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Monday, July 31, 2006
"Then Jesus said to his disciples: Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"

And IF, Inspite of everything, you still keep getting yourself worried... Look around you, Thank GOD for everything that He has allowed you to have in this brief life.... Remind yourself to ask LESS, and thank MORE...
Friday, July 28, 2006
WHERE ARE U GOING??????? 230pm @ Jurong East MRT
Wow! After reading the explosive testimonies from Arlene and Huiwen... don't you feel that God indeed is stirring up a revival in our midst? And what more is that we are going to have our outreach event this Sat!! All the logistical planning and nights of sweat and organising by Gladys, Janice and Huiwen are going to bloom in full force this Sat!
I believe that God will make use of every opportunity and event to reach out to our friends! If you have yet to sign up or you have a friend in mind whom you wanna bring dont hesistate to contact your cell leader for registration!
And remember to keep this event in prayer.. when God works, nothing can stop His power!!
Hi guys! Last Sunday, my grandma accepted Christ at home! It was pretty unexpected, so the only explanation I have is that God was working in her heart and He drew her to Himself =)
It started on Sunday afternoon when a few relatives came and before they left she said (out of the blue) that if Jesus could heal her (cos now she has trouble walking by herself), she would become a Christian and that she wanted to remove the altar at home. Then later my mum told her that becoming a Christian wasn't just about being healed by Jesus but its really about the forgiveness of sins. And then... she said she wanted to accept Christ!
So we called Aunty Evelyn and she came down immediately to pray with my grandma in Cantonese =) So now, my grandma is Christian! Praise God! Now we're trusting God still for my dad to come to Christ so my whole family can come to church together on Sunday mornings. =)
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Earnest prayer answered!
Last sunday was the first time i brought my mom to church. To many, this may be nothing significant. However, personally, it was a breakthrough, whether be it in my spiritual walk or relationship with my mom. As a child, i had always destested the differentiated treatment my mom had towards me relative to my two brothers. I never understood why she always choose to scold or beat me even when my brothers are equally guility. In my teens, things got worse. I was rebellious and talking back to her was like a daily routine. As much as i detested the way she treated me, deep down, i envied those with loving mothers and i longed for love from my mom... Back at home, it was a difficult period of time when i first accepted Christ 5 years back. The close relationship i used to have with my dad turned sour cuz he objected strongly to the idea of me attending church. So now, u get the picture. both my parents were not supportive of me attending church. It is always my heart desire to see them coming to Christ but striking a spiritual conversation with them always ended up in fizzle. The opportunity came knocking on the door last sunday 16 july. I came to know of the chinese congregation evangelistic service which would be held on 23 july. At the same time, the prayer chain 24-7 was going on, hence i decided to fast and pray for my unsaved family members. That sunday (16/7) I went for dinner with my family and I tried to "book" them for breakfast the following week, ie. the time before the service starts, hoping that i can still nag them at the last min even if they refused initially. The week went by and i only got rejection from my mom... She seemed willing to go but due to the fear of scolding from my dad and therefore she declined my offer. My dad had to work on that sunday morning (23 july) when the evangelical service was to be held and my mom went to my grandma's house. Just when i thought all was gone, God answered my prayer! I was doing my QT at 9++ am and i was still unwilling to give up the thought of bringing my mom to church even when she's already out somewhere. I prayed and suddenly my hp rang. Normally i would have it on silent but that day, somehow, i didn't turn it to that mode. Picked up the phone and it was my mom! She asked me what was the church event about and I just told her to go and listen, nothing harmful. She pondered for a while and she said ok. I was truly amazed at how God works. Surely He doesn't understand slowness as we do. In fact, it is this very nature of God that causes us to rely even more on Him and less on our effort. In fact, all we have to do is to be willing vessels, ready for Him to use. Although my mom didn't respond to the altar call after the sermon, i believed it was a leap from being sceptical about Christianity to one that is neutral. If u're praying for your unsaved family members and friends, and things look bleak, don't give up! Take heart and press on for in due time, God will answer your prayers according to His will.
Monday, July 24, 2006
The Burning M.a.t.c.h.s.t.i.x.
 One matchstick is all it takes to set a forest on fire.
Will You be a matchstick for Jesus?
I don't know about you, but, yes, I will.
And I will let my life be burnt away for Christ alone.
If I am willing to be that matchstick, Surely God can use this matchstick, To set the entire world on fire.
