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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

"Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion." Hebrews 3:15

Sharing by Jasmine Pang

A bit of background before I really start, Friday was the first time i picked up my QT material in three weeks, mainly because I've been distracted by my Theatre Studies 'A' levels (they're in June, I just finished half of my exam on Thurs!) No excuse, really, I just put it off because I felt way too tired everyday when I came back from school. So anyway, after my Thursday exam I figured I'd start again, but I was too lazy again, so... you get the picture.

When I finally forced myself to get off the computer and flipped my devotional to the 1st June entry, my eyes nearly popped out. Not because I was tired but because of its title, "don't put it off." Argh! Guilty, guilty, guilty.

The verse I've quoted is repeated in Hebrew three times, first in 3:7-8, then 3:15, then 4:7, as a warning to those who had responded to God's call of salvation, but I feel it's also a verse that can be applied to us in terms of our obedience to God and his calling. If God tells you something, then do something about it, if God shows you something, then do something about it. It doesn't have to be monumental; it could be as simple as turning off your TV to do your QT, or something like that.

The word that jumped out at me, though, was "today." Deciding to do something isn't enough, we have to put it into action right away! Putting off something, and thinking that it'll get done eventually isn't a good thing, because most of time we'd end up not doing it at all. Like us and our tutorials. More importantly, we'll never know how long the oppurtunity to do something will be ours, so we should get down to it while the chance lasts - what are we waiting for?

Heh, thank goodness I read this verse, or I'd probably still be waiting. (And worse, keeping God waiting.)

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