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Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Special Place Story =)

Before we head off for youth camp this Friday, I would like to share you with my story about a special place at SAV! You see, the Diocese building, where we will be spending most of our time, used to be the campus of Tung Ling Bible College where I did a 3-month course on ministry.

The special place is a spot on the first level of the building (on the right side when you walk into the building) underneath one of the arches that are part of the architecture. It is special because on one morning when I was doing my morning devotion there (5 years ago) God spoke a very assuring word into my heart, and it was that before I even asked Him for anything in prayer, He would have already known my needs. =) The amazing thing was that after that truth was 'dropped' into my heart, and I was searching for a confirmation of it, I opened my Bible and I found a verse that said exactly the same thing! Its from Matthew 6:8b which says 'For your Father knows all you need before you ask Him'.

I'm really looking forward to this youth camp, partly because I would really like to go to the special place to sit and to be still before God =) And one thing I am sure of, is that, special place or no special place, God is going to speak to the hearts of all of us during this camp! And I'm sure that many of us will have lots to share when it comes to testimony and sharing time on the last day of the camp!

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