Because like a burning matchstick, my life on earth is short.
So I will burn for what truly matters.
Becoming a Purpose-Driven Matchstick:
Evangelism: A matchstick that brings light into the darkness. Discipleship: A matchstick that can truly burn.
Ministry: A matchstick that serves the purpose of his master. Fellowship: A matchstick that is never alone in the matchbox. Worship: A matchstick that shines the brightest flame with all it has. ................................... Tertiary Cell launched our new name "Matchstix" on 22nd July 2006. So from now on, we're called "Matchstix"! Burning brighter! Burning fiercely! Burning for Christ!
Friday, July 21, 2006
Matters of the heart
Have you ever wondered what are the issues that matter to God?
Sometimes for myself, I tend to look a lot at myself, my needs my wants. I blame the people around me for the problems I go through, I whine and complain that I hate my life and that I wanna escape in some abyss so that I dont have to face the reality of work, stress, conflicts and the human factor which affects me so badly in whatever i'm doing.
In my line of work, doing what I do, i often question my role and the decision which I help my patients make. Although i recognise that most of the time, I have little or no say in the life of the teenages which I meet, I still struggle with the young lives which I see being destroyed by the world and the evils which we often take for granted of. Having spent most of my teenage years in a church setting, I've come to realise that life is not just about the sunday service, or the happy people whom we meet in our journey of a Christian.
I've realised that life is about meeting the needs of the needy, the cries of the lonely and to spread a little love to those who lack. In my line of work, I see so many young lives being thrashed by the passing wind of time, by the influence of the media, by the degradation of society. If only God would use me to touch their lives, to bring His love, His Word, His touch.
I pray that even as we go about in our daily walk, be it working or studying, that we'll not forget the needs of others. To look beyond us. And to see what really matters to God's heart.
God, Open my eyes to see. What I am supposed to see. And let not it be colored by my own wants. But may it be filled with the leading of Your Spirit. Amen.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Let us all repent. It is time our focus is shifted back to the Lord. He is the only One that never fails!
Monday, July 17, 2006
If you missed Eddy's testimony, you can catch it right here! If you heard him already, here are the details and the photo of the night light!
One True God By Eddy
Just want to share with you an amazing thing that happened last night.
Background Last Sunday was the first time I brought my parents to my church (West Anglican Church). On Monday, one of the brothers from our Chinese Service - Mr Hong Shu Shan - called our house and arranged to come down and talk more about Christ with my parents. The appointment was fixed for Wednesday at 730 pm.
When the time came, Mr Hong showed up with two other sisters - Miss Guan Li Hua and Miss Wang Xiu Ying. They proceeded to share the Gospel with my parents and to ask if they were ready to receive Christ into their lives.
My mother was hesitant at first because of her beliefs (see below). However, for the past few days she had confided to me that whenever she was in the kitchen, she would hear a voice in her ear speaking the name of the Lord over and over again. I had told her - and the Chinese Service brother and sisters confirmed - that this was God trying to reach out to her. Faced with overwhelming evidence of God's existence, she decided to receive Christ.
This was when the amazing thing happened!
Amazing Grace When they had finished saying the Sinner's Prayer, Mr Hong declared that we would have to get rid of all false idols and statues. So out went the Guan Yin idol, out went the Fu Lu Shou figurines, out went the Laughing Buddha statue...even the dreamcatcher that my brother bought in Taiwan. Anything that smacked of another religion had to go, even those that were kept in the storeroom. The only thing that escaped was the ancestors' tablet.
When my mother came out of the storeroom Mr Hong called to her and asked her to stand in front of our night-light in the living room. He said, "Stand here, receive God's blessing, and see what He has done."
My mother did as he told and when she opened her eyes...
The light from our night-light had formed into a cross! (see attached picture)
Mother's Past Now, you must understand that I come from a family very steeped in Taoist/Buddhist beliefs. My own maternal great-grandmother was a temple medium; on special occasions she'd go into a trance and cut her tongue, cast out demons from people etc. From young, my mother had been infused with a very strong belief in Taoist/Buddhist - and later, the Hindi sage Sai Baba - gods. She did not believe in any god that did not require incense worship.
When God wants you, there is no way you can say No
When I first became a Christian in May, my mother was my strongest persecuter. Every weekend when I came home after church we would argue as to why I could not light joss-sticks anymore, why I was so willing to tithe to the church and so on and so forth.
