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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

GDOP @ National Stadium
4th June 06'

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Some of tertiary cell members would like to share with you all what God spoke to them after they have attended this fantastic event!


"It was wonderful! I sensed God's presence!"


"It is a privilege to worship Him under the skies! i think there's a need for the youths to do something..and i guess, tats God's will for this generation of go out, and spread His words!"


"I could really feel the presence of the Lord in our midst. About the prayer for the Lord's forgiveness on our doublemindedness, I really felt what the pastor said was true. We should really repent of that sin. Overall, I felt that it was a very meaningful event indeed!"

"I felt really blessed to be able to be at G DOP, witnessing together of the greatness of God with many brothers and sisters in Christ all over in Singapore. It was definitely encouraging to know that there is INDEED NO DISCRIMINATION IN CHRIST. It is really amazing to know that those who were there at the national stadium come from different background, and speak different languages.
But we all have ONE thing in COMMON:
God has spoken and touched my hearts that no matter what happens, His love is enough to see all of us through ALL difficulties! There is going to be a great awakening in this nation as God's people press on together to seek His holy face and to seek His will be done in our lives!"


"It was fantastic! To see so many Christians gathered to pray and praise him! It's really wonderful! The whole world was praying! God is really Great and He is in control and He is also burden for the lost!"

"GDOP'06 was a historical moment in time. The mere fact of 24,000 Christians gathering in one place, giving God their relentless worship, is enough a sight to behold. For me, the climax of the night came when the leaders of the Pentecostal Charismatic and Conservative Evangelicals came together and ask for forgiveness for their misgivings towards each other. The historical moment ended with..the leader from both sides coming together, hugging one another, and washing each others' feet. I was reminded once again, that UNITY in the house of God is precious in the eyes of God. And when we have that, the fire of God will fall, inevitably, when we pray."


"God is truly present with us on the Global day of Prayer at the National Stadium last Sunday 4Th June. I am sure many of my fellow brothers and sisters had felt His touch, and received his breath of life that re-charged our soul and body for the battleground ahead of us. Truly we can do all things through Him who gives us strength!

I went to the National Stadium feeling really burdened initially. I was worried by the many tasked assigned to me to give God glory. Dances that are to be performed but yet are unable to find time to practice for; Duties in church that has to be looked upon every week; Problems at home that needed to be solved. When things started to pile up, I became unwilling and my heart turned cold. "How can I handle all these by myself? It's unfair man!" This is the thought that kept appearing in my mind. Nevertheless, I was at the event with a heart of expectancy, that God would pour forth His power and show His glory to the people who have gathered in His name. True enough I felt His touch once again.
As we went deeper into worship that day, God spoke to me, or rather to us. I was reminded that I have the King of kings and the Lord of lords, who have conquered death and gained victory for us all who believe in Him! I should stay focused on Him, not on the amount of work! I should not undermine His power to do the impossible!

I was immediately re-energized as God spoke to us through the speaker, prayer and worship. I immediately comprehend where the source of heaviness came from. It was from my self-reliance and lost of focus! I was looking at the task rather than the maker! As the realization dawned on me, peace engulfed my soul and my burdens delivered. Praise God for the wonderful experience and encounter!"

©2007 Westside Anglican Church Youth Fusion