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Wednesday, May 24, 2006
I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane...
Its 24th May at last! Today, I leave with 12 other mission trippers in my team for Tokyo, Japan!
Honestly, I don't really know what it will be like when we're there. We've done our readings, our research, talked to as many people as possible about how things are like in Japan--but somehow I feel that isn't really enough to prepare me for what I'll see and experience there. There's a sort of element of surprise and suspense. I guess that sort of reminds me to trust God to be my compass and to show me and guide me every step of the way.
We had our team retreat on Monday (22nd May) and I learnt a few things from the extended QT that we had in the morning. First, I was reminded about servanthood and humility--that I'm to serve my team and the people in Japan whom I will meet. Even though I might see myself as a 'messenger' or a 'warrior' for the Lord, I must never forget that I am also a servant.
Secondly, I realised that I needed to change my perspective from an "I chose to go" mentality to one that says "God chose me to go", as well as "I can use my abilities" vs "God can use me to accomplish His work". When I say "God chose me" and "God can use me", I am acknowledging that it is by God's grace that me, a mere human, has been hand-picked by a great and mighty God, who will work His power through me and make His strength perfect in my weaknesses.
Please pray for Japan ok?