And yet, in the space of 2 months the Lord had touched her heart so that she herself came to receive Christ! And not just herself but my father as well! My youngest brother - who was my other persecuter at home - is now reading Bible stories and thinking about going to my cell group with me.
Friends, I want you to know that there is only One True God in the universe, that He loves us beyond measure and that He wants all of you - Yes! Each and every single one of you! - to become His child again.
You may jeer at His disciples and mock His name, even blaspheme against Him; but this does not take away from His majesty, His power, His presence.
God is not an abstract concept reserved for the religious. God is working everyday to get closer to you, to enter your life and to give you more, more than you can ever dream of.
Stop denying the existence of God and saying that your life is fine the way it is without Him. An Eskimo in Alaska cannot appreciate the beauty of sunny California if he does not venture forth to see for himself.
The doors of Heaven are open for you NOW; the only thing left to do is to step in yourself. Don't try to run away or hide yourself; resistance is futile.
Because when God wants you, there is no way you can say No.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
This week, we have........
Eunice Koh, Elissa's pretty friend!!! She was here the previous week as well..

If you have been observant enough, you would have spotted Eddy's brother, Andy here with us too!!!(who looks like his twin)
Just wanna say, W.E.L.C.O.M.E ANDY & EUNICE!!!
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Hey peepz...
i have uploaded the photos in the photo album... so you all can take a look at it! :) u can also click on the photos below to go to the link ;)
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
If not for this fellow, we would have missed our flight to Aceh. Thank God for him. The conveyor belt in the Aceh airport is actually lifted up and supported by rocks like this. AMAZING! 
First Class - Children aged 4-8yrs old. Playing blanket game. 
Giving out sweets and duckie whistles to the children 
Our second lesson for children age 6-12 yrs old. We tried playing blanket game with them. But the children just imitated junhoong and marie in the demo. 
Making fans for art and craft with paper plates, chopsticks, lots of coloured papers, etc. 
Doing some warm-ups at our third lesson for children aged 4-8 yrs old 
The children following after us 
Having puppet show with the children 
Playing london bridge 
Waving their completed fans at our fourth lesson 
The children love taking pictures at our fifth lesson 
Demo on how to play 'passing the ball' 
Who would believe such a peaceful and beautiful sea caused such great destruction? 
This boat on top of the house saved many lives and the people actually recognised that it was a miracle from God. :D Praise God! 
One of the completed houses that the Christian workers are building. One takes approximately one and a half month for three men to complete. It is amazing! A two room bungalow! 
The land near the beach. The destruction is still visible. Continue to keep Aceh in prayer!
Monday, July 10, 2006
As promised, this is the 2nd part of Ryan's sharing!
The Second Encounter By Ryan
I don't know whether this one makes sense to you. We were praying at German Center during Tertiary Cell, something unusual happened to me. I am still a newbie Christian so I tried to follow what I have been taught.
Before I pray, I will imagine lying on green pastures beside the still waters as it helps quieten my heart. But while doing that, an image appeared. (Like anime a picture came in, a bit forcefully from the bottom right) The image started as a few big oval shape boulders. As I looked up the boulders, the shape is of a pyramid and there's a man in white standing at the top and I was standing at the bottom. While my mind was being led by these images, Raymond closed in prayer for that day's cell. I did not manage to pray as I asking myself "What's that?", "It can't be".
Later in the evening, at Singapore Indoor Stadium (during Fire Conference) I told Si'er what had happened back then and he said that it's God. Then I wondered what does that picture mean? Soon the band started playing and we went down towards the stage to sing and praise the Lord. There was this song Rock of Ages. Si'er told me that the Bible states that Jesus is the Rock.
Deuteronomy 32:4 He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he.
2 Samuel 22:2 He said: "The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer
Si'er told me, "God communicates with us in many ways and the images you saw earlier was definitely from God."
Sunday, July 09, 2006
From the hearts of the Aceh TeamSharing by Janice...This june, the six of us had the priviledge to be part of the june mission team to Banda Aceh. The main aim of the mission was to conduct english lessons for children in different tuition centres. With the main theme as 'Our Body Parts and Senses', we played games with them, had art & craft and puppet show to facilitate our teaching.
For me, the thought of conducting a class of 60 plus children was a challenge to me. I did not feel confident about 'doing it right' and I lifted my worries to the Lord. However, in Aceh, God showed me that He can use the little bit that I can offer. And it was a tremendous experience as we see the children laughing and enjoying themselves.
