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Thursday, December 01, 2005
Hi guys! Since the As and Os are over, many of us have lots of time on our hands, instead of bumming around or getting a brainless job in a office ( i say it's brainless cos of my own experience doing the shredding of paper during part-time job days =p) why not consider joining the SERVE programme? =) If you are truly interested in serving God while you're still young, just drop me an email or let me know and I'll sign up for you! Hurry hurry dont wait! (
The Serve Programme started in 1999, to support parishes in their attempts to disciple their youth. It aims to guide young people into a richer relationship with God, and a deeper desire to do His work, especially with regard to missions.
Serve is tailored to youths who are waiting for their GCE O level or A level examination results. There are three components to this programme, namely - 2 months of lectures; on topics as varied as ‘the character of God’ and handling money. teaching on missions, culminating in a 7-10 day mission trip. a 3-month attachment in their own Parish.
The Serve Programme 2003 was launched on January 2nd this year at St John’s-St Margaret’s church, with 32 participants from 11 churches. Their supporters, consisting of former Servers, church leaders, parents and guests, joined them for a time of worship, in which past participants of Serve had the opportunity to share how they had benefitted from it. Youth Pastor Soh Bee Ling (COOS) also testified of the changes she had seen in the young people who had been through the programme. Ven. Rennis Ponniah preached on “Meeting God in His Word” and the evening ended with the dedication of the participants to the Lord. Many of the participants of this year’s Serve Programme have now moved on to further studies or national service. May the Lord continue to impact the lives of these young people.