Tertiary Cell's Escapade to ECPark

First of all, we wanna thank the guy who planned it for us!
Our dearest brother, Shenghao!! Great job!
He's got a little update for u all:
"Yesterday, tertiary cell's outing at east coast was successfully carried out. The idea was first discussed over a supper 4 months ago but the official planning only started just 4 weeks ago. Once the date and location have been decided, members of the cell were contacted again and again and again to confirm their attendance and to remind them of the date of the outing. A few days before the day of the outing, the games were then planned out with help of a few cell members. During the guys gathering, the guys were given the task to get the drinks needed for the outing. Everything was carried out smoothly. Thank you everyone in the tertiary cell for making this outing a success."

Celine would like to share too!
Hey all! Do you guys and gals know where did the whole of Tertiary Cell disappear to immediately after lunch? Heez... Well well, we went to East Coast Park for our cell outing!! Though the past few days have been really really hot, and with unexpected showers, but yesterday, Tertiary Cell was truly blessed by God!! It rained in the morning while we were all in the midst of listening attentively to the wonderful and impactful sermon. But the rain stopped just in time for us to make our way to East Coast Park! And there is only One being that is able to hold and stop the rain for us. He is none other that the Creator of all creations!
Throughout our whole outing, God has blessed us with a good time of games, cycling, roller-blading and the most privileged of all, is to worship Him and to sing songs to Him!
I want to thank God for His blessings upon us because the outing yesterday was really a gift from our Almighty God! We are also privileged to have Leah (Jinhang's missionary friend), Qiu Feng and Edwin in our midst too! We have all been blessed with good weather (it was really cooling!), good dinner (yum yum!!), a time to exercise, and to take time off from our hectic week to know each other better, and to draw closer to God's heart right where we are as we took time to marvel at His beauty and to look into His holiness.
And before the whole outing came to an end, the whole cell gathered together at the beach, standing still before the Holy presence of God, the love of God was so overwhelming as we quieten our hearts to listen to the heartbeat of Jesus. Even as we stood there listening to the waves, and praying for our next outreach this Saturday, the song When I look into Your Holiness was placed in my heart. I was touched and so reminded that the very reason why we are here on this earth is to live to worship Him in whatever we have in life, and whatever circumstances we are in. What a joy it is to be able to reach out to God's heart! =)
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