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Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tiffany's Exam Dates Just Released!
1st Dec --> Applied and Biological Chemistry 11st Dec --> Instrumentation 13th Dec --> Cell Culture and Tissue Application 15th Dec --> Advanced and Cell Molecular Biology
please pray for her! XIE XIE DA JIA! ;)
Captain Althea   Way to go girrrls!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006

Invite as many friends as you can, for this event! It will be a time of music heartfelt sharing of some popular songs which you might be familiar with, and skit which we want to share with you! Not to forget, there will also be fun & interactive games which makes you want more!
I will see you guys this Saturday at 3.30pm!
Additional note: Cell leaders, please confirm the number of people who is going in your grp and let me know the number of friends which they will be bringing by this Wednesday. (by hook or by crook)
To fellow youth fusion!
This is a call for everyone to invite your friends for this year's youth camp, The Ultimate Experience..!!
It is going to be REALLY exciting and happening this year as we bond as a youth, meet new friends as well as be exposed to the Word of God!!
So, what are you waiting for??! Do not hesitate any further!! Approach your friends and invite them today!!! For those who have not signed up yet, you may send in your particulars (name, sex, IC number, contact number, email, address, T-shirt size, birthday, allergies and guardian's particulars) to
Thursday, November 23, 2006
GB Camp!!!
we had our 2nd annual camp just past last weekend... the girls had fun especially on sun when we had our high elements course...
firstly... we must thank God for this camp, the work that he had done, the work that he is doing and the work that he is going to do in the lives of these girls... thank God for the good weather.. on sun when we had our high elements course, after lunch it seems that it will rain.. but thank God for holding back the rain and it rain only when we completed all the course... ;) thanks to all those helpers who came to help.. rachel, elissa, jiangyin, scarlet, ellice, arlene, astrid, althea, meiyan, a. theresa, u. melvin, a. florence, kailun and the rest of the officers and all who have helped in one way or another...
some pix to show you guys... reached CHR
craftwork - making of photo frame
morning exercise

session time

our speaker hambali
rock climbing
flying fox... the gals fav one..
abseiling.. the scariest one...
mary magdalene
jochebed.. the best team.. woohoo!!!!
and lastly... the officers and helpers!!! *missing some of them*
Monday, November 20, 2006
Let's join the angels in the celebration of our BROTHER ERIC's salvation!!! THE HEAVENS REJOICE! Let's not miss out in this joy!
Eddy and Andy's dearest brother, Eric, has come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, yesterday! He accepted Jesus Christ into his life, as his personal Lord and Saviour, and WOW! I must say, I was tremendously inspired by the marvelous work of God in Eric, in the time I had known him!
Let us extend our warmest welcome to this new addition into the house of the Lord, into WAC, and OF COUUURRSSSE...into Youth Fusion!!!
You know something else?
The entire Sng family is now SAVED!!!
The Lord is with us, Y-Fusionites.
As we rejoice over the fantastic news of the coming home of our brother Eric, let's continue to pray and ask that God will continue to do His marvelous works in the hearts of ALL our unsaved friends and families, that one by one...yes, one by one, they too will know their Creator and their Saviour intimately!!!
Saturday, November 18, 2006

Thursday, November 16, 2006
EXAM FEVER!!! It's now time for the polys and unis students to battle it out in the exam halls! PLEASE REMEMBER to.....PRAY FOR US!!!
Caroline: 20th Nov - Manufacturing 22nd Nov - Fluid Mechanics 30th Nov - Maths
Eddy: 17th Nov - Strategic Management 21st Nov - Chinese Education in S.E. Asia 21st Nov - Multi-cultural Comms 23rd Nov - Research Methods 28th Nov - Consumer Bahaviour
Joanie: 17th Nov - Strategic Management 20th Nov - International Business 23rd Nov - Creative Design and Marketing
Shuhei: 22nd Nov - Culture Transition 27th Nov - Taxation 29th Nov - Company Law
Wenxun: 21st Nov - Growth and Motor Development 27th Nov - Introduction to Physical Education
Adrian: 17th Nov - Mechanical System Design 21st Nov - Life Sciences 24th Nov - Online Journalism and Publishing 28th Nov - Fluid Dynamics
Si'er: 20th Nov - Visual Texts and Communication
Tiffany: 1st Dec - Analytical and Biological Chemistry
Andy: 11th Dec - Property Management 14th Dec - Financial Resource Management
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Some light-hearted entertainment...