Each day as the car drives pass the many homes, I see the lives of the Aceh people coming back to what it used to be and there is this fear that one day, the door might close again. And I prayed that even as restoration carries on, God wouldnt close this door, that the hearts of the people would not harden. On the ferry back,as the land of Indonesia slowly disappear behind the horizon, the lyrics of the song:' Let Your Glory Fall' came so strongly into my mind and I must really agree that God is trying to tell me that Aceh is His creation. And I seriously desire to see God unveil His plans for Aceh as well as pour out His promise on the people and the land.
Father of all creation Unfold your sovereign plan Raise up a chosen generation That will march through the land All of creation is longing For your unveiling of power Would you release your anointing Oh God let this be the hour
Let Your glory fall in this room Let it go forth from here to the nations Let Your fragrance rest in this place As we gather to seek your face
Ruler of the nations The world has yet to see The full release of your promise The church in victory
Turn to us Lord and touch us Make us strong in Your might Overcome our weakness That we could stand up and fight
Let Your kingdom come
Let Your will be done Let us see on earth The glory of Your Son I thank God for protecting us during the trip, especially in terms of health and safety. He brought people into our lives to guide us during our trip there. It was amazing witnessing God's hand moving! And our team is amazing! Thank God for the talents that He has blessed us with!! We see each of us fitting in nicely with what we can contribute as we continue to encourage and support one another during the trip. And for me, I thank God for opening my eyes to see beyond my comfort zone, to witness for myself the people and land that needed our prayers. They DESERVE to recognise their Maker and Saviour as well! Let us all continue to keep Aceh and the people in our prayers. Sharing by Junhoong.... One thing that I've learnt from this short term mission is that there is so little that we can do for the locals. And the window of opportunity for us to go into any country to bless them will not always be open. It is therefore of utmost importance that we must not miss out any opportunity that God gives us to share the gospel anywhere, anytime, all the more so as the Day draws near.
Sharing by Marie...
The most amazing thing that I have learnt from the trip was when God spoke to me when we were driving pass the tsunami sites. I was praying for the land when God put these words into my head: 'The Greatest Sacrifice' and 'The Greatest Love'. I didn't know what it really meant but when I prayed about it, I realised that God was telling me that He loves the people of Aceh so much. And it was because of the tsunami that Christians like us can enter Aceh. I really thank God for opening this window of opportunity for us to go into Aceh and spread His love. PRAISE OUR AMAZING GOD! Sharing by Candice...Sat (24Jun), just the day before we set off to Aceh, I visited my grandma who was very sick, that she could not speak. My dad said she might not last long, and better hope that she lives till our return from Aceh. I was really frightened and wasn't prepared for it. Her temperature was rising, so we gave her panadol and her favourite sweet potato soup. After some time, I believed she got better because she could grab my hands and feel it and could speak. I knew the Lord was there; He was the Peace, making it possible so that we could go Aceh. The next day she passed away, but we didn't know till we came back. There was not a single thought of asking about my sick grandma when we were in Aceh.
God revealed so much more to me ever since I signed up for Aceh. We encountered problems as a team, we all had individual ideas and thoughts, it was hard to just meet up, everyone was busy, there were distractions and our main focus wasn't fully on God etc. I struggled in my walk with God, but it has brought me even closer to Him after each trial faced. He brought me back to the word of God, for we should have a firm foundation. It felt really great when God spoke to me through a bible passage and when my Q.T. tally with what that person's sharing on that very same day.
I see how as a team we work together, encourage and help one another. By just teaching the kids simple English, it might not have been something major that we are doing in Aceh, but you'll never know how much it means to the kids and their family. You see the smiles and hear the laughter, it is just how it would be like if they knew Jesus!!
God spoke to me at the Tsunami site. He said,"Let Me say to you these…let your voice be heard" The next 3 words was "Save this land". Then the next day’s devotion passage continues, "Let those who have ears to hear, let them hear".
Thank God for His wisdom, guidance, love, peace, comfort and blood of protection. So continue to keep Aceh in prayer.
Sharing by Rebecca... God made this trip possible by making those days available for me, out of my busy school and work schedule. Those days happened to be my holidays.
