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Tuesday, May 09, 2006
He Chose The Nails
Today, I shall not share on any specific topic...but I'm going to do something really different~! I'm going to introduce you to a book. Ok, faster than before you can say..."read a book?!", let me offer you a nice cup of Coffee Bean Blended Mocha...and now, you listen to this => this book I'm going to introduce to you, brought me to REDISCOVER and KNOW the love of the Cross, like I've never had.
I had once wandered far off from God, and everything I thought I knew about God from Sunday School (ah, yes, all of you who grew up in Sunday School, I have had the same experience!) made no (or hardly any) impact on me. Zero. Zilch.
Well, put it this way: I had God in my brains...but no, surely my HEART. I made little or no time for Him. I did not clear my agendas to allow Him to fit His. Church was but a weekly place I had to go and sing and do some work at, I say "I love God"...but I HARDLY can say I too, love to give Him my time, my energy, and my money.
Now that sounds kinda sad.
For those of you who were at Youth Prayer on Sunday, you will be reminded that I talked about the friend who claims to be your best friend, but does not like to talk to you, does not like to be with you...and most of all, everytime he comes along, he wants something from you.
Oh man! I was such a friend.
But we know. God's love for you and me is...just real. REAL. Through many circumstances and faith-testing occasions, The King brought me back to know His passion on the Cross , once again. And I began to see the love of Christ, like I've never been before.
This book was one of those books, besides the awesome Bible, God used to bring me down on my knees to desire Him and DRAW WAY CLOSER to the Almighty Himself. I suppose the title of the book itself, is powerful enough..and yes, this is one book you can judge by its cover. I hope you read it, and be impacted by I have been.