Sunday, November 12, 2006
MacRitchie Run! by Jack
Today was really a fantastic day for the six of us. It was the first time we met up together for a run at Mac Ritchie reservoir. Although the long distance of 10km was quite tiring for us, we managed to pull through in the end. It was indeed a blessing from God, be it the good weather or the strength for us to complete the run. It got very dark towards the end of our run, but we had to keep going because there was no other way to get to the finishing point. Through this memorable time together, we managed to know one another. Those of you who would like to run are welcome to join us next time! P.S. We went for a nice dinner after that too!
Here are some pictures!
L-R: Jack, Reginald and Jonathan
L-R: Chee Hoong, Arlene , Jack, Jonathan and Reginald. Photographer: Huiling
L-R: Jack, Reginald and Jonathan
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Just a short thought about evangelism that I wanted to share with you guys:
"Evangelism is one poor beggar telling another poor beggar where to find bread." --D.T. Niles
My friend shared this with me some time ago and I thought it was quite a good analogy (if that's what its called). I guess we are all like 'poor beggars' because we don't have the power in the first place to save ourselves from the penalty of sin, so that makes us in a very bad state (like a beggar). BUT as Christians we have found Jesus, the Bread of Life, and we ought to tell others about Him and how they can invite Jesus into their lives and be saved by Him too!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Sharing by Joanie...
God has been doing transforming work in me ever since He entered into my life. He is moulding me to become a better friend, and teaching me to love with a sincere heart.
I once gave a testimony about the overwhelming love that I’ve experienced ever since I gave my life to Jesus. It’s the love that I’ve found in God, the new friends, sisters, and brothers that God has placed in my life. Everyone is just so sincere and true. As I learn more about God’s unconditional love, I began to think more for others rather than for myself. That requires the sacrifice of time, money and attention.
Ok, perhaps I should describe a little on what I was like as a friend in the past. Since primary school, I do not have the habit of chatting (catching up) on the phone due to my environment, or to take initiative to find out what’s happening in my friends’ lives. I would call them only when help is needed or when we had to plan for an outing. What we did together as friends was just chilling out, shopping, eating and any other things that requires spending of money. We did not have an intimate time together. So you can guess that I did not have a best friend in particular, but rather many good friends. We were friends because its fun to hang out together.
It was after I accepted Christ that I discovered the lack of initiative on my part as a friend. I was born again into an environment where God’s children shares an intimate time together in fellowship. God taught us to love our neighbours, especially our brothers and sisters in Christ. God has made my relationships with friends and family members “whole” as I realized my faults. The only time when we can learn and share about the lives of the people close to our heart is by spending more time with them. This is necessary if we want to grow in intimacy, just like how we need to spend time with our Father everyday in devotion.
Another thing that I’ve learnt:
In Acts 2:46, “Every day they continue to meet together in the temple and ate together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts”
After reading this passage, I immediately repented for the many times that I did not meet my friends with a sincere heart. Was I really having fellowship with them with an earnest intention to know more about their lives? Or was it just a motion that I was going through? Perhaps we can all reflect upon our fellowship time with our fellow brothers and sisters. Let’s all learn to enjoy each others company in the presence of our Lord, knowing that our relationship is build upon love.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
As and Os LEVEL
hey everyone! please keep the following people who are currently having their A and O levels exams in your prayers. it would be great if we pray specifically for each one of them. (also the reason why we post their timetable) :)
Jonathan's Timetable
6 Nov (Mon) - Mathematics and social studies 8 Nov (Wed) - English Language 9 Nov (Thurs) - Geography 10 Nov (Fri) - Mathematics 14 Nov (Tues) - Additional Mathematics 15 Nov (Wed) - Physics and Geography 16 Nov (Thurs) - Additional Mathematics and Chemistry from Left: Marie and Michelle
Marie's Timetable
6 Nov (Mon) - Mathematics 7 Nov (Tues) - Science 8 Nov (Wed) - Science 10 Nov (Fri) - Mathematics 20 Nov (Mon) - Science
Michelle's Timetable
2 Nov(Thurs) - General Paper 7 Nov(Tues) - Maths P1 8 Nov(Wed) - Chemistry P3 9 Nov(Thurs) - Mathematics P1 13 Nov(Mon) - Physics P1 & P2 14 Nov(Tues) - Chemistry P2 15 Nov(Wed) - Physics P3 17 Nov(Fri) - Chemistry P1
Eunice's Timetable
2 Nov(Thurs) - General Paper 7 Nov (Tues) - Biology P2 and Maths P1 8 Nov(Wed) - Chemistry P3 9 Nov(Thurs) - Mathematics P1 13 Nov(Mon) -Literature P1 14 Nov(Tues) -Chemistry P2 17 Nov(Fri) -Chemistry P1 and Literature P8 20 Nov (Mon)- Biology P3 23 Nov(Thurs) - Literature P4 and Biology P1
Jasmine's Timetable
2 Nov(Thurs) - General Paper 7 Nov(Tues) - Maths P1 9 Nov(Thurs) - Mathematics P1 13 Nov(Mon) -Literature P1 14 Nov (Tues) - Economics P3 15 Nov (Wed) - Economics P1 & P2 17 Nov(Fri) -Literature P8 20 Nov (Mon) - Theatre Studies & Drama 2 23 Nov(Thurs) - Literature P4 27 Nov (Mon) - Economics 'S' Paper 28 Nov (Tues) - Theatre Studies & Drama 1 29 Nov (Wed) - English Literature 'S' Paper Phoebe's Timetable 2 Nov(Thurs) - General Paper 3 Nov (Fri) - Chinese A 7 Nov(Tues) - Mathematics P1 8 Nov (Wed) - Chemistry P3 9 Nov (Thurs) - Mathematics P2 14 Nov (Tues) - Chemistry P2 17 Nov (Fri) - Chemistry P1