The trip to Aceh also made me realize how contented we ought to be with the living standards and lifestyles we have in Singapore. We met many wonderful God's people like Pastor Togi, Josepha and Daniel. They revealed the passion and fire that is burning deep within their hearts for God and the people in Aceh. They love worshipping God in songs, with just a simple guitar and their beautiful voices.
God is really amazing! How he used Tsunami to bring his people into the land of Aceh. What I experienced in Aceh was really incredible. Looking forward to more mission trips!
Friday, July 07, 2006
WHAT IF... By Jonathan Kee
Taking this opportunity to give thanks to God for his protection and his faithfulness. Just last saturday, my mum was hospitalised for some hypertension bleeding, by God's grace she was discharged the next day and she's ok now. As I reflect back on the event, my heart is filled with gratitude and increased confidence that my God is in control...
To cut a long story short (if you really really wan the detailed version can always look for me then), my mum had a burst vein on the her calf and she was lying in her pool of blood until i saw her and called the ambulance. Looking back what ran thru my mind were the what ifs. What if I had music prac and was not at home? (btw only me and my bro was at home when the event incident occurred and he was sleeping before i shouted for him to wake up) What if i had not gone to the toilet and continued staying in the living room? What if the blood from her wound did not stop? (which it stopped when i found her) What if she knocked her head against something sharp? (my mum did have a bruise on her forehead which shows she did knock on something).
But I thank God that amidst the 'what ifs', He has everything covered. Praise be to God!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Blessed to be a Blessing—Mission Trip To Japan
Every year, Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC) sends out mission teams to bring the gospel to students all over the world. Late in December 2005, I signed up to go on a mission trip with SCCC.
My team consisted of 11 students from NTU, NUS and SMU and 2 staff from Campus Crusade. We were originally headed for South Africa, but early this year, by God’s intervention, we were redirected to minister in Tokyo, Japan.
Initially, it was difficult for me to feel any sense of burden for the people in Japan. Japan had never been on my list of places to go for a mission trip, and I had absolutely no command of the Japanese language. By God’s grace, as I read up on the country and shared with others about the mission trip, I began to see the need for the Japanese people to know God personally.
Each of us in the team had to raise a total amount of $3000 each for our daily allowances, transport and ministry expenses. My faith was stretched as I started support raising. I saw God’s hand of provision as different people responded to our support letters, and was also encouraged as many responded to commit to pray for my team as we prepared to go to Japan.
While we were in Japan, my team ministered in 2 campuses, Hitotsubashi University and Tsuda Women’s College. A day of ministry on campus included lunch time meetings with students and random witnessing in the school cafeteria. We were able to communicate to the students in English, and along the way, I managed to pick up some Japanese as well. Many of the students we spoke to were interested and willing to find out more about Christianity, and a large number of them heard the gospel for the first time in their lives. As a team, we were thankful for the favour that God had given to us with the students there.
Personally, I learnt how to seize every opportunity that came my way to share Christ with the students that God brought my way. Essentially, every conversation with a student is an opportunity for the gospel to be shared. There were many times when tiredness set in, but being mindful of the purpose for which God had sent us to Japan helped me to remain focused on what I had to do.
One major struggle that I had during the first week in Japan was having to deal with the unfamiliarity of the place. Despite wanting to be a missionary someday, I found myself telling God, ‘Please, DON’T EVER send me to a foreign land for long-term missions! It is too much for me to bear.’ As I struggled and pressed on, my heart was changed to one of surrender to God as I found that His grace was indeed sufficient to bring me through to cope with the challenges of living in Japan each day.
A total of 5 students came to know the Lord through random witnessing and the evangelistic parties that we had planned, and they are currently being discipled by the CCC staff in Japan.
Up to today, I still don’t understand why the door to South Africa was closed, and perhaps I never will. God’s ways are often higher than ours, and I’ve found that it is simply enough to trust His leading and to allow Him to use us wherever we are. Looking back at how God had used us to reach the students in Japan, I realize that as we gave our service to Him, we were blessed in many more ways so that we could use His blessings to bless the people even more. Of course, the greatest blessing we all have is the personal relationship that we have with Jesus Christ our Saviour, and it has been commanded that we should bring this wonderful news to those who have yet to hear it.
Ryan has 2 exciting encounters with God to share with you all!
The First Encounter by Ryan
I am a person who likes to bet and I visit singapore pools website frequently to check up on soccer odds. I am not an addicted gambler, I basically bet for fun, although not in a very small amount.
