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Friday, July 07, 2006
WHAT IF... By Jonathan Kee
Taking this opportunity to give thanks to God for his protection and his faithfulness. Just last saturday, my mum was hospitalised for some hypertension bleeding, by God's grace she was discharged the next day and she's ok now. As I reflect back on the event, my heart is filled with gratitude and increased confidence that my God is in control...
To cut a long story short (if you really really wan the detailed version can always look for me then), my mum had a burst vein on the her calf and she was lying in her pool of blood until i saw her and called the ambulance. Looking back what ran thru my mind were the what ifs. What if I had music prac and was not at home? (btw only me and my bro was at home when the event incident occurred and he was sleeping before i shouted for him to wake up) What if i had not gone to the toilet and continued staying in the living room? What if the blood from her wound did not stop? (which it stopped when i found her) What if she knocked her head against something sharp? (my mum did have a bruise on her forehead which shows she did knock on something).
But I thank God that amidst the 'what ifs', He has everything covered. Praise be to God!