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Tuesday, December 06, 2005
if you are reading this blog, i would like to ask you to join me in a 3 min short prayer right now, for the upcoming Youth Camp 9th-12th December, 2005. Just 3 things to pray for:
1. God to sustain all camp committee members, games group leaders and cell leaders and speaker Raymond. Preparation is intense and we need more of God's POWER!!!
2. Hungry hearts to receive from God's message in this camp! No point we all go play and fun liao come back find nothing meaningful right? We must be eager and desperate for His message!
3. Let all newcomers and pre-believers to this camp find this camp warm, fun and TOTALLY meaningful! We want them to know the love of God's family, and needless to say, we want them to know God and have a relationship with the everlasting King!!!
Ready? 3 mins starting! Let's pray!