Two days before England vs. Portugal match, I did some homework on the teams. I evaluated that England will win as the advantages England had was much greater than Portugal. Portugal's main strength was greatly reduced. I had this strong gut feeling that England will win this match and the odds for England to win is very attractive. It seemed like free money to me. Hence, I went straight down to the betting centre because I was afraid the odds would drop drastically. The odds did drop quite a bit in just a few hours and it was 2 days before the match. This does not happen normally, which means a lot of people predicted that England would win the match.
I colored my bet sheet, $100 on England to win and some 4-Digit numbers. While queuing, something strange happened. There's this strong voice from inside me telling me "Don't Buy". I was sure that it's not me; I am not making it up. Following, I got this urge; I crushed my bet sheet and left. I headed to the drinks department and got a pack of milk instead. (I was at Shop N save btw) While queuing to pay, I thought of what I just did. It's so not me. The normal me would be, "SweE! Free $95 coming up, be fast before the odds drop".
I already lost quite a bit during this World Cup and I wanted to recuperate some. But I listened to the voice that spoke to me and chilled. I told Si'er about it and he said it's God voice.
The match result was draw (0-0) and Portugal won the penalty kick. It's like the most impossible thing to happen!
To be continued...
Stay tuned for his second exciting encounter!!!!
What is fasting in Christian context?
Biblicially, fasting is the abstainance from food, drink or sleep to focus on a period of spiritual growth. Specificall, we humbly deny the flesh to seek God and to go deeper in our prayer life. It isn't a form of duty, however, it is recommended as part of our spiritual growth. The Book of Acts records belilevers fasting before making important decisions. (Acts 13:3-4; Acts 14:23). Fasting and prayer are often linked together. (Luke 2:37; 5:33). Many a times, our attention may be on the lack of food but this is never the purpose of fasting. Instead, it should be a time where we take our eyes off the things of this world and focus on God. Fasting is a way to demonstrate to God and to ourselves that we are serious about our relationship with Him. There are also other ways to fast, not just from food. Anything that you can temporarily give up in order to better focus on God can be considered a fast. Christian fasting is more than denying ourselves of food or something else of the flesh - it is a sacrificial lifestyle before God. In Isaiah 58, we have a glimpse of what a "true fast" is. It is not just a one-time act of humility and denial before God, it is a lifestyle of servant minstry to others. Fasting encourages humility, lossens the chains of injustice, unties the chords of yoke, frees the oppressed, feeds the hungry, provides for the poor, and clothes the naked. This isn't a one day thing- it is about a lifestyle of servant living for God and others.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Fire Conference 2006 Speaker: Reinhard Bonnke
Together with many christians at the National Indoor Stadium on 1st July 2006, we were extremely blessed by the God thru' Reinhard Bonnke!! The stadium was packed and ppl from other countries came to attend it too! Great time of praise and worship, fantastic sermon, we were are so inspired and set ablaze!
Getting seated..
Waiting patiently..
And still waiting..

What's he doing???  
And finally it begins!!!!!!
We were definitely glad we were there!
Monday, July 03, 2006
.: Tertiary Cell Retreat :.
We had our annual retreat on 30th June - 1st July 2006!!! Firstly, Si'er and I would like to take this opportunity to thank some of our members who made it possible for this retreat to happen!
First and foremost we would like to thank our wonderful God for showing tertiary cell the way ahead and for the exciting e-meetings in this half of the year!
Next, we want to thank Pekhar for her tireless efforts in planning this retreat. She had the privilege of deciding the venue, collecting the money, buying the necessities, preparing breakfast for us and lots more! *Not easy collecting money ok! Must give her credits for it!*
We want to thank our dearest tertiary cell's mentor...Raymond!! He helped us "put the 2 roofs over our heads"!!! Thank you so much Raymond for your blessings.
Junhoong, thank you for helping us book the chalet and assisting us! What to do without u!?!
Joanie and Caroline, thank you for providing the delicious dinner and filling our stomachs when it growled!!
Cindy, Rhys, Timothy and Celine, thank you for leading all of us in a fantastic time of worship!!! Great job! I'm sure God is pleased with you all!
Jinhang, Celine and Junhoong, we had a good stomach exercise!! Nice ice-breaker and good forfeits!!! lol
And now, some photos to do the talking! 

Guess who is this mysterious guy!?!?!?!?!

We're looking forward to the next retreat?? Are U?