MacRitchie Run! by Jack
Today was really a fantastic day for the six of us. It was the first time we met up together for a run at Mac Ritchie reservoir. Although the long distance of 10km was quite tiring for us, we managed to pull through in the end. It was indeed a blessing from God, be it the good weather or the strength for us to complete the run. It got very dark towards the end of our run, but we had to keep going because there was no other way to get to the finishing point. Through this memorable time together, we managed to know one another. Those of you who would like to run are welcome to join us next time! P.S. We went for a nice dinner after that too!
Here are some pictures!
L-R: Jack, Reginald and JonathanL-R: Chee Hoong, Arlene , Jack, Jonathan and Reginald. Photographer: Huiling