Last Sat...from Tertiary Cell:
"THE TRUTH BEHIND THE TALE" movie cum workshop!Tertiary Cell conducted an evangelistic workshop last Saturday, and praise God! It was a great time of friends, facts and fun!
We invited some of our seeker friends to a screening of "The Da Vinci Code" together with us, and right after that, we headed down to Youth Fusion for a time of fellowship and uncovering the facts from the fiction!
Our cell mentor, Raymond, treated us to a thorough session of discovery through facinating pictures and astounding facts as we unravel the truth of the claims of the movie...and as the session came to a close, all of us were utterly convinced by the phenomenal claims of Jesus Christ as words which none of us can can take lightly!
There was also much thought-provoking dialogues within ourselves, as we broke into smaller groups to hear and share our personal thoughts...
Most of all, we got to know many new friends in our midst; Jack, Jiewei, Sidney, Zihui, Geraldine, Jiaxuan, Junyuan, Doreen and Leah spent the afternoon with us and...what can we say...We TOTALLY enjoyed their company! ;D
(We played a game at the end of the session and discovered many deep...dark secrets unknown to most others, about our fellow friends! We had a good time rolling around in laughter and fits!)
Indeed, praise God for all He has done through and in us! Don't forget to join us again this coming Saturday cos...SABRINA is gonna wrap up some absolutely exciting stuff in the final instalment of Chapter 4: God's Gifts to Us! You wouldn't want to miss it...!