, I will be able to take a step back and look to Him.